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Hellboy wont quit

Posted: Thu Feb 06, 2014 5:15 pm
by CanuckHoss
Hellboy has no problem copying and pasteing stuff he saves from a year ago that I said and just won't let it go. We have had no words...not one... since he commented on me becoming a sponsor of this site and I thought it was over as it should be... and not sure why this PM in the past and unhappy I assume.

Here is what I just received on the other Forum in a PM...what is fair for him is fair for me.

QUOTE "On several occasions you have put you foot in your month and jumped to the wrong conclusions. You got involved and made a strong comment toward me without having all the facts. You don't know me and you really don't want me in your face - trust me on this. I strongly suggest to you to mind your own business. If you really want to know what actually happened, just ask and I would gladly explain it to you before to shoot your month off. Maybe then you'll understand why I decided not to deal with a certain person back then. END QUOTE

I won't reply to threatening PMs!!!

Re: Hellboy wont quit

Posted: Thu Feb 06, 2014 5:23 pm
by Buck
maybe his mommie didn't pottie train him correctly

Re: Hellboy wont quit

Posted: Thu Feb 06, 2014 6:53 pm
by Carl La Fong
I suppose we can expect the drama to spill over onto this board. There was a time that I had compassion for HB. I was angered at the way he was treated, by some members, over the issues he was having with his trike and the damages incurred during shipping. As the melodrama continued to play out, it became evident that HB displayed some curious behaviors. Passive aggression being one of them. He holds a grudge longer than an Arab. He has his trike, it's been repaired and he should be happy, but he seems to have a desire to dig up the past and stew over it. Not healthy (says the guy with the angry sig line :rofl: )

Re: Hellboy wont quit

Posted: Thu Feb 06, 2014 10:40 pm
by Ric
Are we talking about Robin? Oh, I thought he was pretty pumped at getting his trike in order, and I too was empathetic to his plight of shipping damage. I know that a few weren't so sympathetic after the level of complaints were aimed at people on the other site knew. It's understood that frustration and anger would stir up any hornets nest if your bike/trike came to them in such a damaged condition. I believe we all anxiously awaited an anticipated excitement when Robin would soon report his baby is now in the Barn.

Some of the responses when Robin vented his spleen on the site were met with some rougher edged responses after many had suggested what he might do to resolve his situation. His complaints never subsided… and others had no patience for that. (Have I got the story straight thus far???)

Eventually there were a few that simply didn't want anything to say to him after his ignoring helpful ideas.

Then the shit hit the fan with less than charming accusations on Robin's part. Initially I supported his plight, hoping for a fast and economical resolution to his situation. and over a year later, he reports that his trike is in good shape, and supported his claim with some pretty decent photos. Like most, we felt that all was a life experience that was 'lesson's learned' by proxy… and it was done. And he moved on.

But for Barry to have a pint of shit stirred into his soda because Robin had a bad day and 'remembered' those that didn't sign up for his plight day after day when those on the site were trying to offer ideas to fix it from a year ago… And now hits Barry with a "I've got my eyes on you, and I never forget!" juvenile PM, simply supports a public concept that there is something not 'quite right' with the lad.

I'll say this publicly, which I don't often do when it comes to a person's character… but Robin, you are wearing my resolve thinner than a dog fart in a glass bowl, when you slander a friend of mine. Barry may have seen through your character at the beginning… but I can say, you've got Barry read wrong!

I think it's time you settled this nonsense out in your own mind, and move on. I recall your health was not the best… and why would you sign up for fret and frustration while you still have health remaining to enjoy your trike, rather than haunt your present with the past?


Re: Hellboy wont quit

Posted: Thu Feb 06, 2014 11:06 pm
by Carl La Fong
:canada: :what_he_said: :iagree: :thumbup:
Best post of the year, so far
Also, most smilies that I've ever used

Re: Hellboy wont quit

Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2014 8:50 pm
by randy burkey
what Ric said...I couldn't put it any better

Re: Hellboy wont quit

Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2014 9:05 pm
by CanuckHoss
randy burkey wrote:what Ric said...I couldn't put it any better
When Ric puts his mind to paper he is bloody awesome!! Thanks Ric.

