On a brighter note...

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Re: On a brighter note...

Post by SQ4MN »

The TRUTH of the matter as far as California goes is the blame for their water problem lies squarely with the POLITICIANS. The state has been run by the liberals for years and they are in the pockets of the enviro's. The enviro's don't want fish sucked in the pipes or an ugly building that takes MUCHO ENERGY to run them. Either does anybody else however at some point a bunch of thirsty unwashed voters will say FUCK THAT. Southern California was a desert but they survived many years on getting the water from other states like NEVADA and Northern California. They have a huge population now and the shit will hit the fan very soon. The politicians will act as all they have to do is keep conserving. Mention ENERGY to an enviro and unless it comes from wind or sun they will start to puke. They mostly dont even like wind or sun if its within their eyesight. LaFong is right, as always!

ImageLas Vegas, Nevada
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