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Re: 2015 11th Int. Boss Hoss Rally at Pullman, Germany

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2015 7:24 am
by V8Bikers
Buck wrote:come to think of it we would make a great addition, we have all of our hair and don't talk funny

Re: 2015 11th Int. Boss Hoss Rally at Pullman, Germany

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2015 3:16 pm
by Swiss V8
V8Bikers wrote:
Buck wrote:come to think of it we would make a great addition, we have all of our hair and don't talk funny
We'll see what helps more in the end... :rofl:

Re: 2015 11th Int. Boss Hoss Rally at Pullman, Germany

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2015 7:14 pm
by CanuckHoss
Swiss V8 wrote:
V8Bikers wrote:
Buck wrote:come to think of it we would make a great addition, we have all of our hair and don't talk funny
We'll see what helps more in the end... :rofl:
Martin...sorry I missed your call this afternoon at the can call my cell tomorrow if you like for a quick chat.. 403-850-6230 if I don't answer I am buzzing around town on the trike getting last minute things...

Fly out Thursday at 3pm our time.

If only Gwen was going as I am really having a hard time leaving her...especially after she had another call a few weeks ago for a kidney that she tested OK for, almost got, but did not get...

Re: 2015 11th Int. Boss Hoss Rally at Pullman, Germany

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2015 9:47 pm
by petitemoose
mmaupin wrote:Dennis,

Have a great trip and keep us updated with all of the fun (and beer) you are having.
I learned my lesson! I will find a bar that serves Tequila LoL. Gonna go with what I know so I don't end up where I don't :)

Re: 2015 11th Int. Boss Hoss Rally at Pullman, Germany

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2015 1:13 pm
by firstboss
Hello Dennis
Hello Berry
Hi Bill & Susan
we wish you a good flight,
we look forward to you,
and on a nice week at the BossHoss Rally 2015th

And please remember = helmet law in Germany -lol- :rofl:

Re: 2015 11th Int. Boss Hoss Rally at Pullman, Germany

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2015 2:18 pm
by Iron Maiden
Thanks Uwe!! Love the helmet!

Re: 2015 11th Int. Boss Hoss Rally at Pullman, Germany

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2015 2:18 pm
by V8Bikers
Thanks Uwe! We will be there in about 11 hrs! At Atlanta now. Really looking forward to seeing everyone and experiencing your country. I think the helmets need to be bigger though :P

Re: 2015 11th Int. Boss Hoss Rally at Pullman, Germany

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2015 7:34 pm
by CanuckHoss
firstboss wrote:Hello Dennis
Hello Berry
Hi Bill & Susan
we wish you a good flight,
we look forward to you,
and on a nice week at the BossHoss Rally 2015th

And please remember = helmet law in Germany -lol- :rofl:

Nice helmet dude!! Could make a pond in

Finish packing...then off to bed and ready for tomorrow's flight...

Re: 2015 11th Int. Boss Hoss Rally at Pullman, Germany

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2015 2:13 am
by Oldun
Looking forward to seeing the write up on this event.

The only time I was able to attend, a few years ago while still splinted and casted after my 502 being written off in Pennsylvania by a texting driver, I had a terrific time even though limited to driving around on four wheels...

A repeat visit is on my to-do list, in the next couple of years for sure. Wishing you all a great rally.

Re: 2015 11th Int. Boss Hoss Rally at Pullman, Germany

Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2015 2:58 pm
by Iron Maiden
Sorry to hear about your 502 Oldun but glad you are back!!! We just landed in Atlanta and hope to have a write up and pics sometime tomorrow but just an FYI- we really need to plan for a larger attendance in 2016 or 2017 definaty a rally all should attend :thumbup:

Re: 2015 11th Int. Boss Hoss Rally at Pullman, Germany

Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2015 6:20 pm
by CanuckHoss
Iron Maiden wrote:Sorry to hear about your 502 Oldun but glad you are back!!! We just landed in Atlanta and hope to have a write up and pics sometime tomorrow but just an FYI- we really need to plan for a larger attendance in 2016 or 2017 definaty a rally all should attend :thumbup:

I am with you there...I missed this one but Gwen may be able to make 2016 depending on an OK from the doctors next year...a bigger North American attendance would be so damn cool.

Not sure about my plans for next year if Gwen is a No-go.

My trike did not sell in Germany even though there was a real good prospective buyer. I have to make a decision on it...ship back here in December or leave it there with a chance we will be able to go next year.

See what happens and what is planned.

Glad you guys are home safe and no doubt by pictures that Sabine sent you guys had a 10 out of 10 Holiday.

Re: 2015 11th Int. Boss Hoss Rally at Pullman, Germany

Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2015 8:24 pm
by Buck
Uwe, what happened, you slip and your head fell into a bucket of Viagra???

Re: 2015 11th Int. Boss Hoss Rally at Pullman, Germany

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2015 3:02 pm
by V8Bikers
Well, 10lbs heavier, lots more laugh lines and a higher tolerance for alcohol, we are back home!