Re: Hellboy wont quit

Posted: Thu Feb 13, 2014 3:09 pm
by GordonBH
Great post Ric, short on moniker, long on common sense.

Re: Hellboy wont quit

Posted: Fri Feb 14, 2014 2:12 am
by Sonny
I have some thoughts and information about HB that I may share with the forum but it will take me a while to type it all out and it's too late tonight to get started.

Re: Hellboy wont quit

Posted: Fri Feb 14, 2014 10:12 am
by CanuckHoss
Sonny wrote:I have some thoughts and information about HB that I may share with the forum but it will take me a while to type it all out and it's too late tonight to get started.

Re: Hellboy wont quit

Posted: Fri Feb 14, 2014 10:25 am
by Sonny
Ok I have a cuppla spare extra minutes and since this is the forum where we can "say anything" I'll give it a whirl. First of all to those who were upset with me that I continually asked HB to post pics of his "trashed" trike - I'll get the niceties out of the way first - too fucking bad. I don't care. Not one iota. I wasn't asking for the pics because I was doubting that something happened to his trike. I (along with many others) wanted to see pics of the "trashed trike" so that we might possibly help evaluate the situation and offer advice on what to do next since he was apparently so distraught over it. I was a cop for a lot of years. I can smell a rotten fish from a mile away. Maybe even 2 miles. It's what I got paid for. I was good at it. We never did see any pics although he went on and on and on and on about how the trike was completely "trashed". In one post he said he was "too upset" to take pics. Hunh? That's bullshit. No matter how "upset" you are over any kind of damage to anything done by somebody else you take pics of the damage for documentation. That's just what you do. I thought that was very strange. At one point he even said he was so upset over it he had to be "hospitalized". Ok whatever. My other BH burned down to the ground a cuppla years ago while I watched helplessly from the sidelines. Fuck yea I was upset. But the first thing I did when the fire went out was take pics of the bike and my damaged garage. He told me that the bad experience he had with the BH dealer was with Tom Shaffer and that "everyone says that Tom has no integrity". Well that in itself is a big red flag to me cos if you know Tom Shaffer you know that you have to try pretty damn hard to have major issues with him about anything and IMO Tom ranks near the top of the list in people with integrity. I don't know Tom outside of from a business standpoint but I have no reason to believe his integrity lacks in any area. He has always been there to help me when I needed it. Others here I'm sure would say the same thing. I discussed HB with Tom and will keep that discussion between me and him. HB continued to whine about one problem after another. But the real kicker was when he asked if I would be interested in starting a "fund" that we on the forum would all contribute to monthly a said sum of money to be held on the side for any "brothers in need" and if someone did need money then we would all take a vote on whether to give the money to them. What? That's fucking hilarious. I asked him are you fucking serious? Do you really think for one second that we are all gonna kick in money every month to some sort of "fund" in case someone down on their luck needs it? Sorry but I'm not in the charity business. Quite honestly if someone here is down on their luck and needs money no way am I gonna give somebody I never met any of mine. That's just not gonna happen. That concept is beyond ridiculous. They can sell their 50K+ bike first to get the needed cash. He went on to say that a friend of his was repairing cars in their garage and the house burned down and the insurance wouldn't pay so they needed money. Too fucking bad. No doubt there was a good reason why the insurance didn't pay. Next time don't be repairing people's cars in your garage. Lesson learned. You're not gonna get a penny from me to help out. This is what I'm talking about. I'm not in the sympathy business either. He said his family stole $200K from him and he was homeless and lived on the street for 3 months and lost his house. Then he said somebody tried to run him over with a 4x4 pickup. The sob stories just went on and on and on. I don't believe anybody has continuous bad luck without a reason for it. I believe those types of poeople are the cause of their own problems a lot of the time. I have no doubt that if we did in fact establish this "fund" that he suggested he would be the first one to try and tap into it because no one else in their right mind would even suggest such an outlandish idea unless they had an interest in it. I'm not saying this to be cruel or anything but quite frankly I believe the man has some mental issues going on. And don't call me "Brother Sonny" anymore either. I fucking hate that. Ok time now for my afternoon nap.

