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Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2014 8:03 am
by V8Bikers
After seeing a couple Boss'es with them, I'm thinking about putting them on but have a few questions:

- Any hp loss or gain?
- Does the timing or carb need to be adjusted?
- What about getting caught in a rainstorm with no where to pull over for cover or when bike is parked?
Any other pros or cons?

Re: Zoomies

Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2014 8:42 am
by V8 Perv
I have Zoomies on my Purple trike with the Dart 434
and haven't needed to change any jetting or timing.

The biggest drawback is the police it is just a giant red
flag telling the cops "hey fuck your noise laws". I only run them when I can blend in with a group of bikes and hope the cops don't single me out.

As far as rain be careful starting it up after a little shower mine throws out a nasty black soot and if anyone is parked to close it can get ugly.

Re: Zoomies

Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2014 1:44 pm
by Iron Maiden
That could get pretty ugly!! :yikes:
Perv you mentioned "a little shower". What about Florida afternoon downpours? You just never know down here, Sunny one minute torrential downpour the next.

Re: Zoomies

Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2014 9:04 pm
by CanuckHoss
Iron Maiden wrote:That could get pretty ugly!! :yikes:
Perv you mentioned "a little shower". What about Florida afternoon downpours? You just never know down here, Sunny one minute torrential downpour the next.
Carry 8 nice size potatoes with you and slam them on the zoomies if you need ...always the thinker!!!

Re: Zoomies

Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2014 9:28 pm
by Iron Maiden
:lol: -Canuck that brings up another concern - what prevents idiots from putting things like coins and other debris down the pipes?? :hmmmm: :dunno:

Re: Zoomies

Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2014 9:32 pm
by petitemoose
Iron Maiden wrote::lol: -Canuck that brings up another concern - what prevents idiots from putting things like coins and other debris down the pipes?? :hmmmm: :dunno:
A pissed off Pit Bull chained to the bike would do the trick

Re: Zoomies

Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2014 11:13 pm
by Ric
I can see Zoomies as fun… but reach far under the though process to see any practicality. But hey… I'm the least practical among us when it comes to what 'should be'. LOL

Re: Zoomies

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2014 5:55 pm
by SQ4MN
I don't care how they sound, I like the fuck your noise laws attitude. I been riding my Chopper for years with four unmuffeled straight pipes coming from the exhaust. So far even when I have the bad luck of having a cop pull up right next to me at a light and I have to sit there with it sounding like a little rail job I've never been hassled. When I was young a guy in our club used to pretend he was a deaf mute whenever we got stopped. He would grunt and drool, real loud whenever they would try to ask him anything, it was hilarious. If I was with him I'd tell the cop he was a mute and they were sometimes so frustrated with the whole scene they would just tell us to get the hell outta here. We were in an outlaw club so we were stopped often for just about anything. The drivers license's didn't have pictures on them back then and the cops didn't have computers, just tube type radios so they had to talk to you a lot.

Re: Zoomies

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2014 7:02 pm
by CanuckHoss
Iron Maiden wrote::lol: -Canuck that brings up another concern - what prevents idiots from putting things like coins and other debris down the pipes?? :hmmmm: :dunno:
You are right...I wonder how far 8 right sized potatoes would be flung if they were down the tubes when fired up?? LOL