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e-cigs banned in NYC

Posted: Fri Dec 20, 2013 10:30 am
by V8Bikers
What do you guys think about this? Has second hand vapor ever bothered you? I have been around a few people using these and never really gave it much thought. ... ttes?lite=

Re: e-cigs banned in NYC

Posted: Fri Dec 20, 2013 1:05 pm
by petitemoose
I personally think that those morons legislating this crap need to be shot in the head. I will concede and mandate that the projectile be "green" so there will be a negligible impact on the environment as these asshats are exterminated.
The land of the free is turning into the land of the "We cater to whiny little bitches".
I personally do not like cigarette smoke. Being an ex-smoker of 15 years, I find it highly offensive. BUT I have NO RIGHT to tell you to not smoke. Neither do these 12 morons. If society wants to mandate they cannot be used, put it to a vote and let the majority decide. Just like the Mayor that had a fat kid decided no drinks can be over 16oz. SHUT UP Dumbass!!

Long story short ... This crap needs to stop. They need to grow a set and tell the minority to shut up and take it to the polls if they want something changed. Then again, I am assuming that those voting have some sense about them ... which is obviously not the case as evidenced by the anti-American shithead currently occupying the White House.

Just my .02

Re: e-cigs banned in NYC

Posted: Fri Dec 20, 2013 4:05 pm
by Clint44
Well said,Dennis. I'm sick of this crap,too.

Re: e-cigs banned in NYC

Posted: Fri Dec 20, 2013 11:11 pm
by Carl La Fong
It the same jackwad governor that outlawed big sodas

Re: e-cigs banned in NYC

Posted: Sat Dec 21, 2013 1:54 am
by Grand Canard
petitemoose wrote:I personally think that those morons legislating this crap need to be shot in the head. I will concede and mandate that the projectile be "green" so there will be a negligible impact on the environment as these asshats are exterminated.
The land of the free is turning into the land of the we cater to whiny little bitches.
I personally do not like cigarette smoke. Being an ex-smoker of 15 years, I find it highly offensive. BUT I have NO RIGHT to tell you to not smoke. Neither do these 12 morons. If society wants to mandate they cannot be used, put it to a vote and let the majority decide. Just like the Mayor that had a fat kid decided no drinks can be over 16oz. SHUT UP Dumbass!!

Long story short ... This crap needs to stop. They need to grow a set and tell the minority to shut up and take it to the polls if they want something changed. Then again, I am assuming that those voting have some sense about them ... which is obviously not the case as evidenced by the anti-American shithead currently occupying the White House.

Just my .02
Hell yeah, well said.
Carl, that assfucker Bloomburg is the mayor that banned big soda's, their new mayor (Blasio) tops all and I predict that he and his moron voters will restore NYC to it's previous shit-hole status that is was prior to Guillianni getting in there and cleaning-up what was a cesspool; can you say Detriot??