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Riding company anywhere around Houston?

Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2019 11:24 am
by BeefcakeBiker
Trying my luck here... Any V8 bikers around Houston area who'd be up for a ride someday soon?
Would be nice to ride, chat and exchange experiences with someone who knows these machines.

Re: Riding company anywhere around Houston?

Posted: Sat Jul 06, 2019 11:33 am
by Grand Canard
Become a member of V8 Bikers on Facebook and or drop by Houston BH and speak to David Chesser whom can provide you with some prospects.

Re: Riding company anywhere around Houston?

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2022 12:07 pm
by Clint57
Any V8 riders from the Central TX area? Wife and I just moved to Sun City/Georgetown, last year.