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Re: I Like This Site!

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2008 4:27 am
by AR
Elsboss wrote:Neil Weber (another great friend via the old V8 board and friends in reality to this day)

I dont know if you already realize this but the 20,000 postings from the old Yahoo board have been snap frozen archived along with Rene and Wilson (long the last dozen or posts) and remain available for us to burnout with down memory lane. You should do it as its a total crack up :lol: some of the stuff we wrote...unfortunately Yahoo wiped the pics years ago but pick a month - any month - and get ready for a laugh. ... =124346848

you still need your old yahoo ID and password...if you forgotten it I'm sure Wildman can get you in somehow.

Aussie Rob.

Re: I Like This Site!

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2008 7:56 am
by Els

Appreciate knowing that. I remember some wild stuff going on especially when it came to V8eyedoc doing his thing. He'd take a pretty good spanking occasionally, ha ha. As mentioned, I made a lot of really good friends over the years as a result of spending time on that board and getting together in person with folks. The amount of technical information it provided was and still is invaluable.

With single digit temps outside and quite a bit of ice, I'll have some good opportunities to go down Memory Lane and scour through Yahoo. I think I even remember the login info. Thanks again Rob.


Re: I Like This Site!

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2008 8:27 am
by Redtro
Dang Elliot, Every time I look at your signature picture I remember drooling over that bike from your posts back when. I hated to see you sell it but glad to see you back again and can't wait to see what you end up with. I never got a chance to meet you before but looking forward to seeing you in Daytona this year.

Re: I Like This Site!

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2008 9:09 am
by Els

Thanks for the kind words. That chopper sticks with me years later as I too thought it was a great looker. Ran like a raped ape. Not sure why as I didn't do that much to the motor beyond cam and heads. Going to the Holley carb instead of the Edelbrock (and Demon in between) and spraying it definitely helped. It would stay with all the modified bigblocks at the time and the only bike that trashed it was Gary's V8Chopper with the Weiand 144 blower AND 175 hp nitrous shot. Those single speeds worked great 0 - 100. With the way they're geared now and the new converter, they're dramatically better.

Funny you compliment my old bike because I constantly admire your bigblock. My first V8 love was my '01 Boss bigblock affectionately know as "Big Red". Different paint scheme than yours but that same great looking red. I loved that bike to death and kicked myself in the ass for selling it especially considering it was totalled 2 weeks later. I've still got the pics of the wreck taken by the salvage company in NY.

Speaking of "red", the new chopper will have a base coat of very deep, dark, candy red with lots of metal. Ghost flames and LOTS of chrome. Most importantly, the new DART motor. It's a 400 c.i. smallblock making over 500 hp. Stan's leaving me enough room for a nitrous plate should I decide to go that route as I've done on every other. 300 Avon and some nice fru fru here and there. I'm definitely pumped.

Glad to hear you'll be in Daytona and looking forward to meeting you in person. A lot of the SW Florida guys will be hanging at the V8Chopper area at the Speedway as will I much of the time. Seems like we enjoy watching the ladies and telling lies about as much as riding there anymore. Other than showing your stuff, the riding at Daytona never has been worth much. That being the case, please be sure to get by when able. Regards,

Elliot (Elsboss)

Re: I Like This Site!

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2008 6:00 pm
by zenbiker seems as though Lamont is threatening to throw me off the other site because I stated how this site has become attractive for lack of censorship. Hopefully, he will not do that because I do enjoy that site and appreciate the work he has done there. I just don't see the problem having two, three or ten sites!....Joe

Re: I Like This Site!

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2008 6:32 pm
by zenbiker
Thans, Mike...I need to say how disappointed I was in the ridiculous ego expressed by some on the other board. You'd think we were talking religion or politics. Just plain silly!...Joe

Re: I Like This Site!

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2008 6:47 pm
by Els
Besides Joe, you couldn't tell me I'm an asshole and I couldn't call you a fartknocker over there. One of my favorite expressions these days is; "it is what it is."

