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Yahoo site

Posted: Fri Jan 01, 2010 11:03 pm
by Tom
Wildlman.... how about a link that would open up the old yahoo site picture section to this site. I think it would be appropriate since it is more or less the parent to this site. Can that be done?

Re: Yahoo site

Posted: Fri Jan 01, 2010 11:39 pm
by Tom
Thed reason I ask is because I posted a link in another thread but it don`t work unless I`m logged in there.... Lot`s of good memories there and your link will not work either....

Re: Yahoo site

Posted: Fri Jan 01, 2010 11:49 pm
by Tom
That would be great and probably the best answer... Thanks man!!

Re: Yahoo site

Posted: Sat Jan 02, 2010 3:43 am
by KrautV8
Ohhhh.....what great memories!!!! Tom, that was a good idea. Had to smile at Vic Richard's demonstration of a "cooling problem" at the Boss Hoss...hahahaha....and still love Frank's (wasn't that the name?) Hot Rod bike. I love seeing all these ole pics....aaaahhhhh.....

Thanks a lot for posting, WM!!!!!!


Re: Yahoo site

Posted: Sat Jan 02, 2010 7:29 am
by Els
Wow, great idea Tom :idea: . I too have great memories of the old days on the Yahoo site 8-) .

WM, thanks a bunch for posting those pics. Time warp back to some cool bikes and good times.

When one considers all that was covered back on the Yahoo forum in the old days, it's incredible. I used to hang on every post that Fred Strammer, Geezer and Neil put up amongst others. Learned about different bikes through Tom and Elvis, got to experience the excitement of someone saving their dollars in anticipation of getting their dream bike (Olaf).

Back then, the dealers didn't know shit and there were very few of them. Most of the "dealers" as such, were guys who wanted a discount on their bike and a for a few friends and so that's what a dealer was. They had zero knowledge. My dealer was a V-twin shop that hadn't sold one new bike in 3 years and would occasionally have a used one there on consignment.

EVERYTHING I learned was through the forum. And the "anything goes" like here made it a lot of fun. When shit got upside down, it had a way of correcting itself without moderators pushing buttons. It was a good time for sure.


Re: Yahoo site

Posted: Sat Jan 02, 2010 9:29 am
by Tom
Great memories for sure... Thanks WM!!!

Re: Yahoo site

Posted: Sat Jan 02, 2010 9:42 am
by Els
Wow, great stuff! V-man, V8eyedoc...lots of 8-) folks and great memories! :D


Re: Yahoo site

Posted: Sat Jan 02, 2010 10:03 am
by Els
Great seeing those old pics of Loaf. I remember few were as excited as he was to finally have things happen!

That picture of the guy and gal (Rick & Jenny Vigne) going by the cruise ship...I took that one. A group of the SW FL guys would go to South Beach in Miami every month from Ft. Myers/Naples. We'd have a blast. The one right below that is in front of Rick's house and shows one of my favorite Boss Hosses and the bike that encouraged me to join the V8 fraternity. It is the black small block with the American and Confederate flag. Rick bought it from a friend by the name of Bunky. It was a '98 single speed auto w/nitrous and called "Southern Yank". Very cool bike that Rick sold to friends in Norway. DAMN, the memories just go on and on! :mrgreen:

WM, you must be stuck at the computer like me today. Check out my O.A.T. (outside air temp) on the meter compared to yours. And everyone thought NC was in the sunbelt, ha ha. The temp shown on mine is the closest town, Todd, but is well warmer than where I'm at. You usually have to subtract 5 degrees. I'm 1,000' higher and when last out, it was 6 degrees with a -16 wind chill...but sunny! :shock:


Re: Yahoo site

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2010 3:56 pm
by zenbiker
Mike...Just fabulous! What memories!

Re: Yahoo site

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2010 4:50 pm
by Els
See here Joe, Wildman sticks his dick in the door every now and then, just like you and I would occasionally do in the old Yahoo days, ha ha! I'm on the verge of wondering; WTF! with all his PEACE/LOVE preaching but I won't. At least he and the other moderators here are kind enough and not so thin skinned as to bleep half the shit that's said with the vulgarity or vaporizemypost button. The "other" site went from a G-rated Disney theme to the Holier Than Thou Church of V8 Bikers site. I am doing a self imposed bannishment for their sake and mine. No "HATE" on my part, only some aggravation that being here helps me move on from.

Now if we could just get V8eyedoc to come back and add his sense of humor and views of things we would time warp. Not much chance as he doesn't even return emails these days. He also went into the serious mode right down to his riding. Spends a lot of time on a Goldwang riding with the PGR's.

In any case, yes, we are indeed a bit longer of tooth than when we were jabbering on Yahoo 8, 9, 10 years ago. Extremely gratifying that most are still around, still loving our bikes and forging great, time enduring friendships. Best...


