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Harley Davidson gets a $12 Million Fine

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2017 10:21 pm
by petitemoose
Mark S. Brought this to my attention and I thought I would share ... This happened in August of 2016.

Harley-Davidson will pay $12 million for selling a device that enabled its iconic motorcycles to go faster while spewing more harmful pollutants, the Environmental Protection Agency said Thursday.

"This settlement immediately stops the sale of illegal aftermarket defeat devices used on public roads that threaten the air we breathe," said Cynthia Giles, EPA's enforcement chief. Under the agreement, she said Harley-Davidson is taking "important steps to buy back the 'super tuners' from their dealers and destroy them, while funding projects to mitigate the pollution they caused."

The company will pay $12 million in fines for the pollution violations and spend an additional $3 million to replace conventional woodstoves with cleaner-burning stoves in local communities.

"Given Harley-Davidson's prominence in the industry, this is a very significant step toward our goal of stopping the sale of illegal aftermarket defeat devices that cause harmful pollution on our roads and in our communities," said Assistant Attorney General John Cruden, the Justice Department's environmental division chief. "Anyone else who manufactures, sells or installs these types of illegal products should take heed of Harley-Davidson's corrective actions and immediately stop violating the law."

Re: Harley Davidson gets a $12 Million Fine

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2017 9:14 am
by 502wingman

Re: Harley Davidson gets a $12 Million Fine

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2017 9:56 am
by CanuckHoss
A Harley motor will NOT survive in stock will burn least that is my thoughts and others around me..It is essential to have a Stage 1 as it is so lean from factory...oh well...should get interesting

I have said this before..."Thank God I am living now and enjoying the emission spewing / noise making 502 for a lot of years to come..maybe 30...after that I don't really care!!

Here is a good FYI. Alberta, my Province, and Canada are one of the cleanest places on the earth as far as our "carbon footprint" BUT Jan 1st we were nailed with a Carbon Tax on a Provincial level, at the pumps and Mr. Turdeau is also going the same direction Federally. Also in Alberta our coal electrical plants were all closed in 2016. Npw 200 new wind powered electrical generators are going up in 2017. We are all paying here for the pollution of others...nothing we can do about it until next election...3 years... I don't dwell on that stuff as I have a life to live to the fullest in a Happy way!!

Re: Harley Davidson gets a $12 Million Fine

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2017 3:58 pm
by Hoss97
Hey Barry,

Not any better under premier Wynne here in ontario.
We were hit also with a carbon tax on fuel, $1.10 plus a litre now. Deficit spending and no end in sight... hopefully next election a proper conservative will win.

Re: Harley Davidson gets a $12 Million Fine

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2017 5:18 pm
by Oldun
As many others have said; I'll start believing there is a carbon footprint problem when the people who keep telling me there is a carbon footprint problem, themselves change their behavior showing they believe their own bullshit. ... -jets.html

Re: Harley Davidson gets a $12 Million Fine

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2017 10:44 am
by GordonBH
$1.10 a LITRE!!!!! :ten: try $1.94 at UK prices and that's for basic, $2.16 for Premium gas. You have to be serious about riding a V8 hereabouts. I have a special bank card just for gas :thumbup: (it's well worn)

Re: Harley Davidson gets a $12 Million Fine

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2017 11:38 am
by TXscooterguy
Okay, I have a Screaming Eagle Race Tuner on my Harley. Does this affect what future service HD is allowed to perform on my bike? Should I worry about ninja looking dudes with the letters EPA on their backs, breaking into my garage and tearing this evil device off my bike? Now I got one more thing to keep me up at night. Oh, and none of you guys congratulated me on my recent 100th posts. Let's show some love here.

Re: Harley Davidson gets a $12 Million Fine

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2017 11:58 am
by Oldun
I expect the Trump Agency Annihilation Squad will take out the pesky EPA before they interfere with our fuel maps...

Re: Harley Davidson gets a $12 Million Fine

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2017 12:28 pm
by V8Bikers
TXscooterguy wrote: Oh, and none of you guys congratulated me on my recent 100th posts. Let's show some love here.
I was waiting till you got to 101 - congrats :mrgreen:

Re: Harley Davidson gets a $12 Million Fine

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2017 1:03 pm
by TXscooterguy
V8Bikers wrote:I was waiting till you got to 101 - congrats :mrgreen:
Thanks. Looks like less than 10% of the members hit that mark.

Re: Harley Davidson gets a $12 Million Fine

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2017 1:30 am
by GordonBH
I can't remember when I turned '100' but so close to 500 - will I become a 1%er maybe?

Re: Harley Davidson gets a $12 Million Fine

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2017 6:05 am
by ventury
Gordon your such a rebel you have always been a 1% lol
ride safe buddy

Re: Harley Davidson gets a $12 Million Fine

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2017 11:39 am
by Bhilldw0111
TXscooterguy wrote:Okay, I have a Screaming Eagle Race Tuner on my Harley. Does this affect what future service HD is allowed to perform on my bike? Should I worry about ninja looking dudes with the letters EPA on their backs, breaking into my garage and tearing this evil device off my bike? Now I got one more thing to keep me up at night. Oh, and none of you guys congratulated me on my recent 100th posts. Let's show some love here.
I cant promise but 4 months ago when I bought my R120 for my heritage the parts guy called and told me if I wanted one of the last race tuners that they had in stock that I should get it then as they had been recalled and would no longer be available. I asked if they would still service bikes with them and he said yes so I bought it. I got the Engine in about a month ago and took it to Cowboy Harley in Austin and they set it up and Dynoed it using the race tuner so I guess so far so good. I hope it stays that way because I now have two bikes with these tuners on them. By the way, It made 128 HP and 136 Lbs torque. I was happy about that. Not power like my BH but good for an 02 heritage. All ride safe, Bob