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Ohio killer executed

Posted: Thu Jan 16, 2014 12:11 pm
by Sonny
So the Ohio inmate they just executed "gasped and took 15 minutes to die" and the his kids were "crying and visibly upset". Good. I say who gives a fuck. How long did it take for the douchebag's victim to die who he raped and killed that got him there in the first place? I'm all for capital punishment.

Re: Ohio killer executed

Posted: Thu Jan 16, 2014 1:28 pm
by V8Bikers
I love capitol punishment and the more they suffer the better. The article also states that her throat was cut and she was sodomized. They should of shoved a baseball bat up his ass about an hour before execution.

Also, the rate of escape and recidivism after death is pretty close to zero. :twisted: In full disclose, I don't have kids but have an observation: I watch a lot of real life crime shows on Investigation Discovery; Wives with knives, Snapped, Evil Kin, Scorned, etc.

What I have noticed is that, overwhelmingly, the kids stick up for their parents despite massive damming evidence against them. It is even worse the other way around. Many times the parents hide the kids KNOWING they did the crime. I am talking murder, rape, etc, not minor shit. It makes me nuts. ;bullshit:

Re: Ohio killer executed

Posted: Thu Jan 16, 2014 2:07 pm
by Sonny
I was a cop for 25 years and I learned early on that few people own up and take responsibility for what they did. It was always either they didn't do it or it was somebody elses fault. That gets real old after a while.

Re: Ohio killer executed

Posted: Thu Jan 16, 2014 7:49 pm
by Carl La Fong
The 15 minutes, that it took for that steaming pile of excrement to die, was a gift. That's 15 minutes he won't have to spend in Hell.
I read some comments, on line, about the execution. All of the whiney, Obongo supporting, liberal twats are all butt hurt over the state taking his life. Screw you, hippie jackwads. They are crying about how it costs more to execute him than to give him life. Hogwash. Besides that, I'd rather see a thousand dollars spent to kill his worthless ass that a dime spent keeping him alive, where he can appeal his case forever, all the while, sitting in his cell, jerking off while thinking about raping and murdering that girl. They also whine that capitol punishment is not a deterrent. Guess what? It isn't supposed to be a deterrent. It's what the rational, clear thinkers call justice. If I get a parking ticket and am fined 50 bucks, it isn't to deter others from not paying the meter. It is justice, pure and simple

Re: Ohio killer executed

Posted: Fri Jan 17, 2014 8:20 am
by hogv8
I have no problem with execution but it's a easy way out for these fuckers . I think life in prison can be a living hell with a eventual horrible death at the hands of another prisoner as long as the person serves his time in with the general population . It happens all the time but we just don't get to hear about it . I know this is only wishful thinking but I've often thought if someone were to kill or harm one of my loved ones how I would do what I had to do excluding murder or rape to be sent to that same prison for some reason just to do the job myself and then just let the cards fall where they may .