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Ron & Deb in Canada

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2015 4:19 pm
by V8 Perv
Ron and I are off on an adventure. It was on our "bucket list" to go to Canada as neither of us have been. So Ron said "let's just do it!"

We are entering Canada through North Dakota (a state we have not been to) and plan to head west and see the Canadian Rockies. Other than that we really don't have a plan. We have gotten great input from folks on here while on other trips so I wondered if anyone had been in the area we are talking about and could give us suggestions? We would appreciate the input. Thanks! Deb

Re: Ron & Deb in Canada

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2015 4:25 pm
by addicted08
After posting the above message I realized I had not logged Ron out so it posted as him. Sorry for the confusion but at least he has an interesting signature picture to look at. :-)

Re: Ron & Deb in Canada

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2015 4:44 pm
by Iron Maiden
Yes I am sure the guys appreciate Ron's signature since v8bikers has been slacking on Friday titty pics lately!!! I am sure there is someone on this site that can help out- have fun and be safe!!!

Re: Ron & Deb in Canada

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2015 6:57 am
by 502wingman
Enjoy the trip. Beautiful country.
You should have gone east and visit us near Sault Ste. Marie :hello: Okay, between here and Winnipeg not much to see besides surrounding lake superior.