To preface - this is the write up with a few pics, I am working on a link that will have all the photos and videos. Should be ready tomorrow.

A big thank you to Sabine and Peter (502 Wingman) :thumbup: for making our first international trip and 30 year wedding anniversary spectacular. From the first moment meeting at the airport, the warm welcome to their home, being our personal tour guide around Backnang and Stuttgart to Pullman City in the Harz mountains. Everyday no matter the weather was a fun filled day of laughter, good food and of course cocktails!

Day 1- Thursday, met Peter and Sabine at the airport and headed to Peter's hometown. We were so excited to take our first ride on the autobahn. We went a whole 4 MPH due to rain and a traffic jam - LOL. Top speed was finally obtained at 120 MPH! First stop was lunch at a local Italian restaurant then back to Peter's house to relax from our long trip and eat a homemade classic German meal for dinner: Beef Roulade with SpƤtzle. Absolutely delicious, not sure how Peter keeps his physique with Sabine's culinary skills!
A Germany (2).JPG
Day 2- Friday morning Sabine made a classic German breakfast: fresh rolls, salmon, sliced turkey, soft and hard boiled eggs, butter spread, jams, etc. and of course coffee. We then went on a brief tour of downtown Backnang and then a visit to the Mercedes - Benz museum. The town is beautiful and has a lot of history. The museum is a must see for all auto enthusiasts.
A Germany (19).JPG
Day 3 -Saturday we packed our bags and the trailer with the bikes for the v8 motorcycle rally in Pullman City and a had a relaxing day with a BBQ.
Pullman City Day 1 (5).JPG
Day 4 -Sunday, off to the Harz mountains to Pullman City, arrived in the afternoon to meet up with Mark Seivers (Mark) Dennis Walstead (PetiteMoose). The party now begins! Off to the Saloon where the beer and Jim Beam was flowing till early morning. Each evening was a repeat of this with more and more V8 attendees arriving each night.
Pullman City Day 1 (37).JPG
Day 5: Monday the weather did not behave so a group of us decided to drive our cars to Quinlinburg. This town is just beautiful with the architecture, cobble stones, shops, churches, etc were spectacular. We took a bob sled ride which was quite fun especially since I had the fastest time. Ate cheesecake and coffee outside, even visited a cemetery where Sabine's parents are buried. We then had dinner at a Greek restaurant. Every night was spent with the V8 family which grew each day as the official rally was Thursday - Sunday (Day 6- 9). After returning from our daytime activities - off to the saloon where the beer and Jim Beam was flowing till early morning.
Pullman City Day 2 (27).JPG
Pullman City Day 2 (14).JPG
Days 6: Tuesday, we toured Pullman City in a stagecoach, watched the shows throughout the day (magician, wild west show, knife throwing, dog & horse show). After returning from our daytime activities - off to the saloon where the beer and Jim Beam was flowing till early morning (again).
Pullman City Day 3 (157).JPG

Day 7: Wednesday the weather cleared enough for our first group ride. Although it was 52 degrees the good news was it wasn't raining and the roads were dry. Sue and I did not have our bikes, but there was always someone willing to take on a passenger. This was my first ride as a passenger with Igon and his red LS# Bandit, and it was quite a ride!!! :yikes: I realized for the first time how much I appreciate the rider position. The roads in Germany are spectacular, the twists and turns, small villages, cobblestone roads, - just amazing! Sue rode on a trike with Mario who also gave her the ride of my life! We both got a wakeup call as to how straight our roads are in Florida. After returning, a small group decided to go out for fresh smoked trout at "The Dam". I rode with Peter and Sue with Mario. Peter and I are a little "closer" now -LOL! :o After returning from our daytime activities - off to the saloon where the beer and Jim Beam was flowing till early morning. (Starting to see a pattern????) :tequila:
Pullman City Day 3 (181).JPG

Day 8 Thursday - we woke to sunshine!!! Off we go on another ride. This time to a motorcycle museum, Sue is with Igon on a LS3 w 500+ hp It is called the "Bandit bike". Igon was quite a gentleman as much as that bike wanted to go. He controlled both their urges. I rode with Martin on his 502 as Mario's wife was in town and didn't want to share her husband anymore :-) After returning from our daytime activities - off to the saloon where the beer and Jim Beam was flowing till early morning, although the inside entertainment and libations were cut short due to an attendee doing a burn out inside the saloon. The saloon filled with so much smoke that everyone had to move the party outside. :burnout:
Pullman City Day 5 (147).JPG
Pullman City Day 5 (45).JPG

Day 9 - Friday - Another great day so off we go to a ski resort, up the twisty mountains we go. Once there, we got off the bikes and took the ski lift to the restaurant at the top of the mountain. A rain shower came through just enough to get the bikes dirty. After returning from our daytime activities - off to the saloon where the beer and Jim Beam was flowing till early morning. :capwin:

