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Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 9:34 am
by carburetormike
Hi All, We live in the Land of Milk and Honey. And allow ourselves to remain clueless as to what is really going on over there. We just accept the propaganda the Media feeds us, and go on living in total ignorance of the truth.

But if you get off of your butt and look. You will see what is really happening. It is when I see this, that I come to realize. The ones who say they are Gods chosen ones. Are doing some really inhuman things to their civilian neighbors. But in no way am I condoning what Hamas was doing to them. I feel it can be handled much better another way.

And as the old saying goes, " What comes around goes around. " In the end they both may be getting what they diserve. Below is a video made 5+ years ago. This my friends, Is what is happen over there right now.


Administered by Israel, paid for by the US and tolerated by Arab rulers, Gaza is an open air concentration camp where snipers take pot shots at children, aircraft shoot missiles into crowds, and bulldozers randomly destroy homes with impunity.

The recent mass assault is only the latest in a long string of atrocities.

Dishonest news outlets like the Associated Press talk about the bombing of the Gaza tunnels without pointing out that for over a year they are the only source of food, medicine, and other necessities for one million people walled in and surrounded by homicidal psychopaths.

Approximately half of the population of Gaza is under 18 years old.

Carby Mike.

Re: Israel

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 9:48 am
by carburetormike

Re: Israel

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 4:19 pm
by carburetormike
Hi All, I would like to write something here to make it crystal clear as to where I stand. Because it wouldn't take very much for someone to label me as being antisemitic after reading the first post on this thread.

As far as Religions go, I have no problem with what ever a person wishes to believe in. I would grant anyone the same respect as I myself would expect in what I choose to believe in. Or in my case to search for the truth of how and why we are here.

I merely posted this information to show what the Governments are doing. Which has/had nothing to do with religious beliefs of the country. Killing innocent civilians is wrong. Period.
Allowing this kind of inhumanity by My Country is Disgraceful. But the real motivation for all of this is Money, Greed and Control. Without any respect for Human life. And the only ones who seam to care are the 6 or 7 of you who look at what I post and myself.

Carburetor Mike

Re: Israel

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 9:32 pm
by carburetormike
This should make us all proud.

Carb. Mike

Re: Israel

Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2009 10:38 pm
by carburetormike
They are just people just like us. Here is what you don't get to see in America. What the heck is really going on ? If you look deeper you'll see.

Carby Mike

Re: Israel

Posted: Sun Jan 04, 2009 9:07 am
by carburetormike
Maybe this guy should have been elected. ... q=f&st=day

Carb. Mike

Re: Israel

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2009 10:36 pm
by carburetormike
Hi All, I received an E-mail and a Phone call in response to my thread concerning the events involving Israel and the Gaza Strip. Again these activities sound a warning. We need to correct this problem very carefully. Because if we don't. The unthinkable ((( could ))) happen. Man I sure hope it doesn't. And don't think it's not your problem either. You live on this Shiny Blue Marble just like the rest of us.

To be Frank, The prophecies spell it out quite clearly. Look at it's track record. Then peer into the future so we can see what we need to do, To avoid the unthinkable.

This just added

Or just laugh and don't bother. Because it's just some stuff that most likely is B.S.
because Carby is posting it.

Carby Mike

Re: Israel

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2009 1:37 pm
by carburetormike
Now this young man has a very deep question. Why ? ... re=related

Carby Mike

Warning, Some of you my need a tissue.

Re: Israel

Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2009 1:32 pm
by carburetormike
Genocide as a crime

Under international law
In the wake of the Holocaust, Lemkin successfully campaigned for the universal acceptance of international laws defining and forbidding genocide. This was achieved in 1948, with the promulgation of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide.

The CPPCG was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on 9 December 1948 and came into effect on 12 January 1951 (Resolution 260 (III)). It contains an internationally-recognized definition of genocide which was incorporated into the national criminal legislation of many countries, and was also adopted by the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, the treaty that established the International Criminal Court (ICC). The Convention (in article 2) defines genocide:

...any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:

(a) Killing members of the group;
(b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
(d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
(e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.
– Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, Article II

This was copied from this link.

It is apparent that both sides are guilty of this. The sad part is, Rather than seeing or recognizing this as a fact, People choose a side. And never understand that they have sided with the guilty. And at that point it really doesn't matter who is more guilty. Wrong is wrong. Retaliation is wrong. And left unchecked, this is will only lead to even more Death and Destruction. It could even spread World Wide.

So why do I keep throwing this up in front of everybody? Because if we don't pay attention to this, It will spread World Wide. So we need to be aware. We need to pay attention, And become part of the solution. Otherwise we are part of the problem.

Carb. Mike

"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those that matter - don't mind... and those that mind - don't matter."

Re: Israel

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2009 12:47 pm
by carburetormike
Hi All, Here is yet again, a connection between the dots. From the Billy Meier contact notes, Where Semjase = (ET Woman) relayed an upcoming event to Billy before it even happened. So there may be some credibility to what this man is saying.

I'm not posting this to offend anybody. I'm just presenting information I have found, I really think everyone should at least be aware of it. I also do feel Israel has a right to exist. I just disagree with the way they are going about it. I apologize in advance to anyone who may be offended.

Here is another prophecy fulfilled... after reading a lengthy document sent by johannes to PAR it was buried very deeply in the text.

Thanks to Johannes, the observer.

Not sure if you know about this one ... yet it is interesting Billy was told about it almost eight months before.

Source: Billy Meier Line 367 From Contact 136 Tuesday , October 14th, 1980 11:41PM Contact Book 4 367 Semjase to Billy;

367. These insults [sic: of Manachem Begin] of course, are based only on malicious lies, but they will be well thought out and aimed toward one purpose, to keep secret the next and, at that point in time, already planned crime; namely, to lead a war-like offensive blow under the pretense of defense, against the nation of Iraq, whereby somewhere during the time between June 7th and 9th, 1981, the nation of Iraq will be criminally attacked and bombarded by the Israeli Air Force, whereby their target of destruction will be an atomic power plant under construction.

Verified: ... re=related

If they take off the aforementioned video... it is about an Israeli Air Force attack on Iraq June 7th 1981...due to the defensive threat... of an atomic power plant.

Carby Mike

Sometimes Reality can be Stranger than Fiction.

"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those that matter - don't mind... and those that mind - don't matter."

Re: Israel

Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2009 1:03 pm
by zenbiker
Excellent posts. When Israel bombed Lebanon in "retaliation" for the capture of two Israeli soldiers, practically destroying Beirut, I wrote a letter to the editor condemning the attack as excessive and counter-productive to Israel's image and security. Naturally, I was branded as an ant-Semite as if my criticism of the policies of a government had anything whatsoever to do with the dominant religion in that country. I am a first generation Italian-American and would have been just as forceful about my criticism if Italy had done the same. Would I have been branded ant-Italian or anti-Catholic?
So few seem to be able to look at facts dispassionately because most see everything through the eyes of their biases.
Israel's long blockade and starvation of Gaza and it's recent inhuman assault on a beleaguered people is shameful and
begs for condemnation...Joe