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Re: Bike / trike changes we want the Factory to address

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2016 1:15 pm
by Carl La Fong
Wow. Tough crowd.

Re: Bike / trike changes we want the Factory to address

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2016 2:42 pm
by Clint44
I really like them,both. Paint jobs are a subjective thing so whether people really like that element is not hugely important. Lots of little details on both I really liked;the tasteful black-out treatment on the bike and the KM trees & rear wheels on the trike. Not a fan of the plain chrome LS valve covers nor the KM risers on the trike but those are easily changed,if you want. Lots to like on the bike,though. Nice to see you left the stock trees on it. Not a big fan of side-mount taillight/license plates but I'm obviously in the minority in that respect. Bet both machines will garner lots of attention.

Re: Bike / trike changes we want the Factory to address

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2016 2:54 pm
by 3FOR2
"Wow. Tough crowd."

Thanks. I was dumbstruck, couldn't come up with the words...

Clint and I seem to have the same opinions on these...

Re: Bike / trike changes we want the Factory to address

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2016 2:58 pm
by CanuckHoss
arizona outlaw wrote:So the big improvement to the new bike is the 525 LS3 with a choked off air cleaner intake. The paint job is the same as the V Rod with stripes. The wheels have been changed, the cheesy coil covers and the rest is blacked out. So really its the same bike except for the engine!! I was hoping for some major changes like a new transmission and a little better styling. Happy 25 Anniversary!!!
We're are talking less than two months of ownership of the company and you want the whole world changed. Please cut these guys a bit of slack and give them time.

Re: Bike / trike changes we want the Factory to address

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2016 3:01 pm
by CanuckHoss

Re: Bike / trike changes we want the Factory to address

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2016 5:17 pm
by 3FOR2
"We're are talking less than two months of ownership of the company and you want the whole world changed. Please cut these guys a bit of slack and give them time."

Look at it this way...
One Small Step for Ricky & Co., One Giant Leap For Boss Hoss.

It's only been 2 months, and they've already got a lot done. Geez, look at the website... All redone, there's even a 2015 Brochure. Up until recently, the newest brochure was 2008? Lots to do on many fronts, more than most of us can imagine. Go Ricky go.

Inch by inch, anything's a cinch.

Re: Bike / trike changes we want the Factory to address

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2016 6:53 pm
by wag
I pretty sure about one thing and that is all that stuff is fine but ultimately I wouldn't have bought a Boss Hoss back in 2003 if I couldn't have gotten it like I did. That was an unpainted bike with gauges, wiring harness and such things in boxes. No money wasted on paint I didn't like and I learned a ton about the bike before I ever rode it. I realize it's 13 yrs later and things go up in cost but in order to have a large customer base I would think that just expensive models won't work in the long run. I have no idea what the pictured new models are going for and right now used ones are going cheap so this will be interesting.

Re: Bike / trike changes we want the Factory to address

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2016 7:42 pm
by arizona outlaw
I realize that its been only 2 months, and yes it will take a while to get everything turned around again. I know the transmission needs improvement which will take a lot of R&D and cash to get that off the ground. Now the new EPA laws are coming and not to mention ABS braking for motorcycles as well. They will have their hands full for a while. But with nothing new, the public wont purchase as many and sales go down. If you don't have deep pockets to ride out the storm until you get a product that people will purchase again your screwed. That's just business. Its a tough game to play in a poor and uncertain economy. Even Harley is suffering with sales numbers. Good luck to them if they can pull this company back on its feet.

Re: Bike / trike changes we want the Factory to address

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2016 11:27 pm
by SQ4MN
wag wrote:I pretty sure about one thing and that is all that stuff is fine but ultimately I wouldn't have bought a Boss Hoss back in 2003 if I couldn't have gotten it like I did. That was an unpainted bike with gauges, wiring harness and such things in boxes. No money wasted on paint I didn't like and I learned a ton about the bike before I ever rode it. I realize it's 13 yrs later and things go up in cost but in order to have a large customer base I would think that just expensive models won't work in the long run. I have no idea what the pictured new models are going for and right now used ones are going cheap so this will be interesting.
I think it would be a good idea to sell the "BIKE" in kits again. Let the customer build it and paint it and get it registered in a state thats easy. The factory would still have to get the transmission issue fixed and supply it. Kits get around many regulations at least at the present time. The kits could come with or without an engine. I hope Ricky will chime in on his thoughts about your idea.

Re: Bike / trike changes we want the Factory to address

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2016 2:06 am
by GordonBH
Great strides made so far in such a short time. This is a turbulent time for any company - new management brings more than technical issues. Well done Rick. I have a number of clients with companies this size and they would only dream of such a customer following and international reach.

If I had the bucks I'd buy a 525 (albeit with chromed and BossHoss embossed rocker covers).

