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Just a post about this web site.

Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2012 12:28 am
by Geezer
Believe it or not, we have tons of fun. We don't bash each other on the
bikes or trike we own.

We tend to give each other shit all the time. That is what makes it fun.

If you would ever try chat, which we have been doing for many years, it is
a hoot, yes we talk tech, women and boobs and just plain have fun. You should try it !!

Please join us and know what the other side is about.....Might take a few
weeks, but I think you will enjoy the banner we have been part of since back in
early 2002, starting as the Yahoo site..... :banmeplease:


Re: Just a post about this web site.

Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2012 6:23 pm
by V8Bikers
thanks for posting a few tidbits about this site. you are correct! Once the new look and logo are in place (should be about a week),
I hope more members from the other site will contribute here. I think that most people would prefer less moderation and more free
speech. In addition, you can say shit and fuck, not s&%t and f@#k!!

Re: Just a post about this web site.

Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2012 7:57 pm
by Harold Blocker
We have been having a ball on here for years as Geezer said. At one time we had a few others but they fell by the way side. We have no intention of going anywhere..... you may as well join us!

Re: Just a post about this web site.

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2012 7:19 pm
by Iron Maiden
Stay tuned a birdie tells me that there are some changes coming real soon.