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Welcome to the Worldwide V8 Bikers Forum • One for all of us gun owners
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One for all of us gun owners

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2008 3:16 pm
by carburetormike
Here is one for all of us gun owners. We can not stand by and let this happen to us. And don't you dare sit and think that it can't happen, Because it can.


I like to add something more to this. The Main Steam Media along with the New Media are owned by those who would like to control you. They are bending your thoughts into thinking the way "THEY" they want you to. As far as I'm concerned, I've listened to them long enough. Now that I know what I know. I can see it ! ! !

There is only one Presidential candidate that has the right Idea. His message is, "Lets get back to the Constitution" Lets follow it to the letter. Lets bring America back to the Great Country it once was. But what has the Media, and other candidates done, They make fun of him. Put him on the back burner. And say he doesn't have a chance. And what do the sheep who believe every word that come from the hypnosis box do. They believe it. Truly a sad thing.

If this man would happen to become President. The apple-cart of those who control everything, Fed Res, IRS, would be pushed off the deep end. And they are not going to allow that to happen. This man would end up just like JFK, who was just about to let the cat out of the bag.

If we are true Americans we will do what is right for this country. If we just follow along and howl with the wolfs that are running it now. We will reap what we have sown.

Respectfully Yours, Michael A. Levesque
AKA " Carburetor Mike "
President Boss Hoss Riders Association carburetor.mike@netzero.com

Re: One for all of us gun owners

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2008 4:03 pm
by hogv8
Thank God at least in USA we have the NRA . I think it will be a cold day in hell when a law abiding US citizen doesn't have a right to bare arms . I hope the we all support the NRA so what happened in England and Australia will never happen here in America . There are assholes trying to take our guns but we have to fight against them even if it comes down to another Revolution .


Re: One for all of us gun owners

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2008 4:20 pm
by AR
Jack...you a rebel man. 8-)

Re: One for all of us gun owners

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2008 6:59 pm
by Boom Boom & Rockstar
I agree with Jack..no one will take my guns..they are already starting these little programs in Detroit..."bring a gun in to stop violence in the city"...they end up giving them some little present for the gun they bring in...

Re: One for all of us gun owners

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 8:54 pm
by Els

I don't know if anyone looks at this thread anymore but this is the first I saw it while surfing around tonight. I have very strong feelings about guns and gun control.

Gun control first...."gun control" means always hitting your target. End of story.

Gun ownership and carrying... I started carrying and encouraged many friends and family members to get their concealed weapons permit following the Libby's Restaurant fiasco in Killeen, Texas 1991. All those innocent, good citizens killed as a result of one lunatic bad guy with a gun and no good citizens carrying. Had a huge impact on me personally and it goes without saying...if I have pants on, I have a gun on me. Many different carry guns, even more variety with holsters, and I believe EVERY good citizen should be armed. I have significantly cut back our visits to communist places like California and NYC as a result of their anti-American gun laws.

I know and am friendly with numerous law enforcement types including family members who were/are Federal agents of one flavor or another. Almost any decent law enforcement officer will tell you they promote good citizens being armed and carrying their weapon whenever able. Where we live in rural NC, it is common knowledge that law enforcement when called will take no less than 20 minutes and as much as 40 minutes to arrive. Just in time to fill out a report as the crime will have been concluded long ago. As a result of most bad guys knowing most good guys here are armed and very willing to protect family, friends and property, we have very little violent crime. In the specific community I live in, there has been one crime in 34 years and it involved a young pup breaking into a seasonal home with his wench and soiling some bed sheets for a few days. He was caught and prosecuted.

My personal carry guns are most often a Colt .380 Mustang Pocketlite or a Glock 27 (.40 cal). When I'm in a higher risk area such as Miami or Charlotte, I carry the Glock 36 (.45 cal).


Re: One for all of us gun owners

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 11:25 am
by Puff
I do feel safer having the opportunity to carry.
I recommend obtaining the CCW permit.

Re: One for all of us gun owners

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2008 2:33 pm
Yesterday the 17th was the 21st anniversary of my first CCW permit. No break in service. Me Glock 21 .45 and Butterfly, Glock 23 .40 cal. 8-)