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why you should have cash in hand during a try to buy

Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2016 4:49 pm
by ventury
In 2005 I was selling my B,H small block. It was my first, I had owned it for two years (I bought it pre used) but needed the money so put it up for a reluctant sale. Barry A very confident guy contacted me, asked many questions even spoke to the Aussie dealer, Trevor (I lived in Australia) who confirmed I was a legitimate guy. It was one of the very first early Boss Hoss's in Australia so this confident guy trekked up to where I lived on the East Coast and viewed the bike. He was very impressed so I took him for a 10 mile run. Said 'very confident guy' turned from very confident to excited maniac teenager. Every red light we pulled up on he would be shouting at the cars alongside us, or people on the sidewalk "this is a V8 and I'm going to buy it, it's mine.its mine" I just lowered my head, hoping I wouldn't see anyone I knew. But I did like the enthusiasm. Not many people get the V8 thing and certainly not many people get it like I did and obviously folk on this site. Not only did I get it, I needed to own one and ride one. The rumble of the imperfections of the chevvy V8 resonated with something deep within me and still does to this very day. So I drove back with the excited hysterical maniac as low key as I could possibly , on a v8 throbbing muscle bike with a guy on the back who would shout at any random passer by, even if they were in a car with the windows up. in his ozzy accent 'this is my bloody bike'I think he even shouted this at a dog on the side walk. The change in this man from when he wandered around the garage looking at the bike, talking to my wife and kids - he was cool and placid. Once on the back and a quick acceleration it changed him to hyper excitement unable to keep his limbs still or his vocal cords.shouting at me "this is clucking amazing mate"or that's what it sounded like. Anyway, the man shook my hand and confirmed the deal was done, he was buying and could I take him to the bank. Just getting ready to leave for the bank and he said out of the blue "John I coulnd't ride it down the road and back?" FIRST MISTAKE. Taken a little off guard, assuming that the money was almost in my hand I said yes. Off he went. I did say "you're okay riding this aren't you?" "Yes" he said, not in his original cool, calm, confident manner but confident he was. Off he went and there I stood. 20 minutes went by, 30 minutes went by. I went in and sat down and tried to stare at the living room wall and take my mind off the worry that was building up and the dumb ass mistake I had just made.

Finally a rumble up the drive and in walked a very white ashen, shadow of his former self, Mr not so confident man. He looked like he'd seen a ghost. Apparently he'd tried to turn it round, fell over and it took a passing postman and him all their strength to get the bike up on two wheels. He said "I'll give you $2,000 and I'll walk away, hopefully that will cover the damage, or I still buy the bike". I said "buy the bike,i think I actualy shouted it a few times,,,,my face was now also white. I'll take you to the bank right now." He ended up paying in full for the bike and I took a couple of days teaching him to ride.

Ten years on he still owns and loves the V8 like I did. A happy ending.and a nice guy The moral of the story is as I'm sure all you guys know, no test pilots unless piles and piles of cash is in your hands. He turned out to be a great bloke. I often think of him and thought I'd share the story.
ride safe

Re: why you should have cash in hand during a try to buy

Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2016 7:15 pm
by Jack
Great story.
Greater lesson.

Re: why you should have cash in hand during a try to buy

Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2016 7:59 pm
by Grand Canard
Damn, great story.
I just knew or expected that the story was going to end that he rode away on ur bike never to be seen again!! John, while I considered the chances extremely remote, that thought crossed my mind when you test rode my bike! Here's a bloke from bloody England that I've never met in my life taking off on my SS. John purchased my bike, believe it lives in Germany now.

Re: why you should have cash in hand during a try to buy

Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2016 12:49 am
by SQ4MN

Re: why you should have cash in hand during a try to buy

Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2016 3:20 pm
by TXscooterguy
In 1993 Harley came out with a limited edition (2,700) scooter dubbed the Moo-glide. It was almost impossible to get from a dealer. A guy here in Dallas got one and immediately thought he could flip it and make out like a bandit. He put it in the paper (before eBay and Craigslist). I guy comes over driving a tricked out custom van (remember this was the early nineties). Gives the van keys to the seller and goes for a test ride. An hour later the seller calls the police. The van was stolen. No bike, no van. There are bad people out there.

Re: why you should have cash in hand during a try to buy

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2016 7:13 am
by ventury
Grand Canard wrote:Damn, great story.
I just knew or expected that the story was going to end that he rode away on ur bike never to be seen again!! John, while I considered the chances extremely remote, that thought crossed my mind when you test rode my bike! Here's a bloke from bloody England that I've never met in my life taking off on my SS. John purchased my bike, believe it lives in Germany now.

Rick it was a pleasure seeing your neck of the
woods,the SS was a one off ,I miss it

Thanks Jack.SQ4 and TX