Re: Yahoo site

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2010 4:58 pm
by NcChopper
Very cool, Mike. Thanks for the hard work. I even saw my old BB before I owned it. I saw pictures of Dave's bike (BadV8). Does anybody still talk with him or know how he's doing?


Re: Yahoo site

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2010 5:14 pm
by Els

Chris' always kind words were a reminder that I too would like to thank you for posting all those pics. It brought a big smile to my face quite a few times today. I'm looking forward to putting these under the microscope tomorrow. Perfect duty for these long cooold, winter days. Sure appreciate it!


P.S. I've got to go back and find your bike Chris...

Re: Yahoo site

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2010 5:27 pm
by Elvis
Hey Chris
Ncbosshoss wrote:....I saw pictures of Dave's bike (BadV8). Does anybody still talk with him or know how he's doing? Chris
Speaking of Badger, and the old Yahoo site, Badger, and Clark "Elvis" were having a pissing match about something, that had gotten pretty heated. So at my first rally in Tan Tara, I introduced myself to someone from the Yahoo site that I recognized, Hi I'm Elvis, later they told me they thought, "Oh shit Badger's right over there" thinking I was the Clark "Elvis". We got a pretty good chuckle out of it.

Re: Yahoo site

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2010 6:34 pm
by NcChopper
That was my first rally, too, Elvis. I was pretty shy and kept a low profile and don't think I met you then. I did hang around with Geezer and Badger and Adrian some. I remember Badger's bike "hydro-locked" on him while there.

Elliot, my bike was the "blurple" 502 with the chrome trim on the fenders and the ostrich seat. I pulled the chrome off and took a pretty good ribbing from some folks about it being purple but I had fun with it! Have no idea who it belonged to in the picture. Somebody from the Houston area where I bought it.


Re: Yahoo site

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2010 6:39 pm
by Elvis
Yeah, Geezer with his blow up doll, and Adrian on his electric Scooter.

Re: Yahoo site

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2010 8:05 pm
by Els

Not trying to have the last word here but a few thoughts...

Please don't give up the antics or crazy shit. These sites can be about a bunch of different things. I know some enjoy primarily for tech talk, some to learn, and others for the social aspects of staying connected to the V8 types and community. I personally like all of it including the entertainment gotten from some of the offbeat shit.

The "differences" you mention shouldn't be a source of contention or something to make anyone uncomfortable. These differences are specifically why some folks are primarily here or there. Had it not been for what I peceived as bull shit, I wouldn't be posting here right now. If it weren't for some that consider this site to loose or "vulgar" (ha ha, I love that one), they wouldn't exclusively use the other site. It's ok to call a spade a spade. Besides, you've already aired some of the history and dirty laundry and a little sniping ain't going to make anyone melt.

And finally, we need a bigger (.)< icon so my (.)< can be bigger than your (.)< ! On that subject, are there other icons we can be using or are we limited to those "smiles" shown to the left of where we type?

And finally finally... (.)<

Els :lol:

Re: Yahoo site

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2010 10:12 pm
by SRF
What kind of smiley do you need Els? Something like this Image or Image how about Image

Redtro posted this link a while back you can use whatever you want
check this thread for more also ... d9113#p284


Re: Yahoo site

Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2010 8:45 am
by Els
Shane, PERFECT! Thanks a bunch!


Re: Yahoo site

Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2010 9:12 am
by KrautV8
Els wrote:Great seeing those old pics of Loaf. I remember few were as excited as he was to finally have things happen!........Els
The moment when I bought my 99 single speed bike was the most exciting moment in my life....I swear!! The three years before almost drove me crazy. Now that I see the pic of myself (Bill took it) - did you know that I dropped the bike 10 minutes after that? Oh, the steering stop, adjusted too far out, can be dangerous...hahahaha...learned my lesson and fortunatly nothing major happend to me or the bike.

Not that I wasn't excited when I bought the 07 bike, but it was not the same. There's nothing than buying your very first V8 bike. Oh, and I have seen the Yankee bike from Norway 2 years ago in Andy's shop - it was there for repair. It has flipped over a couple of times and looked really bad. My 99 bike went up to Norway, too. Seems like almost every Nowegian owns at least one V8 bike....hahahahaha....

Also I still think about your "Big Red" bike everytime I see Ragnvald at the Pullman Rally. It was your bike, right? Didn't you sold it to a fellow and the whole bike burned down to the frame before you sold it to Norway? It's dull black with this massive 540cui BB nowadays and looks kinda brute because of the large 2000 frame and the "rough build". Some people told me it's the most impressive Boss Hoss they ever saw.


