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Welcome to the Worldwide V8 Bikers Forum • SHACKLED BOXCARS
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Posted: Thu May 22, 2008 7:50 pm
by carburetormike
Holy Crap, They are really trying their best to scare the Hell out of us. This is a piece from the article. ((( " your 'need to know' basis promotion It has since been learned that GUNDERSON STEEL FABRICATION is under secret contract from the U.S. government to produce these prisoner boxcars. The company received an order from the federal government to build 107,200 full length railroad boxcars with the shackles inside. Gunderson has a satellite factory for making the boxcars with shackles in Texas. " )))




This is what I mean about disinformation, The box cars are real, and could be used. Do you fall for it, and out of fear of being hauled away in one, So you don't stand up for what is right. Do you have what it takes to call their bluff. Once the cars are full. How will they stop the rest of the protesters? We have them out numbered. Remember that.

Here is something a Native American who is very much like me. A Billy Meier Material reader and now, In search of the truth. I totally agree with what he says here.

((( " This is something the current Regime in Washinington D.C. along with Military Industrial Complex is using for "Potential" activation, the General Populace is all but aware of this act by the Criminally Installed "Leadership" there, my feeling is this has been allowed to leak out to the Masses for impact. Psy-Op, or if nothing else a bit of scare mongering and fear tactics steered and engineered with the purpose of trying or attempting to rein in any dissenters and demonstrators against "The Agenda". Let us not allow this to happen by keeping ourselves properly informed, prepared, and reasonably situated on logic and intel. Not reaction and emotion. It all seems a bit too conveniently placed and timed to be something 'They' would seriously implement given the mass awakening of the Public at large. The planners of these tactics use all sorts of analysis and behavioral scenarios on a Global scale to experimentally guage reaction, by Region, Sector and Global 24/7. We must NOT
allow them to scare us into reaction or submission. There are far too many of us for them to manage, and THEY know this all too well. We have the numbers. And second, Alex Jones just MAY be working for THEM. I`m not accusing him or anything, however, there always seems to be an exaggerated level of fear in his reports, though there is also some degree of truth. Just be wary of anyone whom overreaches into the emotive realm here. Critical thinking will be needed at all times as we head into the busy and tumultuous never a minutes rest (seemingly) days ahead. We will get through these, IF we keep our heads! Ration and Logic! NOT Reaction and Emotion. " )))

And from someone else.

((( " Well, what else can One expect from a country that is Ruled and
Run...by The Skull And Bones(have the SAME Skull and Bones Insignia,
as the NAZIS!), and the CIA(Criminals In America)!?

Will truly be Horrifying! THEY may perhaps be expecting the Prophecy
to Fulfill itself, of America, during WW3, being divided into a
numbers of Territories! Seems THEY are Prepared!? " )))

This is only more evidence that "Something Big" is in the Works.

Respectfully Yours, Michael A. Levesque
AKA " Carburetor Mike "
President Boss Hoss Riders Association carburetor.mike@netzero.com


Posted: Sat May 24, 2008 2:06 pm
by zenbiker
We the sheeple of the US believe that our government is only out for our best interests and what it tells us must be true. Furthermore, criticizing the government makes you unpatriotic! It's like those colonists who criticized the English throne...damn LIBERALS and Commies! Our minds are in lock step and in sync with GWB so don't rattle the cage and ask us to think outside the comfort zone. :roll:


Posted: Sat May 24, 2008 7:52 pm
by carburetormike
Hi Joe, Great picture of your bike ! And your sarcasm is a dead on description for the sheeple of America. Well at least they wont even know what hit them when its over. Or will be standing there with a stupid looks on their faces when they get loaded onto the train car. Oh wait,--- Those train cars are for people like you and me who knows what the hell is going on. So stay away from the tracks Joe.

The good thing is there are 5 to 10 people who view my posting in this soap box. Most don't say anything, and that is just fine with me. But just maybe they will learn things on their own and then share it with others. Sooner or later Americans will need to WAKE UP to this as being fact. It wouldn't take too much longer after that, that those fools would be run out of Washington.

Once the Majority of the people start thinking this way, We wont feel so alone. God Damit we need to teach them so they can figure it out.

George Carlin Figured it out.

Respectfully Yours, Michael A. Levesque
AKA " Carburetor Mike "
President Boss Hoss Riders Association carburetor.mike@netzero.com


Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 8:45 am
by Reilly
Being the agnostic that I am. I'm open to different ideas, but I believe it when I see it. So I had some business in Portland Oregon. Figured that I'd stop by Gunderson steel on the way, and see these shackled boxcars for myself.
Gunderson is a large industrial complex, railroad car builder. There is a tall fence around the place with a couple of guards at the gate. I never went inside, but could see some goings on from street. I saw amtrack type cars being built. I only saw a small part of factory. The place is big, but building 107200 cars, or even 1% of that, naw! Not that they couldn't, but now aren't There is a open yard there with maybe a hundred RR cars in it. All but about 3 or 4 looked normal. The 3 – 4 looked just like the cars on the shackle boxcar site. They look like regular steel boxcars with sides and roofs cut off. Then replaced with aluminum sides with air holes, and a higher aluminum roof . Making a second floor half way up the walls. These cars were not new. They are just like cars I've seen now and then for 35 years. I still don't know what they are for. I always though for livestock, sheep maybe. The other shackled boxcars on the net are on the back of a 18 wheeler. not a train. They look like concrete stand up pre made walls to me, used in construction all the time. Then the white painted boxcars in Mt. Look like regular boxcars to me. 107,200 new boxcars is a lot of boxcars to keep out of sight.
So unless there all in Texas, Bush is going to have to use regular boxcars . Worked for Hitler.
Personally I was glade not to have found them. Mike thanks for all your input here in seeking the truth,
I don't mean to imply that that there's not a fox in the hen house. Just that I didn't find him at Gunderson steel Portland Oregon ----------------------Reilly


Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 6:31 am
by carburetormike
Hi Reilly, Thank You very much for looking. That took some Guts on your part. Like I said in the beginning. This could just be B.S. or Propaganda to scare the alert critical thinkers in this country into creating an air of foolishness. Just like they did with the 911 Conspiracy Theorists. As to undermine their credibility. But there is a saying that goes, " Sometimes the Truth is Stranger than Fiction." So there very well could be these types of Box Cars. But where? If the Government wants to move you to safety by putting you in a train car. " Just Say No, and run the other way. I've seen video of Hitlers concentration camps, That is where they will be taking people. Or even worse. Like a subway tunnel with nerve gas in the sprinkler pipes.


Yesterday on the news they Demonized Iran by showing some kind of missile's capable of reaching into Israel. I see it as Propaganda to justify starting another War. They are probably as accurate as the scud missiles or were scud missiles from videos taken years ago. But the fact is, If there is another War Started with Iran.

Then Jmmanuel Prophecies will be coming to pass. It is very sobering to read what Jmmanuel (Could have said 2000 years ago?)

http://www.fourwinds10.com/journals/talmud/talmud.pdf Chapter 25 1-57

Compare it to Matthew Chapter 24 In the Holy Bible

It looks as if Humanity is going to destroy itself again. Unless WE come to OUR senses real soon.

Respectfully Yours, Michael A. Levesque
AKA " Carburetor Mike "
President Boss Hoss Riders Association carburetor.mike@netzero.com


Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2009 4:58 pm
by carburetormike
Boy you can sure find strange topics on youtube. I think this one fits best here. As they both lead to the end of the line.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m3zSDdm- ... re=related

Carby Mike