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The British are coming!

Posted: Thu Aug 01, 2013 10:22 am
by Grand Canard
Here's a pic of John (Ventury) holding my Socom; until now, John has never held a gun much less shot one.
I let him shoot the Socom w/o hearing protection! LOL

John was amazed that I keep a carbine in my truck, loaded too! He was even more amazed when I open me gun safe!

I really got a kick out of John's visit; seemed like everything amazed him, the wildlife, turtles, birds, friends and family, food. I suppose that he was correct when he stated that I take all these things for granted.

Re: The British are coming!

Posted: Thu Aug 01, 2013 5:37 pm
by V-MAN
Grand Canard wrote:Haha
Here's a pic of John (Ventury) holding my Socom; until now, John has never held a gun much less shot one.
I let him shoot the Socom w/o hearing protection! LOL

John was amazed that I keep a carbine in my truck, loaded too! He was even more amazed when I open me gun safe!

I really got a kick out of John's visit; seemed like everything amazed him, the wildlife, turtles, birds, friends and family, food. I suppose that he was correct when he stated that I take all these things for granted.

That's awesome ... always a cool to see a persons reactions seeing/doing something out of their "norm". I bet he will have all those memories forever!

He probably expected a kick huh, bet he was surprised ... should have let him shoot a shotgun afterwards to compare!

Re: The British are coming!

Posted: Thu Aug 01, 2013 6:43 pm
by Grand Canard
V-MAN wrote:
Grand Canard wrote:Haha
Here's a pic of John (Ventury) holding my Socom; until now, John has never held a gun much less shot one.
I let him shoot the Socom w/o hearing protection! LOL

John was amazed that I keep a carbine in my truck, loaded too! He was even more amazed when I open me gun safe!

I really got a kick out of John's visit; seemed like everything amazed him, the wildlife, turtles, birds, friends and family, food. I suppose that he was correct when he stated that I take all these things for granted.

That's awesome ... always a cool to see a persons reactions seeing/doing something out of their "norm". I bet he will have all those memories forever!

He probably expected a kick huh, bet he was surprised ... should have let him shoot a shotgun afterwards to compare!

John will always remember his trip to Louisiana; I made a new friend.
My Socom doesn't kick due to the recoil eliminator I installed; gots ta have rapid recovery for quick multiple target acquisition!!

Re: The British are coming!

Posted: Fri Nov 15, 2013 2:39 pm
by GordonBH
Hi Grand Canard,

Just found this thread, more brits about - John's been a great inspiration to me and as a result I now have an 07 SB SS. He's got a lot of experience and knows more than most about here - he's a solid guy.

Shooting's frowned upon here nowadays but I used to be an dedicated combat pistol shooter - 1911a1 compensated, Delta Colt 40magnum compensated, mauser bolo in 9mm for laughs and lovely muzzle flashes. I reloaded my own in all calibers and had a packed gun safe.

I'd sit pre-competition in the evenings cycling live rounds to ensure they wouldn't jam the next day. That was pointing at a sandbag on the floor in front of the TV (just in case - LOL). A Columbine type incident in England finished all that and large cal. semi-autos were banned - so I pine now for those days when I would strip them down with my eyes shut in under a minute - prep them and blast 400 rounds the next day - but the Hoss is helping me get over it.

Thanks for posting the pic - I hope to meet you guys some day.

Re: The British are coming!

Posted: Fri Nov 15, 2013 4:07 pm
by V-MAN
GordonBH wrote: Shooting's frowned upon here nowadays but I used to be an dedicated combat pistol shooter - 1911a1 compensated, Delta Colt 40magnum compensated, mauser bolo in 9mm for laughs and lovely muzzle flashes. I reloaded my own in all calibers and had a packed gun safe.

A Columbine type incident in England finished all that and large cal. semi-autos were banned - - but the Hoss is helping me get over it.

Gordon -

What is considered "large caliber" in England now? Did you have to turn in all your large cal weapons or were they "grandfathered" legal for you? Are you able to go run lead down range now or are the firearms display only?


Re: The British are coming!

Posted: Mon Nov 18, 2013 3:12 am
by GordonBH
Hi Don,

You can get .22 pistols - all dandy target pistols. In the old days you'd see most cals down the range, most popular big'uns were .44mag Desert Eagles. We had a bunch of guys run black powder - mainly 44-40, peacemakers and army/navy Colts. The competition guys mostly ran converted 45ACP guns, usually a 1911a1 compensated with extension mags like mine, and hi-viz open sites as we had no time to use red dots etc.

The El Presidente section of competitions required a 180 degree turn to the target, draw, 2 shots to the body of 3 targets at 10yards, a mag change then 2 shots to the heads of the same 3 targets - all in under 6 seconds! Always full factory loads with 240grn lead. Only customised guns could double-tap fast enough for that challenge.

Mine were all handed in to a special cop station for testing then sale to Stateside dealers - I took the (handsome) Government compensation deal as it would have cost me to get them grandfathered. When I go to the States I always head for a range to get a fix.

Re: The British are coming!

Posted: Mon Nov 18, 2013 12:36 pm
by V-MAN
GordonBH wrote:When I go to the States I always head for a range to get a fix.

If your ever in my area be sure to look me up ... I've got some firepower in the safe I think you would enjoy! I've got a couple that you won't enjoy (hurts like hell to fire) but still fun to shoot just for laughs! :capwin: