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SUV driver vs bikers

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2013 9:37 am
by V8Bikers
I'm sure many of you have seen this but if you have not, check it out and post your thoughts. Also, here is a link to other videos prior to the incident of them riding like assholes. When did 4 wheelers become street legal?

phpBB [video]

Re: SUV driver vs bikers

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2013 5:25 pm
by V-MAN
I have seen some news accounts (I don't believe much of what I see or read in the news) and have read many comments posted through out the internet. I seem to fall into the minority category here ...

I agree, many of the bikes were riding like assholes BUT when this particular SUV hit the rear tire on the bike in front of him the bike was not doing anything illegal or causing harm or damage to the jackass in the SUV, his wife, his daughter or his property. The driver was not paying attention to what was in front of him ... the biker got off his bike, like I would have done for an accident where I was rear ended on or off a motorcycle. The jackass 4 wheeler then "because he is scared" decides to run over anything in his path. People are scared of us all the time because we have long hair or beards or wearing leather, whatever - they judge us because we are different then they are and it scares them (they don't know the $$$$$$$ and time "bikers" put in to help many causes). The dude in the SUV was lucky this happened in NY where the laws don't allow the public to defend ourselves. If somebody pointed a 9,000 pound vehicle at me and hammered the gas I would take this as a threat on my life and pulled my weapon to defend myself. He would have a little more problem then a couple stitches and an ass whooping ....

Just my 2 cents ... or less ...

Re: SUV driver vs bikers

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2013 7:39 pm
by petitemoose
I think the guy in the SUV got exactly what his actions demanded. Sorry to say, but if you slap any dog in a pack, be prepared to get bit. had he gotten out of his car and been worried about the well being of the guy he hit, he would have gotten verbally whipped but that is as far as it would have gone more than likely. IMO , he could have used a little more of a beating ... i see untouched skin.

Perhaps i think differently than most, I believe that you are responsible for your actions and earn what you get ... both good and bad. This guy got "scared" because he doesn't know how to be a man. When a real man screws up, he admits it , fixes it if possible and pays the piper. This jerk screwed up and bailed, because that is all he knows how to do.

Re: SUV driver vs bikers

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2013 7:58 pm
by SRF
I am guessing the real story of what happened was before this video started. The guy that got hit was riding in the same lane as the suv when beside it, and was turned backwards looking at the suv and slowing down when in front if it. Sure looks like he was stopping an suv with a motorcycle. So my question is why would he do this? What happened before that to make him want to stop the suv? The guy on the motorcycle had every ability to not get hit at that point there was space in front of him the others were accelerating. The actions of both I think are because of an incident before this video started.


Re: SUV driver vs bikers

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2013 9:25 pm
by Iron Maiden
I am 50/50 here and blame both the riders and the driver equally :catfight: . We all have cell phones and the police should be able to assist in a matter of minutes if there is a group of reckless riders.
I agree that something must have happened before this incident to make the SUV driver floor it - running over a biker. But I believe that the guy in the SUV could have taken a side road or pulled over to call 911 before it got to this point. Especially if he was so concerned about his wife and daughter in the vehicle.

Here is a link to show you the reckless driving that this "gang" was doing prior.

Re: SUV driver vs bikers

Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2013 9:38 am
by Elvis
A New York City man who was out driving Sunday celebrating his first wedding anniversary with his wife and 2-year-old daughter was brutally beaten by members of a motorcycle gang in front of his horrified family after a high-speed chase.
Law enforcement sources told the New York Post Tuesday that the bikers were trying to slow Lien down so they could get in front of him and take over the West Side Highway. Some bikers had already blocked off a few of the highway's entrances to prevent drivers from entering, the sources said.
Lien’s first encounter with the bikers shows a group of them taking off their helmets and denting the side of Lien’s SUV, Police Commissioner Ray Kelly told The Post. A few other riders slashed the tires. Lien apparently panicked and stepped on the gas. He was surrounded at the time and slammed into a few of the riders, the report said.