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Another V8 bum in town!

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2012 12:10 pm
by Shriner
So this is what the dark side looks, glad to be here!


Re: Another V8 bum in town!

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2012 6:15 pm
by V8 Perv
Shriner wrote:So this is what the dark side looks, glad to be here!


Welcome to the dark side! :mrgreen:

If you believe in free speach and won't have a shit fit
if you see a tit you will love it here. :thumbup:

Re: Another V8 bum in town!

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2012 6:46 pm
by V8Bikers
Welcome, glad to see you over here :thumbup: Ditto on what Perv said,
we are a little loose over here, ok maybe a lot loose :lol:

Also, can you ad an avatar when you get a chance?

Re: Another V8 bum in town!

Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2012 4:56 pm
by Geezer

Welcome to the dark side........... :what_he_said:


Re: Another V8 bum in town!

Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2012 6:28 pm
by Iron Maiden
Welcome Shriner!!!!!

PS - love all the new avatars !!

Re: Another V8 bum in town!

Posted: Tue Dec 25, 2012 6:39 pm
by ElsV8
FINALLY .....a "dark side" website. Last look at the "other" site about a year ago and I wanted to garf up my Corn Flakes. Heavy handedness, editing, deleting, G rated, Disney site for V8 motorcycle riders. Yeah.

Anyhow and to the dismay of any pantywaists out there, Els is back lurking on this site, biatches. :shock: Will be good conversing with some of you old timers for sure. As I told Bill, I have grand memories of the old Yahoo V8 Free Speech Forum days. It was not only valuable because we had no other good resources, it was a lot of fun. Made some friends back 14 years ago on that site that I today call "close friends". :thumbup:

Thanks Geez for the heads up that this site was in new hands and some of the old crowd was here. Have missed communicating with a lot of you guys. Just couldn't bring myself to deal with the crap "over there". :frustrated:

In any case and that venting behind me, HELLO folks and now you can give me hell as I deserve it if I get upside down. :moon:

Merry Christmas (is that allowed here, ha ha?) !!!


Re: Another V8 bum in town!

Posted: Tue Dec 25, 2012 8:07 pm
by V8 Perv
Welcome Els! Sure hope a few titties and some talk like you might find in a biker bar at 2am doesn't offend you. :rofl: :rofl:

Re: Another V8 bum in town!

Posted: Tue Dec 25, 2012 8:47 pm
by Geezer

Welcome, glad to see you on here.

Chat starts most nights about 9pm central time
if your so inclined to yack..........a few White Russians
may help.......... :ohthedrama:


Re: Another V8 bum in town!

Posted: Tue Dec 25, 2012 8:52 pm
by ElsV8
Evening Perv and Merry Christmas to you and Deb!

The only thing I may find offensive is not enough of all you mention. As a matter of fact, I need to post something to that effect under my signature. Let's see.....

Geez, thanks to you, I was made aware that this site is still up and running the way a V8 website should. Appreciate it and will catch you one night on the chat when I'm not practicing my usual anti-social behavior.

"Too Much Of A Good Thing Is Not Enough" ;)

Re: Another V8 bum in town!

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2012 5:25 pm
by Elvis
Hey Els, speaking of another V8 in town, any pics of your new ride?

Re: Another V8 bum in town!

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2012 6:05 pm
by ElsV8
Elvis wrote:Hey Els, speaking of another V8 in town, any pics of your new ride?

Elvis, hello and good being able to fart around again on a V8 website. The grand puba of the other site edited or deleted most of what I'd post so I just quit going there.

I wish I was better at posting stuff. I've got some great video of when a bunch of the V8 guys visited me in Oct and the new bike, Gary's blower bike, some cool trikes, etc. Trouble is, I can't figure out how to post them (yet). If it weren't for Bill & Susan, the picture (below) wouldn't be seen! Perhaps I should sniff around the site and see if there's any instructions how to do so. I'm afraid lots of what I have will be too big a file size but I don't know enough about it to be sure. I've got some great video on my iPad from when I picked the new bike up in Oklahoma and rode with Stan and Squirm. Any suggestions appreciated.

Good hearing from you Elvis. Hopefully see you in Daytona this spring?


Re: Another V8 bum in town!

Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2012 7:16 am
by ElsV8

Bill & Susan have been great hosts to this site. Bill was able to get my avatar up (left side) which shows the new chopper albeit a very quick glance. It's the orange one with blue frame.

I host a ride here in the mtns each year for my good buds who are featured in that little snippet. We use my hangar as our base. Pictured are Gary, Rick, Stan, Squirm, Chris, Tommy, Danny, and Steve.

I've been taking a ton of videos on the bikes with a small Contour 1080 HD video cam I have for the airplane. They come out really good. I know you've also done the same as I've enjoyed many of your videos. If I can find the time and figure out how, I'll try posting a few of the more notable ones to a post here. If not, I can always email them to whoever's interested.

Good seeing you here. This site is much more like the old days with the good ol' Yahoo V8 Free Speech Forum. It always aggravated the piss out of me to have to do the "sheet" or "s^#t" thing at 60 yrs old on a V8 motorcycle forum.


Re: Another V8 bum in town!

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2013 1:27 pm
by Elvis
ElsV8 wrote:
I've been taking a ton of videos on the bikes with a small Contour 1080 HD video cam I have for the airplane. They come out really good. I know you've also done the same as I've enjoyed many of your videos. Els
I also have the Contours, I originally bought a 720, OK picture but terrible wind noise, I cover it with a sock which helps. I then bought the 1080, much better adjustable sound in the wind. The microphone hole is in the front of the camera, so I use the 1080 for forward view, and the 720 for rear view. Shot a little yesterday riding next to my son on his Sportster he's building, may post a short clip later.
Hope to see you in Daytona, I have vacation, just need to find a room near everyone.

Re: Another V8 bum in town!

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2013 4:58 pm
by Elvis
Short,shaky, cockeyed video of New Years Eve ride with my son Shane, before the oncoming rain. Shot about an hours worth, not much but something to look at. Got in a hurry and forgot to twist lens to match horizon.

phpBB [video]

phpBB [video]