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Magic Bike 2008 in Ruedesheim

Posted: Mon May 26, 2008 5:35 am
by bosshossulli
Hey V8-Brothers,
we were at the last weekend on the 1st Boss Hoss-Event of the year (in Germany), on the Magic Bike at Ruedesheim.
These were approx. 25 BossHoss brothers there.
Andy & Petra from BossHoss Cologne had a big state there and we have done three-day party.
We are already glad about the next Event at Pullman City.

Here any pics from Ruedesheim ... 1c2e6ff844 ... 1c2e6ff844

Re: Magic Bike 2008 in Ruedesheim

Posted: Mon May 26, 2008 6:36 am
by AR
terrific pics Ulli thankyou!

You got to love the burnout in the party marquee :D 8-) Where's Olaf I wonder?

Re: Magic Bike 2008 in Ruedesheim

Posted: Mon May 26, 2008 7:29 am
by bosshossulli
Hi Rob,
I dont know where Olaf was. Perhaps he had no time.
But next month in Pullman City Olaf takes part anyway.
Then I will also do again photos and publish it in

Re: Magic Bike 2008 in Ruedesheim

Posted: Mon May 26, 2008 4:13 pm
by Puff
Ausgezeichnet Ulli!
Vielen dank für dein fotos!