Re: Hellboy wont quit

Posted: Fri Feb 14, 2014 11:12 am
by Carl La Fong
I've decided that I don't give two farts about Hellboy's peculiarities, his, self proclaimed, bad assery, his trike, his physical or emotional issues or his interaction with anyone on this or the other board. I wish him well, but that's all.
I am as guilty as anyone, as far as turning this board into a whinefest with my complaints about some of the asshats on the other site. I have altered my sig line and I will no longer attack anyone unless provoked. Let's all put on our big girl panties. If someone annoys me, I will hit the "Ignore" button.

Re: Hellboy wont quit

Posted: Fri Feb 14, 2014 11:33 am
by CanuckHoss
Awesome Carl...that is great news.

I shared his PM here because it was unprovoked and not necessary. We each had our say with the advertising part a few months ago. END OF FRIGGIN STORY!! Then out of the blue a PM...about old shit. He was questioning my integrity, threatening me and I was fed up.

I don't need that crap... I can move on easily..not a problem...just quit the BS.

I believe he has issues and wants to blame others. We all have our is how you deal with them that makes life shitty or GREAT! I prefer GREAT!! I honestly hope he deals with issues and not by lashing out at others.

Re: Hellboy wont quit

Posted: Fri Feb 14, 2014 4:35 pm
by GordonBH
OK, I don't know Hellboy or what he's got up to but he seems to cause lots of shit for a lot of good guys here on this site.

Wouldn't it be best just to ban/block him and let him get on with his sad life on his own and let us get on with our's.

I mean, this site's all about helping/ educating/ entertaining each other so can't we just get on with it? This is in light of this being a very free site so maybe I'm just farting on and should be ignored and reminded that banning is "the other site's" playground.

On V8 topic, I got my SB 385 SS through the tough UK tests and finally convinced the Dept of Vehicles that giving me a tag to make me legal was OK - thanks to 12 legal documents!. So I'll get the plastic plates sorted and I'm street legal at last!

You have to be dedicated here in the UK to ride a Boss Hoss! Phew!

Re: Hellboy wont quit

Posted: Fri Feb 14, 2014 4:45 pm
by Iron Maiden
GordonBH wrote:On V8 topic, I got my SB 385 SS through the tough UK tests and finally convinced the Dept of Vehicles that giving me a tag to make me legal was OK - thanks to 12 legal documents!. So I'll get the plastic plates sorted and I'm street legal at last!

You have to be dedicated here in the UK to ride a Boss Hoss! Phew!
CONGRATS Gordon!! :ridding:

Re: Hellboy wont quit

Posted: Fri Feb 14, 2014 8:53 pm
by petitemoose
GordonBH wrote:OK, I don't know Hellboy or what he's got up to but he seems to cause lots of shit for a lot of good guys here on this site.

Wouldn't it be best just to ban/block him and let him get on with his sad life on his own and let us get on with our's.

I mean, this site's all about helping/ educating/ entertaining each other so can't we just get on with it? This is in light of this being a very free site so maybe I'm just farting on and should be ignored and reminded that banning is "the other site's" playground.

On V8 topic, I got my SB 385 SS through the tough UK tests and finally convinced the Dept of Vehicles that giving me a tag to make me legal was OK - thanks to 12 legal documents!. So I'll get the plastic plates sorted and I'm street legal at last!

You have to be dedicated here in the UK to ride a Boss Hoss! Phew!
WOO HOO! Grats :)

Re: Hellboy wont quit

Posted: Fri Feb 14, 2014 11:15 pm
by Ric
Now THAT is good news we can use! You British cats have a few more hoops to jump through than we Canucks do… Glad to hear your are soon to be haunting the 'wrong' side of the road with your newer Boss Hoss! :ten: