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Conesville, IA 2013

Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2013 6:26 pm
by addicted08
Ron and I and Shane went to Conesville this weekend and even though it was pretty warm we still had a great time. Ron went out on his purple V8 Chopper and smoked the place up. :goodjob:

On his first run he did a little warm up burn out and blew the hat off the guy running the tree! :rofl:

Word of warning though...Adult Language in this video.

phpBB [video]

Re: Conesville, IA 2013

Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2013 6:47 pm
by addicted08
Here is another video. There was not much of a breeze so the smoke hung in the air much longer than usual. When Ron did his playing on the way back up the strip the smoke totally blocked him. You can hear him but you can't see him.

phpBB [video]

This video is with new red and blue tires. Notice how the 2 guys working on the track are staying will away from Ron and his Zumis! :D
Please forgive the really shaky part before Ron comes back up the strip but it was really hot out and I burned my arm on the metal guard rail. Ouch!

phpBB [video]

Ok, last one. On this run Ron lined up in front of the tree so he had room to make it dance. You don't see all of it because of all the darn smoke. :D

phpBB [video]

Re: Conesville, IA 2013

Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2013 7:06 pm
by Iron Maiden
:ten: :popcorn: :yourock: Great Videos!! Deb-Sorry you got burned on the rail but the video's were definitely worth it!!!

Re: Conesville, IA 2013

Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2013 7:53 pm
by addicted08
Thanks Iron Maiden!

Ok, now how about some pics of the scenery there in Conesville?

One of our "neighbors" went to a lot of work and made a sign to identify their camp. The Harley sign even lit up at night.


Evidence that necessity is the mother of invention. These guys found a way to get a porta potty over to their camp site.


The owner of the grounds where Conesville activities are held has a talent for making art out of metal. This is so cool I had to share it. The "driver" has a necklace made out of chainsaw chains!


There was a stunt bike rider who has his girlfriend stunt with him. :wft:





Re: Conesville, IA 2013

Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2013 8:06 pm
by addicted08
Ron wore out a yellow tire.



I think that is because he left a lot of it here...


And notice how straight he goes. Haha


Here are a couple of the Lady Drag Racers getting ready to make a run.


Ron getting ready to smoke it up!


There is a restaurant/bar behind the start of the drag strip. They put up a camera looking at the strip and have it up on a big screen tv inside. It's pretty cool.


A couple of the old cars from Rumble in the Stocks came to the bike event and were allowed to make an exhibition run.



These guys had some custom shirts that were hilarious!


I got the backs of their shirts but they weren't lined up right. Mother was supposed to be on the left. :D


Re: Conesville, IA 2013

Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2013 8:18 pm
by addicted08
And now for some of the more ornery things we see at Conesville.


Painted boobies.



This gal spun the wheel and landed on Booby Wash.


This gal spun the wheel and landed on Flashlight Test. I have no idea if that is paint or a tattoo on her left boob.


Another gal participating in the Flashlight Test. I don't know what is going on around her nipples! :?:


This gal spun and got the Booby Bounce (she is jumping on a trampoline)


Here is a couple dancing in the cage at One Eyed Jacks.


That is all I have from Conesville. And for all of you who like this last group the best... :yourwelcome:

Re: Conesville, IA 2013

Posted: Fri Sep 06, 2013 5:35 pm
by Iron Maiden
Deb you should submit the photo of the girl sittinng on the hood of the car during a burn out with the driver casually hanging his hand out the window to a photo cnntest- you caught a perfect picture, it's timeless!!! The facial expression of the girl, her outfit, the car. the lighting, the angle, the smoke, just perfect!! wow great photo!!!! Can I keep a copy?