Saturday Day 10 - Today is the BIG day and the first event after breakfast is a ride to the airport for the races but due to the high chance of rain we (Peter, Sabine, Sue and I) decided to take the truck. Peter knew of a "short cut" so we can get to the airport before the bikes to video the bikes entering the airport. Unfortunately, there was a accident on the autobahn which closed the road for 45 minutes, after the road closure we headed to the airport hoping to catch a little of the action. Well, there was a detour and then no signal for the GPS to get us there. Peter decided to turn around and head back to Pullman City. I am sure there are a lot of pictures and videos from other members that will be shared on this thread. After returning from our daytime activities - off to the saloon where the beer and Jim Beam was flowing till early morning. (Again) this evening was "the night" for a party and Wolfgang knows how to put on a party!!! The evening started with the burnout pit- awards for best of show, best trike, best paint, best burn out, etc- sexy bike wash, free beer, an awesome band (Four Roses), engines rev'ed at 11:30, a memorial for those in the V8 family who have passed then a SPECTACULAR fireworks show!!! WOW!!!
Pullman City Day 7 (58).JPG
Pullman City Day 7 (136).JPG
Day 11 Sunday - crawl out of bed, meet Sabine and Peter for a breakfast outside on their terrace, then off we go saying goodbye to Pullman city and drive back to Backnang. Eat dinner at an Italian Restaurant that was outstanding and a had a beautiful view.

Day 12 - Monday- off to the train station to the Stuggart airport for a 10 hour flight to Atlanta Georgia, a 4 hour layover then a 1.5 hour flight to Daytona Beach. What a fantastic vacation- Thank you to all that help make this a trip of a lifetime!!!!!

Re: 2015 11th Int. Boss Hoss Rally at Pullman, Germany

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2015 5:46 pm
by V8Bikers
Link to pics, videos should be in tomorrow.

Click on the image to enlarge then you might have to use the arrow keys on your keyboard to scroll in large mode.

Re: 2015 11th Int. Boss Hoss Rally at Pullman, Germany

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2015 5:52 pm
by CanuckHoss
Great report.

Looks like I did not miss much fun..phewwww!

Another year for Pullman as it got sent back to the time someone else will organize us going over then I will get to

Re: 2015 11th Int. Boss Hoss Rally at Pullman, Germany

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2015 5:31 am
by mdwdvm

Thanks for the great report. It looks like there were a lot of good people, good times, interesting bikes and lots of fun!! What was the attendance like as compared to year's past? I've never been, but from pictures/videos I've seen of earlier rallies I got the impression that maybe this was a bit smaller one?


Re: 2015 11th Int. Boss Hoss Rally at Pullman, Germany

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2015 6:37 am
by hogv8
Anybody see our old friend Olaf ????

Re: 2015 11th Int. Boss Hoss Rally at Pullman, Germany

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2015 7:30 am
by V8Bikers
Mike, thanks! Yes, the numbers were down from last year. About 140 this year compared to about 210 for the 10th anniversary. They had about 30 cancellations probably due to the weather which was too bad because during most of the activities it was rain free.

Jack, yes, we did meet up with Olaf and his lady. There are some pics of them in the link.

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2015 11:42 am
by 3FOR2

Re: 2015 11th Int. Boss Hoss Rally at Pullman, Germany

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2015 12:24 pm
by V8Bikers
Shit, now my statue fetish has been discovered. Who knows what other inanimate object I humped over there - was a lot of drinking going on! :mrgreen:

Re: 2015 11th Int. Boss Hoss Rally at Pullman, Germany

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2015 5:46 pm
by V8Bikers
I just noticed that the last 50-60 images didn't load :banghead: Here is the link if you want to see the pictures of the last evening (they start after the yellow front fender image with Laurel and Hardy- took that one for you Carl ;) )........

Re: 2015 11th Int. Boss Hoss Rally at Pullman, Germany

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2015 7:35 am
by mmaupin

Awesome pictures!

Looking at some of the custom mods, those Germans are quite talented. They must teach milling machine and lathe operations in the first grade, moving on to other metal arts in the second and third grades.

Looked like a great time.

Re: 2015 11th Int. Boss Hoss Rally at Pullman, Germany

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2015 2:31 pm
by V8Bikers
Mark, yes, we were very impressed with the ingenuity and ideas these guys come up with especially when you start looking up close and seeing all the small details!

Re: 2015 11th Int. Boss Hoss Rally at Pullman, Germany

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2015 2:34 pm
by V8Bikers
Video montage. I did the best I could as a passenger for the road parts - you might get a little dizzy watching a few sections. Tried both cell phone and camera - both yielded similar results.

phpBB [video]

Re: 2015 11th Int. Boss Hoss Rally at Pullman, Germany

Posted: Sun Jul 05, 2015 6:42 pm
by Shriner
I enjoyed watching that.....Thanx for posting it!!!