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All Done ... It All SUCKS

Posted: Mon Jan 27, 2014 2:16 pm
by V-MAN
I say :madfinger: winter ... I can't get out of here fast enough :tequila: :tequila: :tequila: :tequila:



Re: All Done ... It All SUCKS

Posted: Mon Jan 27, 2014 3:19 pm
by Carl La Fong
T shirt weather here in sunny SoCal

Re: All Done ... It All SUCKS

Posted: Mon Jan 27, 2014 3:56 pm
by Ric
Pretty much the same here in Middle Canada. We are considering this a fairly mild winter though… but as you say… It can bugger off anytime now!!! :banghead:

Re: All Done ... It All SUCKS

Posted: Wed Jan 29, 2014 7:16 pm
by SQ4MN
Between So Cal and Las Vegas Nv I've become used to 12 months a year where the weather stays pretty nice. Iwent recently and visited Stan in Oklahoma, it was snow and 12 degrees. You gotta love TV to live there and you can't be lazy because you gotta keep a fire going. All those beautiful places with trees and lakes in the summer SUCK in the winter. I live in the ugliest place on earth. Its a fucking desert with a man made lake (LAKE MEAD) that no trees grow around. If you see a tree next to Lake Mead its probably a cell tower that looks like a tree. The casinos are open 24 hours, there's plenty of sin (SIN CITY) and the weather is good enough to ride in all year. The air is filthy which keeps my immune system working, if I go to UTAH or some other clean ass state I gotta give head to a volkswagon to get some pollutants back in my lungs or I start feeling dizzy. I don't know why you guys choose to live in places where it freezes for half your life and you have to put up with clean air.

Re: All Done ... It All SUCKS

Posted: Thu Jan 30, 2014 3:06 pm
by petitemoose
SQ4MN wrote:if I go to UTAH or some other clean ass state I gotta give head to a volkswagon to get some pollutants back in my lungs or I start feeling dizzy.

Re: All Done ... It All SUCKS

Posted: Thu Jan 30, 2014 5:13 pm
by Buck
I say :madfinger: winter ... I can't get out of here fast enough :tequila: :tequila: :tequila: :tequila:
you bearded yankee folks deserve all the crap that God will give y'all. BTW, I'm still fighting the War. I reckon that we have to put up w/ y'all in March in Daytona again. Nice paint job, too bad it ain't blue.
I am saying all of this with snow on the ground and a thermometer showing 20 degrees. What the hell!!!!

Re: All Done ... It All SUCKS

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2014 8:47 pm
by Clint44
Buck wrote:
I say :madfinger: winter ... I can't get out of here fast enough :tequila: :tequila: :tequila: :tequila:
you bearded yankee folks deserve all the crap that God will give y'all. BTW, I'm still fighting the War. I reckon that we have to put up w/ y'all in March in Daytona again. Nice paint job, too bad it ain't blue.
I am saying all of this with snow on the ground and a thermometer showing 20 degrees. What the hell!!!!
Fighting a little cabin fever there,Buckeroo? :rofl:

6" of snow on the ground here and low 20's.
Yes,it sucks.

Re: All Done ... It All SUCKS

Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2014 5:19 am
by V-MAN
Buck wrote:
I say :madfinger: winter ... I can't get out of here fast enough :tequila: :tequila: :tequila: :tequila:
you bearded yankee folks deserve all the crap that God will give y'all. BTW, I'm still fighting the War. I reckon that we have to put up w/ y'all in March in Daytona again. Nice paint job, too bad it ain't blue.
I am saying all of this with snow on the ground and a thermometer showing 20 degrees. What the hell!!!!

Well ... truth be told I was born SOUTH of the Mason Dixon Line (Southern MD) so not really a Yankee. :lol:

I appreciate the compliment on paint, it is nice huh? The red was the first through the painter, everybody liked it soooooo much they decided to "copy" it in BLUE, "Imitation is the highest form of flattery"! :thanks: I picked the red version because it was also faster ... something about the blue being detuned!

See you in FL and NC Buck!

Re: All Done ... It All SUCKS

Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2014 8:26 am
by Buck
I appreciate the compliment on paint, it is nice huh? The red was the first through the painter, everybody liked it soooooo much they decided to "copy" it in BLUE
what really happened is that Jerry Hatfield was experimenting with the red color so he could get it right when he went to blue.
BTW, rain and 65 today.

Re: All Done ... It All SUCKS

Posted: Fri Feb 14, 2014 5:05 pm
by Clint44
Looks like Winter is starting to peter out here in Tejas.
Supposed to hit 80 degrees this weekend. Sure hope so cause I'm tired of these high teens-low twenties crap with the ice & snow. Ready for some North Texas Heat! :usa:

Re: All Done ... It All SUCKS

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2014 9:13 am
by CanuckHoss
Saw this today on Facebook from a lady friend..says what everybody is thinking!!

Coldest spring I ever remember. My birthday was the 20th of March..1st day of spring most years and I don't remember it ever still being actual winter conditions like it is now in all those 46 (yeah right..hahaha) years!!

Re: All Done ... It All SUCKS

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2014 9:22 am
by Iron Maiden
Happy belated birthday Canuck!!!!
As for cold, I am in Ft. Myers Florida today which is pretty far south and boy it is cold and breezy here can't imagine what it is like up north Brrrrr........

Re: All Done ... It All SUCKS

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2014 6:55 pm
by CanuckHoss
Iron Maiden wrote:Happy belated birthday Canuck!!!!
As for cold, I am in Ft. Myers Florida today which is pretty far south and boy it is cold and breezy here can't imagine what it is like up north Brrrrr........
thanks..Wild Bill and I share the same stuff..

temps here have been below freezing everyday as a high and around 10 to 15 F at night since I came home from Daytona....SUCKS!! Everyone is fed up!

Re: All Done ... It All SUCKS

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2014 8:29 pm
by Iron Maiden
CanuckHoss wrote:[quoteWild Bill and I share the same stuff..

Re: All Done ... It All SUCKS

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2014 9:45 am
by CanuckHoss
Woke up yesterday to the sound of what I thought was a leaf blower.

Opened the curtains and looked across the open space where new homes are being built and low and behold a guy with a leaf blower on a nowy icy roof getting ready to shingle...MF!!! Could not wait for spring I guess... not sure what they use on there boots but must be good.

Re: All Done ... It All SUCKS

Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2014 7:15 pm
by CanuckHoss
This is so true it almost hurts.

FYI for the USA guys..'Plus 1" in C is about 33 F...just above freezing..enjoy!

Re: All Done ... It All SUCKS

Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2014 10:30 am
by CanuckHoss
I have seen 3 sunny days over 40 degrees F since I got home from Daytona pretty much 4 weeks ago. Rode 1 day for 15 milles to a coffee shop and back and that is it.. WTF has happened to our spring??

I am almost ready to lock-and-load...seriously...load a trike and head for Aldos country for a week...SOAB we are sooooo tired of seeing overcast and snow....

5 hours south is Great Falls, Montana and their forecast for the weekend is 72 degrees F...too bad it is Easter Weekend..oh well...

Re: All Done ... It All SUCKS

Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2014 12:53 pm
by Iron Maiden