There's some really good things going on over there, there's some really good things going on over here (without any baggage) and it's a great deal that there seems to be a place for everyone with the V8 boner depending on their flavor. I'm a bit disappointed seeing some folks disappear perhaps out of concern they'll be branded but thankful some are popping up on both sites. Everyone adds to these sites.

I even think you and I can get along famously on this board provided we stay away from politics. That is unless you tell me the libs can kiss your ass...then we can even go there! JUST KIDDING JOE, JUST KIDDING!!!

I've enjoyed hearing what you have to say for many years now. Glad to see you here, there, or wherever.

Now, what the heck is going on with your bike?! I've recv'd a couple emails and pics from Jeff and all I can say is...your bike will NOT be the same ever again. His attention to detail, ability to fabricate, and generally being great at about everything he touches on your bike will certainly result in some big smiles.


Re: I Like This Site!

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2008 7:01 pm
by Brenda
zenbiker wrote:Thans, Mike...I need to say how disappointed I was in the ridiculous ego expressed by some on the other board. You'd think we were talking religion or politics. Just plain silly!...Joe
Yeah Zen, I just read your post on the other site about how this one is "kicking ass" as you put it and I wondered what would happen with it, but I hope they can all stop this also, I posted on that site and this one about the embarrassment I think it has brought to the whole BH community and I too hope it ends soon! I feel like I'll be judged also for using one site more or less than the other. I'm sorry but I think it's gotten way out of hand! Just wish it would stop!

Re: I Like This Site!

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2008 10:17 pm
by zenbiker
Elliot...Jeff is dismantling the whole bike piece by piece and is finding this cracked, that bent etc. Basically blueprinting the bike and making things the way they should be. It won't look or ride any differently but it will be done right!..Joe

Re: I Like This Site!

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2008 4:29 am
by Els
Joe, be careful with Jeff. Once he gets everything "right", he may do multiple (few dozen) "check rides" which will terminate in Daytona or points unknown.

On a serious note, I was amazed at what Jeff did with the chopper I sold John W. who then sold it to the guy who brought it to Jeff. It was a bit of a mess when Jeff got it (mildly understated). The amount of thought and detail was dramatic. I've actually had quite a few photos of Jeff's work in progress on yours. I suspect you'll be very happy with the end result. Just watch it that Jeff doesn't get a hair up his ass or you'll get it back with a blower or drag bars or such.


Re: I Like This Site!

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2008 2:12 pm
by AR
Elsboss wrote:Just watch it that Jeff doesn't get a hair up his ass or you'll get it back with a blower or drag bars or such.

Ok Elliot...youve just touched on a matter of great interest for me and 1 or 2 others here. Kiss from Finland recently bought one of the 96 factory blower bikes - theres a few pics of it here and it looks like he's keeping the rest secret until his project is finished (more pics Kimi!!!). Anyway, what are your thoughts about the weiand 144's or picking up a 2nd hand B&M lowblows fitting onto the post 2001 frames? You & the SF crew must have thought about it - I'm betting you have????

But, as I see it the following is some dot points of the issues;

* Fitting unit into the 'new style' frame - eyeballing it looks tight/low at the rear end
* Manifold to suit ZZ4 heads - I'm not sure the B&M's will fit Alum heads??
* Snout fouling with small cross member...I think easy fix but might be more to it
* Snout length...can they be cut to suit?
* top pully arrangement - can we fit tension pully in the under neck void
* Belt & btm pully - need to move radiator forward 1/2 inch - prolly not to hard.

I've started asking these questions all over the place, nobody to date with any experience has responded. I would be interested in your thoughts cause it seems, like Wildman, that you are a bit of a know it all ;)


Re: I Like This Site!

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2008 2:43 pm
by AR

I should have 200 words or less. :lol:

Re: I Like This Site!

