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Washington Redskins

Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2014 12:13 am
by Ravinsomniac
Many people lately are trying to have the name of the Washington Redskins changed. My Grandmother was Cherokee Indian and I don't really find the name offensive. However, since there are not any Native Americans on the team, I think they should change their name to the Washington Blackskins !

Re: Washington Redskins

Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2014 3:26 pm
by GordonBH
Hi RavinS,

Yeh, we have seen the Commonwealth Games in Glasgow, Scotland in the last 2 weeks and the sprinters are all black - they are British and the best so why not eh?

It's wierd but when I was doing my big bucket list road trip in 2008, I drove thru Navajo country and met lots of bad Kharma about Native Americans - from white trash I met. It was sad especially as I met up with Brule at Mt Rushmore - lovely people. A big story and I had lovely times there. Great people, bad history. Still we got to look at the positives and things are getting better - slowly.

Redskins, blackskins, whiteskins we're all the same underneath except some ride V8s!

Re: Washington Redskins

Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2014 6:51 pm
by Ravinsomniac
Many things have a way of coming full circle. From the 1600's into the 1800's, Europeans slaughtered millions of Native Americans and chased over twenty Tribes into what is now Mexico. Now, the ancestors of some of these Tribes are coming back across the Southern border every day and are taking back, that was once theirs. Many have lost their native languages in favor of Spanish, which is starting to overtake American English on everything from food packages to billboards. Three hundred years ago, politicians voted to get rid of the Natives, and now they are letting them back in. It is coming full circle.

Re: Washington Redskins

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2014 12:47 pm
by Elvis
To go full circle they would have to go back to Asia, then to Africa.