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Dealing With The Philistines

Posted: Sun Oct 13, 2013 10:07 pm
by Carl La Fong
I post on a number of other boards. One is The Jockey Journal. They are rabidly old style guys, traditional chopper, no rice burners allowed. BHs and their ilk are not welcome. No problem, it's their site, their rules. I like the old stuff and pretty much hate all of the new OCC stye crap and those stupid baggers with 30 inch front wheels.
Anyhoo, a thread started a while back about bikes with car engines. This piqued my interest, of course and I made a comment or two. At page 8 it got sorta pissy and I had to straighten a couple of guys out. It all ended well and in good fun, which is less than I can say for another V8 Bike site, that I will not mention ;)
Check it out ... php?t=2670

Re: Dealing With The Philistines

Posted: Mon Oct 14, 2013 11:50 am
by Iron Maiden
That was good!! I especially liked this quote from you "I was wrong once, also. It was the time that I though I'd made a mistake. I was wrong" :rofl:

Re: Dealing With The Philistines

Posted: Mon Oct 14, 2013 12:03 pm
by Carl La Fong
Above all else, I try to remain humble.
As I quote, from Oscar Levant, in my blog,
"What the world needs is more geniuses with humility. There are so few of us left."

Re: Dealing With The Philistines

Posted: Mon Oct 14, 2013 1:24 pm
by petitemoose
Since the open minded obviously intelligent Individual you were having the conversation with was located 30 minutes away from me, I ALMOST replied and offered to meet up since he had never met a BH rider that was "serious" about riding. I thought better of it tho ... doubtful it would do any good and would be a complete waste of my time, fuel and energy

Re: Dealing With The Philistines

Posted: Mon Oct 14, 2013 1:45 pm
by Carl La Fong
He's probably not a bad guy, but is still living under the delusion that one has to like and dislike whatever the trendsetters deem appropriate. I like certain trends and hold the rest in disdain. As I said, I hate OCC type stuff and theme bikes, in general. I hate big wheel baggers. I hate overpainted rolling Easter eggs.
Oh yeah, I am also, as we all know, "The World's Foremost Trike Hater™" ;)

Re: Dealing With The Philistines

Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2013 10:14 am
by V8Bikers
Carl, here are photos of some of your favorite bikes: 8-)

Re: Dealing With The Philistines

Posted: Tue Nov 12, 2013 11:24 pm
by SQ4MN
LaFong,I just read the V8 thread on Jockey Journal. It was a great ending and a good read. It makes me realize how old I am as I am familiar with many of those bikes.

Re: Dealing With The Philistines

Posted: Sun Nov 24, 2013 11:08 am
by Ric
I've always had a flair for bolt on bruteness (is that a word?) I don't follow the mainstream very far. I recognized many of those bikes in that thread because of my penchant for the unusual, back when I was younger.

I have a buddy who's bike has a 21" front wheel on his bagger. The bike by design looks mean enough, but it's not what I'd ride. I respect his choice.

Not ONE of my friends will ever take my bike for a ride. So that seems to be their choice once again.

As one would expect CLF, buddy listened to what you had to say about V8 bikers, and took a second look at his negative view point of most or many V8 bikers. Many do not work on their own bikes, and there are those that are not afraid to drift from factory convention and redesign what we believe to be a superior version.

I find that most male gear-heads like the Boss Hoss, but don't really ride. I have many Harley friends who accept my ride as an 'equal' by comparison on the 'social acceptance biker protocol'. I typically put more miles on my BH than they do on their Harleys.

I find that the truth lies within. Are you happy with your motorcycle choice? If so… you've met with success. If not, then change should prevail.

Sometimes it's quite entertaining to sit quietly and watch others make monumental efforts to convince others that their choice is best. I've stumbled in the debris of some of those arguments, but managed to keep my sea legs, and bail from that foolishness.