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Still good people out there

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2016 1:40 pm
by CanuckHoss
While I was out in Daytona on a day trip I was on my way West on 44 to meet Bill for coffee in Deland. Imagine going for coffee...hahahaha

I pulled over at an intersection and stayed in the beginning part of the turning lane on the grass to grab some water and have a banana...yeah I know...but it was the tough Biker banana

First bike that roared down the highway was a noisy Harley and instead of looking at me and seeing if I needed help he just gunned it as he went by...I thought "Typical Harley Guy!"

About 2 minutes later another Harley was coming along and he pulled over beside to make sure I was all good. I thanked him for stopping. Another few minutes and another Harley slowed and gestured if I needed help...I gestured I was good. The Harley guys redeemed themselves!!

Then a couple minutes later a 3/4 ton truck pulled up beside...2 young guys asked if everything was alright and said it had to be good because the trike was too gorgeous to be broke down...I assured I was taking a break and they were good..I thanked them for stopping. It was not until they left and I saw the back of the truck with all they construction supplies that I remembered that truck as I saw them pass about 5 minutes before. So they actually went up the road...turned around and came back to check on me...too cool.

As I said...still good people out there..

Re: Still good people out there

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2016 4:07 pm
by Wild Bill
Glad to hear this!

When I ran John Altman's yellow 632 Vanquish out of gas in Daytona, I had to push it through an intersection, then I was sitting, quite vulnerable, on the side of the road. Dozens, if not a hundred, H-Ds rode by without even as much as a hand gesture to see if I was ok. Where I was parked, I was clearly not ok.

Finally, a couple of young kids in a car stopped to help push me 100' into the parking lot.

I was quite bummed by the lack of support. Hell, I thought at least some would stop just to see what that crazy bike was?! :-)


Re: Still good people out there

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2016 5:18 pm
by CanuckHoss
Bill...I will lend you my Canadian Flagged bandana...they felt sorry for this Canuck....International people needing help get help

Re: Still good people out there

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2016 12:50 pm
by TXscooterguy
CanuckHoss wrote:I pulled over at an intersection and stayed in the beginning part of the turning lane on the grass to grab some water and have a banana...
Here in Texas we often hear of news reports where vehicles that are stopped on the shoulder of the road are struck from behind by another vehicle. The term that they used to describe this phenomenon was "target fixation." It's the tendency to steer toward the object you're focusing on. I think you put yourself at risk if you unnecessarily stop alongside moving traffic. I would think it would be safer to enjoy that tasty tropical fruit at a rest stop, parking lot or scenic overlook. Oh, and the MythBusters proved you can slip on a banana peel. :-)

Re: Still good people out there

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2016 1:00 pm
by CanuckHoss
TXscooterguy wrote:
CanuckHoss wrote:I pulled over at an intersection and stayed in the beginning part of the turning lane on the grass to grab some water and have a banana...
Here in Texas we often hear of news reports where vehicles that are stopped on the shoulder of the road are struck from behind by another vehicle. The term that they used to describe this phenomenon was "target fixation." It's the tendency to steer toward the object you're focusing on. I think you put yourself at risk if you unnecessarily stop alongside moving traffic. I would think it would be safer to enjoy that tasty tropical fruit at a rest stop, parking lot or scenic overlook. Oh, and the MythBusters proved you can slip on a banana peel. :-)
I hear what you are saying...but the 2 lanes of traffic had their lanes...the turning lane had their lane and I had my space on the grass beside the turning lane...most dangerous part may have been if I slipped on the

Re: Still good people out there

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2016 3:21 pm
by TXscooterguy
The thought just struck me, do you think there may be a market for a handlebar mounted banana holster? It would gimbal much like the coffee mug holders you see. With this device the rider wouldn't even have to pull over to get his fruit fix. We could even approach Boss Hoss with a joint marketing deal. I smell money here. :-)

Re: Still good people out there

Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2016 7:22 pm
by Canadianjoe
Hahahah Barry would not have enough handlebar space to mount the fruit holsters he would need to survive a day trip. Sorry Barry couldn't resist.

Re: Still good people out there

Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2016 9:29 pm
by CanuckHoss
Canadianjoe wrote:Hahahah Barry would not have enough handlebar space to mount the fruit holsters he would need to survive a day trip. Sorry Barry couldn't resist.
No problem..those who have met me in Daytona know my habits almost as well as you do...

Now where is my night time banana treat...MOM????????