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2008 2:56 pm
by Els

Keep in mind that the Weiand 144 was put on one of the two original Kannon V8 choppers. Although similar to the current V8Chopper, it is a lot different than the BH frame.

Nonetheless, two buds in SW Florida made frame modifications to the Boss, one a bigblock the other a smallblock. The smallblock got some wild ass intake with a big Demon carb and a pretty big nitrous setup. I'm chuckling 'cause I remember the solenoids looked like small coffee cans. Anyhow, these guys took a sawzall and let it rip. The bigblock was Charlie Herwicks. He put a 600 c.i. aluminum Donovan motor with a great big air scoop coming through a split gas tank. Damn thing was so high it took a tall rider to see over it. I'll see if I have some pictures. I do have numerous pictures of the Weiand 144 when we were originally fitting it to my bike and after completion on Gary's bike. I'm still pretty green at posting pics here but I'll try following this post. I'll probably have to reduce them somehow.

Speaking of intakes, it's the issue which is limiting the hp on the new 400 c.i. DART being put on my new chopper. As I understand it, the motor is more akin to being 600 hp but the weakest link, the intake needed to fit it in the frame, will limit the breathing to a point of it producing more in the low 500 hp numbers. David or Stan will be a lot more fluent with this than I am as I just didn't spend much time researching it and it is what it is.

One of the tricks that made the blower fit possible on the chopper is exactly as you reference, moving the radiator forward which isn't a big deal. I also remember Gary ordering a different (shorter) snout which I believe went to a bigger blower but also fit the 144. You also hit the nail on the head where the biggest problem was...the rear not the front. In Gary's application it was very close and only required some frame grinding.

I'm going to attempt to send some pics here in a few minutes. I would also be glad to give you Gary's number and you could give him a jingle. He is inherently familiar with the Boss as well as the chopper after having had two badass smallblock Bosses. Let me know if you need.

Did I go more than 200 words?! Ha, I couldn't write a short hello in 200 words.


Re: I Like This Site!

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2008 3:17 pm
by AR
Coffee cans haha - its funny when I hear of the big nitrous setups cause as I reported in an earlier post I did a test run - stock zz4 with a 150 shot (Marco Mike kit) and I just cannot fathom needing any more than 150 unless somehow you are getting it hooked up MUCH better. Yes I'm running the 230 avon but NO tire could handle what happens when I hit it. I got a MT ET street radial in the garage which is going on next so that will make reason for another test. A point to note is I know my setup runs very rich and has always sucked double the gas that it supposed to. I dont do a lot of miles so I dont care too much but that might add to why mine just explodes when I add the N20. Haha, Wildman reckons its going to explode alright cause its the stock zz4 pistons etc and I know he's right but so far so good and I'm happy to keep taking a gamble - then again, I used to gamble by pulling out on the vinegar stroke until we had our 2nd & decided to stop doing that so I do learn eventually.

Yes I would like to talk to Gary so maybe if its ok with him you could PM his number.



Re: I Like This Site!

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2008 3:36 pm
by Els
Rob, I'll PM the number for Gary. He'll be happy to talk to you. Be sure to ask him what happens when you keep spraying pistons that aren't a good forged variety, ha ha. We've seen some pretty funny stuff. They make good ashtrays though so all won't be lost.

Also talk to Gary about tires. Yeah, they find ways to hook pretty good down there (using slicks) but all that traction can leave tranny parts scattered the first 60' or so. I remember on the old Yahoo site someone (Rad?) discussing the tire slippage being the "safety valve" for the tranny. That really sucks but it is what it is.

I'm still trying to figure out my Adobe Photoshop program and sending some pics to my desktop. I'm getting "missing file" shit so it may be a bit.


Re: I Like This Site!

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2008 4:00 pm
by Els
Ok, got some of the pics I want to my desktop. Can anyone tell me how to attach them to a post so they're not too big? I've got about 6 pics. I was going to start a new "Blower" thread when I can figure it out. Thanks,


Re: I Like This Site!

