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Gerry Potts passed away...

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 4:02 pm
by Els
Recv'd the sad call from Stan earlier that Gerry passed away. I'm very saddened by this news as I'm sure anyone who knew Gerry is.

For those that may not know, Gerry was a part of V8Choppers family and helped Stan with sales at all the rally events across the country. First class person all the way.

Gerry suffered an acute aneurysm which almost killed him. Modern medicine saved his life but left him with serious problems including kidney damage and the complete loss of use of one leg. It has been very difficult for him since. Kidney dialysis, in and out of hospitals, using a walker, etc. Through it all, Gerry kept hope for better days. Stan tried to encourage Gerry to get back on the horse by way of a new trike and with a number of people's help including Giancarlo and Barbara, Crazy Rick and especially Stan. Crazy Rick headed to Oklahoma this week to haul Gerry's new trike back to him in Atlanta. I don't believe he ever got to see it.

In spite of my extreme sadness, I will remember Gerry's wit, smiles, kindness and better days. I know his friends in Atlanta like Crazy Rick and Billy and especially Stan, David and everyone who had the good fortune of riding and enjoying Gerry's friendship will miss him a great deal.


Re: Gerry Potts passed away...

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 4:10 pm
by Smoke'em
Sad to hear this.....I know he was fighting a in peace

Re: Gerry Potts passed away...

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 5:31 pm
by hogv8
May he rest in peace.


Re: Gerry Potts passed away...

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 7:30 pm
by Crazy Rick
Our friend Gerry got his new trike today just a few hours before God called him home.

When Steve and I rode over to see him last Friday he was exited to be getting the trike today. He told me then that he didn't think he would have the strength to ride it, but was going to try.

Today, I rode it up to his house and into his garage as loudly as I could. I know he could hear it. Gerry passed peacefully a few hours later with a house full of his family and friends.

Later this afternoon, his wife Dawn put on Gerry's biker jacket and ask if I would take her for a ride on the new trike. We BLASTED down the road for a few minutes and for a brief moment in time I think she felt at peace.

Gerry is the one who got all of us Georgia boys hooked on V8 Choppers. You will be missed my friend.

God Bless Gerry, Dawn and all of his family.
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Re: Gerry Potts passed away...

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 8:06 pm
by V8 Perv
I really wish I would have got the opportunity to have met Gerry.
From everything I have ever heard he was simply a great guy.
I feel for his wife, C.R., Stan, and all the other V-8 bikers who knew and
loved him. Rest in peace Gerry.

Re: Gerry Potts passed away...

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 8:43 pm
by NcChopper
Very, very sad news. God bless Gerry's family and friends.

Re: Gerry Potts passed away...

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 8:49 pm
by Buck
pegs down for Gerry

Re: Gerry Potts passed away...

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 9:39 pm
by Butterfly
Gerry will be missed!!! I first met him at a "Private" Biker party in central Al where he was working. He then came to Dothan for a Bike Rally and he and Eagle and Gerry's helper raced up and down the bypass. them on choppers and Eagle on the Beast. Gerry was on his yellow bike. This was just before his abdominal aneurysm. Not long after this my mother had the same medical problem, even with his recovering, he took the time to call me and help me through the hard times. He talked to me about what to expect, if she lived and that I could call him any time day or night! He was/is a wonderful man and My prayers are with Dawn. I hope she knows we ALL care and are here for or night! Dawn, you are Loved by many here and we will be here for you!!!!

Grandfather, please give Gerry a big hug from all of us and tell him he will be missed greatly. Please give his family and loved ones the comfort that they need at this time. Grandfather, please take special care of Dawn for she will miss him the most, stay with her and help guide her to a place of peace. Grandfather, I thank you for the privilege of meeting Gerry and knowing of this kind and caring man.

Re: Gerry Potts passed away...

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 7:32 am
by Redtro
We were all hoping that Gerry would be riding again regularly...and even back to his old self. It wasn't to be. Our prayers are with Dawn.

Re: Gerry Potts passed away...

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 8:54 am
by KrautV8
Very sad news for sure.....

Have a good way to heaven, Gary

I wish the famliy all the strenght they need...