Re: Bike / trike changes we want the Factory to address

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2016 6:30 pm
by Grand Canard
arizona outlaw wrote:So the big improvement to the new bike is the 525 LS3 with a choked off air cleaner intake. The paint job is the same as the V Rod with stripes. The wheels have been changed, the cheesy coil covers and the rest is blacked out. So really its the same bike except for the engine!! I was hoping for some major changes like a new transmission and a little better styling. Happy 25 Anniversary!!!
Dear Arizona Outlaw
We purchased BH Jan 21, at this stage (5 weeks ago) there wasn't a single bike or trike at the factory, zero engines or transmissions, etc.
it was critical for BH to attend Daytona resulting in a mad rush to quickly build a fleet of demo plus a custom bike and trike that would demonstrate our commitment that things are going to change, going to be getting much better, lots of options never before available.
During those 5 weeks, we invested money in R&D and testing with considerations towards sustainability and EPA, etc.
BH has made considerable improvements in just 5 weeks and will continue this process of improving.
Apart from that, go buy a Honda and then go fuck yourself.

Re: Bike / trike changes we want the Factory to address

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2016 7:52 pm
by randy burkey
Ricky, Thank you for your investment into keeping Boss Hoss a successful company..Your (along with many others) hard work is evident in the iron you showed in Daytona..I may be a bit biased, But I think that is the best looking bike to leave the factory in years! Granted we all would like to see a better transmission option..But that will take a hell of a lot longer than 5 weeks..You will always have people who bitch about everything and are never pleased..But 99.99% are elated to have fresh and new ideas at the factory and wish you nothing but the best! And if Arizona Asswipe isn't happy with Boss Hoss's new direction...Fuckem..

Re: Bike / trike changes we want the Factory to address

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2016 7:56 pm
by Carl La Fong
I think I like the new owners and the new attitude. No corporate pussyfooting, no "That's never happened before.", No P/C, liberal pandering to the masses.
If you don't like our product, too bad, here's a dime, call someone who cares.
Can I assume that you won't be voting for Hillary?!?!

Re: Bike / trike changes we want the Factory to address

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2016 9:35 pm
by Mikie v
I have one word for the new and improved owners, "BRAVO".

Re: Bike / trike changes we want the Factory to address

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2016 9:55 pm
by Jack
Long time listener, first time caller...

Fuck Yeah Ricky, tell it like it is.

And honestly, giving credit where it is due - Arizona for speaking his mind and nobody deleting his post because he pissed in their cornflakes.

Party on boys, I'm looking forward to the future around here! :siterock:

Re: Bike / trike changes we want the Factory to address

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2016 9:57 pm
by arizona outlaw
Wow I must of hit a nerve when I voiced my opinion of what I thought of the new bikes. Just one mans opinion, and remember not everyone is going to like everything you do. Obviously you didn't like the BH bike that you bought so you had to change it to extreme. It cost you thousands to do that. Not everyone likes your bike ether, but you do. I also ride a BH and not a Honda, but I got to say the Honda is way more reliable. The attitude you have as new owner isn't going to sell your bikes!! If someone has issues with a bike they purchase from you, are you going to tell them go Fuck yourself and buy a Honda??? Great PR man you are!! Did you notice the topic of this article? Changes we want the factory to know. Well if I start telling you what changes you should start doing to your bikes and trikes to improve them, you will end up in Anger Management Therapy!! My advise to you is to listen to what the public wants and not what Ricky thinks they need.

I guess its a crime to voice an opinion in this article if you don't agree with what your doing.

Re: Bike / trike changes we want the Factory to address

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2016 10:40 pm
by Carl La Fong
I think you need to go back and read your first post. It didn't come across as a list of friendly suggestions. Cheesy isn't what Ricky wants to hear when he's put a life savings into a product. Did you really expect a new transmission in three months???? Who do you think Rick is, Ben Daniels??? Give him another year, at least.
Another thing that gripes some of us is you made exactly 3 posts on this site. All three bashed Rick and his new bikes. You need to hang around and prospect foe a while before you spout off. Some of us don't like newbys putting in their, less than 2 cents, worth.

Re: Bike / trike changes we want the Factory to address

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2016 11:43 pm
by arizona outlaw
Carl La Fong
First of all I wasn't bashing Ricky. Cheesy was the coil covers on the bike. I prefer the old valve covers with the hidden coils, a lot cleaner and classer look. I certainly didn't expect a new trans but you all know what these bikes need first of all. Just going by the hype that's out there about a new style bike and trike for the 25th anniversary.
I just joined the site, when someone told me about this one. I was also told the picks of the new bike were on here. Sorry about being a newbie, but I guess you were one at one time as well. So my comments would of been accepted if I wasn't new to this site? Starting to sound like the ol boys club. I am a retired mechanical engineer from a major auto manufacture , I know I have more than 2 cents worth of knowledge when it comes to design. BH would only wish they had my knowledge in their factory.

