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Aussie Boss Hoss Sales going Ballistic!

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2010 4:14 am
by AR
One seriously quiet achiever.

Trev (Tmac) the Aussie dealer from Pacific Boss Hoss, located in Melbourne Vic. has been puttin in the big ones for nearly 10 years now and it looks like the effort is starting to pay off. Spoke to him today and he is busier than ever with a bunch of predelivery bikes in his shop. Cant put it down to any particular economic effect. Interest or exchange rates, or a discovery channel TV show or whatever. His Boss Hoss bikes are just taking off which is incredibly cool...and heartwarming, as after feeling like a 'V8biker freak' all these years I can finally just be a 'freak' amid other V8 bikers.

Thanks for the prompt parts supply, info, and free advice over the years Trev and here's to your continued success...and hopefully some of these new downunder owners will join us here and tell their story one day as the new Aussie bike configurations are VERY exciting.


Re: Aussie Boss Hoss Sales going Ballistic!

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2010 6:17 pm
by SRF
Sounds like great news that sales are increasing!


Re: Aussie Boss Hoss Sales going Ballistic!

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2010 6:26 pm
by Els
SRF wrote:Sounds like great news that sales are increasing!


I hate to piss on anyone's Corn Flakes but that doesn't seem to be the case here. I have two buds who have been trying to sell and haven't even got insulting offers. At least using Craig's List that's been the case. Maybe ebay is working better, maybe not. A couple of guys who had 502's to get rid of finally found a home for them overseas. I think maybe Germany.


Re: Aussie Boss Hoss Sales going Ballistic!

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2010 11:35 pm
by CanuckHoss

My cornflakes is already wet!! HAHAHA

Seriously tho...I have been trying the market here in "oil-rich" ALberta....Calgary to be exact with 1,000,000 plus people in hopes of getting some decent numbers for Boss Hoss sales....not happening yet....a couple 3 a year....not sure why it is so difficult to break the market here other than tha fear factor.

Maybe with all the chopper manufacturer's biting the dust I may get some of the guys that would have bought high-priced bar-hoppin' V-twins.

What really blew me away 3 years ago when I took on the Pro-One line of choppers was that I had a $50,000 Boss Hoss on the floor beside the $47,000 Pro-One's and they all sold and I still have the Hoss.

Re: Aussie Boss Hoss Sales going Ballistic!

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2010 5:58 am
by Els

One of my friends has an '01 small block that is REALLY nice. Paint and the whole package pretty well perfect. He originally had someone he thought was semi-serious offer $18k. My bud thought he would be able to get $20k and blew the guy off. Three weeks later the only call has been a wholesaler who is bottom feeding and offered him $12k.

The economy and BO in the White House seem to lead the list of why things are so bad whether it be Boss Hoss sales, homes or whatever. I'll reserve further political commentary as this is a bike board and in case there's some liberal duechebags peeping in. Thankfully, most I've met through the V8 community are like minded political conservatives.

In spite of the above, there's apparently still plenty of dough out there and some are beyond being affected by the present economy. I'm willing to bet Daytona will sport lots of great looking new hardware and plenty of folks writing checks.


Re: Aussie Boss Hoss Sales going Ballistic!

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2010 1:46 pm
by SQ4MN
V8 bikes are just to radical a departure from what most people perceive as motorcycles. These bikes usually intimidate those that are not familiar with them. Also riders need a bundle of extra income and the mindset to dare to be different before they will step up to the plate and purchase a new V8 bike. The one thing that helps get a biker on another brand to make the leap is test riding a V8 or riding next to a buddy who is on a V8. Most bike guys just figure they are to heavy and will be hard to ride. That changes once they are around them for awhile or they ride one themselves. If someone owns a V8 motorcycle it is unlikely that they will ever be without one. Plenty of us have traditional motorcycles along with our V8s but the V8 is usually the favorite. I don't think these bikes will never sell in large numbers and in my opinion its just a matter of time before the liberal environmentalist lawmakers make laws that make it illegal or impossible to manufacture these bikes anymore. Many times I am asked the stupid question "why do you need something like that" The obvious answer is "because its more fun" but that will not satisfy the lawmakers. Naturally I hope I'm wrong about this. Dave/Squirm

Re: Aussie Boss Hoss Sales going Ballistic!

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2010 3:19 pm
by Els
SQ4MN wrote: Naturally I hope I'm wrong about this. Dave/Squirm

Dave, you're wrong. Or is that; you're right, you're wrong? :lol:

On a more serious note, where's the duct tape on your left sleeve these days?

You are truly.......a sociopath :lol: .

Hope all's well. You should be coming to Daytona. We'll be missing you big time around the dinner table and bar.


Re: Aussie Boss Hoss Sales going Ballistic!

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2010 3:47 pm
by Carl La Fong
Squirm, that shirt proves Vegas has a Costco also. I have the twin to yours and the green one as well. Trying to collect the entire set, "The Sociopath Collection".
All you need is one of these to complete the ensemble,
Sorta gives you that midwest rube/serial killer look. Very becoming

Re: Aussie Boss Hoss Sales going Ballistic!

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2010 4:33 pm
by SQ4MN
ELS. I wish I could join you guys for all the fun in Daytona but it just can't happen this year. Regis invited me to stay at his new house and even offered to get me a bike for the week. He is a great guy like the rest of you V8 guys that I've met. I wll miss all of you and definitely join you in Miami this year. Stan is a closet sociopath and he will represent my peer group this year at Daytona. Carl La Fong is a living role model for the sociopath movement and maybe I can get him to ride to Miami this year with me and Mike. Dave/Squirm

Re: Aussie Boss Hoss Sales going Ballistic!

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2010 5:05 pm
by Els
SQUIRM: I wish I could join you guys for all the fun in Daytona but it just can't happen this year. Regis invited me to stay at his new house and even offered to get me a bike for the week. He is a great guy like the rest of you V8 guys that I've met.

ELLIOT: :?: :shock: :? :roll: Are you fucking crazy to pass that one up or what?

SQUIRM: I wll miss all of you and definitely join you in Miami this year.

ELLIOT: 8-) Yep, looking forward to it already 8-)

SQUIRM: Stan is a closet sociopath and he will represent my peer group this year at Daytona.

ELLIOT: :shock: Yep, something that those who know him already know! :shock:

SQUIRM: Carl La Fong is a living role model for the sociopath movement and maybe I can get him to ride to Miami this year with me and Mike.

ELLIOT: I've not met the infamous CLF but anyone who's got kicked off boards before I'm sure I'll like :twisted:

Re: Aussie Boss Hoss Sales going Ballistic!

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2010 7:45 pm
by Toastie
I love it when someone asks me.... do you really need a bike like that ?
I suppose when someone sees me for the 1st time and compliments me on my FATBOY and I laff in their face. Kinda answers the question.

I am getting the insult from those who offer me a token of appreciation rather than a serious offer in my attempt to sell my BB. Im always questioned about gas mileage. I got 28 with my 1000 Kawi and I hit 26 once with the Hoss. Go figure.

To be perfectly honest tho, I am glad the number of V8 riders is low. Makes me more unique than I already am. Havin the BB even more so. There arent that many in the world. For those who have never had the chance to ride one, at least once will never know.

Even for those old horsepower junkys out there, the last of the BB's in the cars were nothing but mere slugs. I already have a huge edge on them, and so I should. For all those fraidy cats, they do us justice by keepin their asses off these bikes. I mean shit, I pay more for hy HD in insurance than the Hoss. 'nuff said about that.

I paid cash for my bike, I ride it with respect. I earned the road rash, been down 3 times hard. I still ride. This bike is clean, babied and never been touched or laid down. 38 years of bikin, and Im still there. Rode in snow , rain, heat and cold. Im Canadian. 'nuff said there too.

The bad economy never stopped me from ridin, screwin or workin. Ive ridden more and less, screwed some, shoulda been more. I made better money in the 70's than now. Never had the money for the Hoss then, but got one now, go figure.

If someone wants one, they will buy one, if not, I know many beauty Japanese products available. I piss many off when I leave the old stud at home, and take out the 95 custom Ultra I created. nuff said.

Re: Aussie Boss Hoss Sales going Ballistic!

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2010 9:12 pm
by Wild Bill
Positive Boss Hoss sale story:

We sold the wife's 2001 Boss Hoss '32 Trike (355hp with 14k miles on it) last fall on ebay. Our reserve was set at $27,000 and four days before the auction ended we got a call from a couple in NC. They wanted to drive six hours that day to see the trike.

We had so much interest in the trike for three days on ebay that we raised our price expectations when this couple showed such strong interest. We set a firm price of $29,000 when they arrived and they bought it. There definitely are buyers out there.

As a side note, a Boss Hoss dealer who shall remain nameless (but I will certainly never do business with) saw the interest (bids, views, etc.) in our trike auction and listed a newer '32 Trike with less miles in what I could only believe to be an attempt to capitalize on the success our aution was experiencing (they did a mid-week listing and made sure that the end of their auction was at the same time as our auction). They even set up a "Buy it now" price of $23k which REALLY pissed me off. We sold our trike immediately and I enjoyed watching them list their trike several times on ebay with no success.

We were VERY happy to get $2,000 more than we expected for our trike that we absolutely LOVED for eight years!


Re: Aussie Boss Hoss Sales going Ballistic!

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2010 9:36 pm
by Els

Glad to see you enjoy that good fortune (pun intended) ;) . It's been my observation the last two years that trikes are the hot ticket so I'm not surprised to hear the prices and interest.

While hanging out at the V8Chopper tent the last few years, the trikes overall seem to get equal to or more attention than the bikes. Also seems at the end of the day, sales substantiate this. No doubt David Ward's inventory and involvement with the V8Choppers trikes have helped put them front and center as far as visibility within our V8 fraternity.

The prices you reference seem to well exceed the prices for same year BH 2 wheelers. As mentioned, one good bud with a real nice '01 two wheeler who's having no success moving it at well under $20k. I hope that changes as he's needing to sell it to buy a V8Chopper he's got his eye on.