Re: Yahoo site

Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2010 9:52 am
"The moment when I bought my 99 single speed bike was the most exciting moment in my life....I swear!!"

I got to agree Olaf 110% :D

When i got my bike home after 10 years waiting like Olaf,i was happy as a man can be! :D :D :D

I did not have any info about that bike,not about gears,where to start and in what gear hahaha and so on! HUH! :o :shock:

Here you have 2 pics of the bike as i bought it!

Re: Yahoo site

Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2010 9:54 am
by Els
Olaf and K,

You hit the nail on the head. It's hard to compare the excitement relative to the first V8 bike. I had a number of Boss Hoss bikes and trikes in addition to Big Red but there wasn't near the level of anticipation and excitement as that first bike. Luckily, I did experience the same awaiting Stan building and accepting delivery of the V8Chopper in Daytona almost 2 years ago. You waiting as long as you did is enough to kill the average man but made it all the more sweet :D .

The Norwegians are a bunch of crazy bastards! RB (Ragnvald) right there amongst the craziest. GREAT bunch of guys.

Long story with Big Red and the black bike you reference. Actually, Big Red did crash and burn less than 2 weeks after I sold it. That unto itself was quite an interesting soap drama as my bud that bought it, was racing away from his fiance' who saw him with his girlfriend on the back! :o The soon to be wife going one way on the road and my bud and his g'friend going the other. He looked in the mirror and saw his fiance' do a 180 degree high speed bat turn and he got on the throttle and lost it around a curve. Girlfriend (who later became fiance') went 75' in the air but landed unhurt. My bud got all messed up and now has multiple titanium parts replacing joints and bones. The bike caught fire and I bought the big block from the salvage yard/insurer. It was then sold to a guy who worked for Mike Kelly as I remember. Gary and I mocked up that motor to put in a chopper frame but it looked like crap.

The big block that went to RB was the one Crazy Charlie had and wrecked. I was right behind him and Gary racing when that one happened. Watching Charlie roll down the road at 60 mph and then get up and tell me not to call the cops or fire dept as his bike hit a BMW sedan and caught fire is quite memorable. What a story that one is! :lol: Anyhow, it is that bike that went to Norway. And yes, it was a nasty big block that Gary rebuilt and sent to RB. I actually rode with RB on that bike in Daytona right after Gary got it put together and before it was shipped overseas. It looks very much like Charlies current Mad Max bike you saw in Miami.

Ahhh, the memories....


Re: Yahoo site

Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2010 12:08 pm
by Tom
I don`t know how you stayed sane Olaf... I waited two months for my first V8 and about went nuts!!!



Re: Yahoo site

Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2010 12:15 pm
Olaf said:"did you know that I dropped the bike 10 minutes after that? "

Got to confess that i was faster than Olaf! :oops:

I got my bike running in the garage after i rebuild my carb and needed to get it out soon so i could make fine tuning on it. When i got it out i needed to know if that "thing" can burn rubber or not. :D :o
I dropped it in less than 3 minutes after first start! Do we need Guinness Record Book here? :oops:
Also no harm done either,but i felt like a complete idiot!!! :oops:

Good advice to next "first timers":make sure that you are not wearing too big of sandals during burn out :oops:
:bolt your seat on before burn out :oops:

Re: Yahoo site

Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2010 12:40 pm
by Geezer

That is some funny stuff regarding "Badger".

We shared a room at the first Tan-Tara, 04 I think.

Being brought up in the swamps of Florida, some interesting stories
how he use to chase gators and snakes. He was one tough cookie,
but also a gentle giant.

I use to talk to him via phone all the time, as he moved around quite
offten with his job working power plant construction.

Last I heard he was in Omaha area, sold his BH and bought a Harley
as most the guys at the plant drove them. My guess is that was
in 2006. Not a word sense.

These pictures really brought back some memories.. Hell I can remember
when you saw a BH you knew who owned it, but these days with the
number of units on the road, that doesn't happen very offten.


Re: Yahoo site

Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2010 1:52 pm
by KrautV8
Tom wrote:I don`t know how you stayed sane Olaf... I waited two months for my first V8 and about went nuts!!!
I almost forgot that nice Kannon you owned!!! I remember this picture very well, cause at first, when I got bitten by the V8 bike virus, I was very interested into Kannons. They couldn't be licenced here in Germany at that time, therefore I switched over to Boss Hoss.

I don't know how much factory super charged Boss Hoss exist....maybe 10 or less? And I'm pretty sure that your 502 Kannon is at least as rare as your BH out on the road. BTW: your 502 looked real good as it came! You own two very rare collector bikes.

You had some monster sized "Boss Hoss Turtles" in your garden. Them alligator snappys looked like monsters ....real scary! Brrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!! Do you still have the pics? And the turtles?
