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Re: where do they get these guys anyway?

Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2007 9:39 pm
by bob gbur
i hate it when they call me on the cell phone, most of the time i don't look to see who is calling me. most of the time only people i know use the cell

Re: where do they get these guys anyway?

Posted: Sat Dec 22, 2007 1:58 pm
by Puff
The last time a telemarketer call my house phone, my son was sitting close by.
When the rep started talking to me(in English), I just started talking in German(my really bad German. You Pullman City folks know how bad my German speaking skills are), .........and my son just started laughing like crazy! My son would like to take German in High School, but it is not offered here in Dyersburg.....although I believe our local community college might offer it. Maybe he and I could take it together. That would be enjoyable to me.
So just start talking in a different language other than your own whenever a telemarketer calls.


Re: where do they get these guys anyway?

Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2007 3:48 pm
by Butterfly
Bill, y'all can take language courses on-line and there is a RosettaStone disk course that is very good! You son can also get credit for it if he goes to college...he can do what is called a "clept" [sp] Test.
This site is free ... 4165793522
so is this one
There are so many out there. Eagle and I are going to learn Spanish

I can understand German, My Grandmother spoke nothing but mosy of the time, but I can't write or speak it well. I do speak Poarch Creek and Cherokee

Re: where do they get these guys anyway?

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2008 9:17 pm
Puff wrote:The last time a telemarketer call my house phone, my son was sitting close by.
When the rep started talking to me(in English), I just started talking in German(my really bad German. You Pullman City folks know how bad my German speaking skills are), .........and my son just started laughing like crazy! My son would like to take German in High School, but it is not offered here in Dyersburg.....although I believe our local community college might offer it. Maybe he and I could take it together. That would be enjoyable to me.
So just start talking in a different language other than your own whenever a telemarketer calls.


I just start talking Biker to them and they hang up!!!! LOLOLOL