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2008 4:05 pm
by AR

follow the 'upload attachment' instructions below the post. I think that you can load 3 pics max. Then just do a second post for the next 3...thats how I'd do it.


Re: I Like This Site!

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2008 8:57 am
by Redtro
Elsboss wrote:Rob,

Keep in mind that the Weiand 144 was put on one of the two original Kannon V8 choppers. Although similar to the current V8Chopper, it is a lot different than the BH frame.

Nonetheless, two buds in SW Florida made frame modifications to the Boss, one a bigblock the other a smallblock. The smallblock got some wild ass intake with a big Demon carb and a pretty big nitrous setup. I'm chuckling 'cause I remember the solenoids looked like small coffee cans. Anyhow, these guys took a sawzall and let it rip. The bigblock was Charlie Herwicks. He put a 600 c.i. aluminum Donovan motor with a great big air scoop coming through a split gas tank. Damn thing was so high it took a tall rider to see over it. I'll see if I have some pictures. I do have numerous pictures of the Weiand 144 when we were originally fitting it to my bike and after completion on Gary's bike. I'm still pretty green at posting pics here but I'll try following this post. I'll probably have to reduce them somehow.

Speaking of intakes, it's the issue which is limiting the hp on the new 400 c.i. DART being put on my new chopper. As I understand it, the motor is more akin to being 600 hp but the weakest link, the intake needed to fit it in the frame, will limit the breathing to a point of it producing more in the low 500 hp numbers. David or Stan will be a lot more fluent with this than I am as I just didn't spend much time researching it and it is what it is.

One of the tricks that made the blower fit possible on the chopper is exactly as you reference, moving the radiator forward which isn't a big deal. I also remember Gary ordering a different (shorter) snout which I believe went to a bigger blower but also fit the 144. You also hit the nail on the head where the biggest problem was...the rear not the front. In Gary's application it was very close and only required some frame grinding.

I'm going to attempt to send some pics here in a few minutes. I would also be glad to give you Gary's number and you could give him a jingle. He is inherently familiar with the Boss as well as the chopper after having had two badass smallblock Bosses. Let me know if you need.

Did I go more than 200 words?! Ha, I couldn't write a short hello in 200 words.

Elliot, is this the bike your talking about? ....if it is, I've got more pictures of it that I took in Myrtle Beach last spring.


Re: I Like This Site!

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2008 9:41 am
by Els

I may be wrong, but I don't think the bike you have pictured has a blower. I couldn't see the necessary hardware in that picture and the radiator looks to be in the stock position. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.

Go to the thread I posted called "BLOWER(S)" and the guy sitting on a red V8Chopper is close friend Gary S. with the Weiand 144. There's also a number of photos of my mocking one up to my chopper although we didn't go that route.

I've seen a number of Bosses, mostly bigblocks that had the big breather coming up via a round tube from the carb, splitting the tank and sitting up there in your face but they're not blower bikes. A friend down south has that setup on his 600 c.i. Donovan motor. There was also an '01 for sale a number of years ago out of Georgia that had something similar. I know there was another blower Boss a long time ago running around Ft. Myers or Cape Coral. I never saw it but thought he was using a centrifal super charger rather than a roots blower.

The bike you have pictured is pretty over the top! I really like the paint but not too sure about the other. Check the thread I mentioned. Best regards,


Re: I Like This Site!

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2008 9:47 am
by Redtro
I don't know for sure either. It seemed like you were discribing this bike in your post but I didn't know. Here are a couple more pictures but really can't tell.



Re: I Like This Site!

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2008 10:02 am
by Els
Ricky, I'm sure now. That's all fru fru, not a supercharger. Definitely lots of "bolt ons" there. It is certainly an attention getter for sure!

The pictures I posted on "BLOWER(S)" are the real McCoy. Not as dramatic a statement with respect to appearance but the "real deal" with respect to performance and coolness.