Re: Bike / trike changes we want the Factory to address

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2016 3:39 am
by knockdolian
Well I like them both. I see the trike has Kewl trees. It doesn't look like the raked kit so is the frame raked out. If so would a front frame section be available for retro fit ? Probably a stupid question :england:

Re: Bike / trike changes we want the Factory to address

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2016 11:12 am
by Carl La Fong
arizona outlaw wrote: BH would only wish they had my knowledge in their factory.
Well, don't we have a high opinion of ourselves :handjob:

Re: Bike / trike changes we want the Factory to address

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2016 7:56 pm
by SQ4MN
arizona outlaw wrote:Ricky,
Wow I must of hit a nerve when I voiced my opinion of what I thought of the new bikes. Just one mans opinion, and remember not everyone is going to like everything you do. Obviously you didn't like the BH bike that you bought so you had to change it to extreme. It cost you thousands to do that. Not everyone likes your bike ether, but you do. I also ride a BH and not a Honda, but I got to say the Honda is way more reliable. The attitude you have as new owner isn't going to sell your bikes!! If someone has issues with a bike they purchase from you, are you going to tell them go Fuck yourself and buy a Honda??? Great PR man you are!! Did you notice the topic of this article? Changes we want the factory to know. Well if I start telling you what changes you should start doing to your bikes and trikes to improve them, you will end up in Anger Management Therapy!! My advise to you is to listen to what the public wants and not what Ricky thinks they need.

I guess its a crime to voice an opinion in this article if you don't agree with what your doing.
NUMBER 1, I been riding my Boss Hoss for eight years, for the last eight years all I've done is put tires and brake pads on it. I think even Honda would love that record.

NUMBER 2, I think the attitude Ricky has is GREAT and will do nothing but help sales, I also think anger management classes are the last place you'll ever find Ricky, FUCK ANGER MANAGEMENT CLASSES. I doubt he'll tell anyone who has issues with his bike to go fuck themselves and buy a Honda unless they come at him like an asshole. Then that response is perfect.

NUMBER 3, You seem to think Ricky doesn't listen to what people are saying or suggesting about his bikes. Thats bullshit, he has listened and commented on some of the suggestions and you know it. He isn't gonna comment on every single thing every day, he's busy and he has a family that would probably like a little of his time also. It sounds to me like you aren't half as smart as you think you are. If you are a mechanical engineer you should have been able to make your Boss Hoss more reliable than a Honda, you've had eight years to do it. I squared mine away the first month I had it and I only have a GED.

Re: Bike / trike changes we want the Factory to address

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2016 10:55 pm
by CanuckHoss
Rick has been around here for a long time as a member and friend and is passionate about Boss Hoss...he has to be otherwise he would not have bought the company.

He has heard over the years on both Forums the issues everyone has with Boss Hoss...

For you to come on and just start running down what he has done in a few weeks is totally your posts as if you were Rick and they directed at you...not a great way to become a member and gain respect from any of us.

It is not an old boys is a group of V8 enthusiasts...friends...and your approach lacks a bit of class.

Rick has a huge investment in Boss Hoss and to say he accomplished nothing I can see why he would be pissed.

Re: Bike / trike changes we want the Factory to address

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2016 3:03 pm
by IndyBill
I think anyone who's owns a Boss Hoss should polish Ricky's shoes. Had he not stepped up and Monte had let it run its course, which it sounds he was doing, anyone who owns a Boss would have a very nice boat anchor. If you think the resale is not good now then we know where it would had Ricky not done what he has done. As long as he has a vision and the support of the Boss Hoss community it can only get better!

Re: Bike / trike changes we want the Factory to address

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2016 4:50 pm
by hogv8
When I talked to Ricky and his partner and showed them my bike they paid me the ultimate compliment . They asked me it I'd be willing to share some of my ideas with them for future designs . I was very proud that they liked my bike and my style .

Re: Bike / trike changes we want the Factory to address

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2016 11:34 pm
by arizona outlaw
[quote="SQ4MN" wrote

NUMBER 1, I been riding my Boss Hoss for eight years, for the last eight years all I've done is put tires and brake pads on it. I think even Honda would love that record.

NUMBER 2, I think the attitude Ricky has is GREAT and will do nothing but help sales, I also think anger management classes are the last place you'll ever find Ricky, FUCK ANGER MANAGEMENT CLASSES. I doubt he'll tell anyone who has issues with his bike to go fuck themselves and buy a Honda unless they come at him like an asshole. Then that response is perfect.

NUMBER 3, You seem to think Ricky doesn't listen to what people are saying or suggesting about his bikes. Thats bullshit, he has listened and commented on some of the suggestions and you know it. He isn't gonna comment on every single thing every day, he's busy and he has a family that would probably like a little of his time also. It sounds to me like you aren't half as smart as you think you are. If you are a mechanical engineer you should have been able to make your Boss Hoss more reliable than a Honda, you've had eight years to do it. I squared mine away the first month I had it and I only have a GED.

I am glad you had your bike squared away in a month. I am not sure what you've done to it but as long as your happy with the results. Why would you say I had eight years? I just purchased mine used 8 months ago from a car dealer in Texas. Its a 2012 LS3 SS with 1200 miles on it. Haven't ridden it more than 400 miles so far but it needs a lot of changes to make it better. I have been busy building a race car and no time for the bike right now. I was told that the 25th anniversary BH was going to be completely different bike with a new trans. I was excited to see it and possibly purchase the first one built. That's why the comments that it wasn't changed much. Cant listen to rumors gets everyone pissed off.
That wasn't my intention on hear what so ever!!