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Death Sentence

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2014 9:22 pm
by Ravinsomniac
I am all for the death sentence for convicted murderers who are guilty beyond a doubt. It is not right that we taxpayers support there meaningless lives for several decades in prison. Which brings me to the lethal injection fuck ups that have been happening lately and all the pansy crybabies that said the prisoner suffered. Don't you think their victim suffered ? We need to bring back the firing squad or better yet, hang the prisoner upside down and drop him head first into a vat of liquid nitrogen. Guaranteed he will be dead in less than 2 seconds with no lengthy suffering.
Every time I smash a mosquito into atomized paste, I'm sure he didn't feel a thing.


Re: Death Sentence

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2014 10:47 pm
by petitemoose
It is a little known fact that the US army Still has The firing squad as a viable and approved method of execution ... I do not understand why we have thousands of people on death row ... Still alive

Re: Death Sentence

Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2014 8:51 am
by V8Bikers
The endless appeals process is beyond my comprehension. You were convicted by a jury of your peers who found you guilty based on the evidence presented (especially when there is irrefutable dna, witnesses, confessions, etc.) One appeal only then good fucking bye.
:madfinger: Image

Re: Death Sentence

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2014 2:00 am
by Grand Canard
In the grander scheme of things, ultimately, we're all dead men.
While I don't want the cold-blooded, murdering, piece of shit to suffer during his execution as we are a civilized society, I do tend to disagree with the use of the electric chair, and the current form lethal injection used since we had to switch to different type of drugs to kill because whatever foreign country we were getting the drugs from decided to quit selling them to us.
Firing squad, hanging, or a guillotine would be more humane type of instant death.
At least with a public guillotine, the executioner could quickly retrieve the head and present it to the crowd so they can witness justice, hopefully with eyes still blinking and trying to talk.
On a more serious note, just slowly flood his sealed chamber with nitrogen, he'll become sleepy fairly quick once oxygen is reduced from 21% to 17%, pass-out at around 15%, and die peacefully as the O2 content goes below 10%; the end. Nitrogen is cheap too.

Re: Death Sentence

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2014 2:53 pm
by petitemoose
Well Since I am a mean heartless vindictive Bastard ... What is wrong with killing them the same way they did their victims?

THAT would be an effective deterrent. After the first few are carried out people would start to realize that there are in fact consequences for their actions.


We can adopt the procedures of old ... When murder was commited and the person was judged guilty, the victim was literally strapped to the back of the murderer. As the body would rot , the murderer would experience everything the dead body would including the bugs, decomposition, smells etc. and eventually kill him.