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Anything Goes...

Posted: Sat Nov 16, 2013 9:31 pm
by Ravinsomniac
Years ago on the other V8 site, the late Jack Phillips who was a fantastic, yet prudent moderator and a good, close friend, used to warn me off of certain political and ethnic subjects via private emails after I posted.
Do I hear that I have free reign on this site ??
Okay, for starters, my Fathers, Mother (my Grandmother) who lived to be 94 years old, was a full blood Cherokee Indian. All this crap nowadays is getting out of control... African Americans ? If you or I moved to Africa, would we be American Africans ? One thing that really pisses me off, is the Washington Redskins. Are there any Native Americans on the team? Hell no. So, why not call them the Washington Blackskins since the majority of them already are !!

Yeah baby, I'm just getting started....

Re: Anything Goes...

Posted: Sun Nov 17, 2013 8:29 am
by Iron Maiden
Good question Raven - but here is something that still has me puzzled...... When I was growing up and someone was sitting on the floor with their legs crossed under them, we called the position "Indian style". During a recent conversation I mentioned sitting "Indian Style" and was told that it was politically incorrect....... REALLY?????

Would an Indian take a sitting position named after them as offensive-I don't think so but then again....what do I know. What I do know is that everyone is getting way too sensitive!

Re: Anything Goes...

Posted: Sun Nov 17, 2013 10:50 am
by Ric
It's interesting here in Canada. Political correctness won't allow us to call Native people "Indians"… it's like using the 'n' word for blacks (which there are very very few blacks in Canada - not sure why that is… maybe the Minus 40 weather keeps them smart enough to say out of this crap). No, indeed, we cannot call them Indians. The proper term here is "First-Nations", or if you refer to them as Native… they lean a negative eye your way too now.

My question is: Who was in North America before the Natives settled here? The oldest living Native here in Canada (Never met her or knew her name)… suggests there WERE people here before all the Native cultures started fighting among themselves…. The were referred to as "To Old Ones".

The Northern Eskimo or now referred to as "Innuit"… Almost have an Asian/Indian took to them… were likely here all along. For whatever reason, they stay pretty much up in the far arctic. 1000's of miles from the general population. There's a whole-lot of nothing between these two cultures land-wise. But they are slowly being modernized buy the free handouts from the Canadian Government like most "First Nations" groups. No accountability from them, and they do not live by the freedoms that their Forebearers demanded. They live on reserves and in some cases in towns and cities with no sense of ownership, why would they? The Government molly-coddles them to that point. From a social aspect here in Canada where most Canadians live like most Americans, the Natives find it difficult to assimilate into this culture. It's complicated.

We, like Americans are now inundated with a newer cultural growth, Immigration has East Indians (Sikh's) and Phillipino's by massive amounts here in Canada… they are referred to as "New Canadians". From an ethics perspective, there is nothing wrong with that, because these New Canadians are willing to work for a living! Although they haven't migrated into many skilled trades, we'll likely see the trend change somewhat as many White Canadians refuse to take on service jobs such as the fast food industry, or gas stations. It's a similar demographic not unlike the U.S.

Speaking of African Americans… what should then be referred to if they want their own identity up here in Canada. African-American-Canadians? Long title. Interestingly enough, racism is fairly minimal here in Canada. I suspect that it's because Canada is made up of immigrants that only go back to three or four generations. We are still considered a 'new country' by world standards. I was talking to a fellow while on a bike trip in the States who claimed his discontent on certain people because they weren't white. That's not a concept you'll find here in Canada. Although you may find SOME Canadians bitching about the New Canadians, because they struggle with their accent. :toofunny:

Re: Anything Goes...

Posted: Sun Nov 17, 2013 12:16 pm
by Carl La Fong
The patent absurdity of the whole African American deal becomes evident every day, somewhere on the news. It goes like this, "Police have described the suspect as an African American man.....bla bla bla. How do they know the person is an American? He could be Hatian, Dominican, an actual African, etc. Also, how about the person who has 1/32 Indian blood and claims to be an Indian. PUHLEEZE!!! Most of us are mutts and can't claim to be anything in particular. Aside from being a Boy Genius™, I am also an amature genealogist. I have traced my line back, in some instances, 12 generations. My last name says I'm Irish or Manx. My bloodlines say I'm almost everything else. English, French, German, Alsatian, name it.
It's funny that the whole shitstorm that took place at the Nancy Boy Site started about 5 or 6 years ago when one person made a stupid comment about race, gender and age that another person objected to. Person number one decided he would treat Carl.....oops, I mean person number two, like number two, right to his grave.
The Redskins are about over with, I'm afraid. The Indians are next. I read an article a while back where schools were complaining that all they can name their teams after are animals. When you have a district the size of Los Angeles Unified, how many Cougars or Tigers can you have? My old school was Polytechnic High and we were the Poly Parrots. Not too many Parrots out there. I'm sure the asshats from PITA will soon be cranking up their legal team to whine about animal names as being demeaning, hurtful and disrespectful to all of the poor Bears and Lions out there who have lived under the oppressive thumb of Whitey for 300 years. I see a time, not too far in the future, where we'll have the Detroit Nice Guys or the Atlanta Strong Gents playing against the New York Wonderful Persons or the Arizona Dry Heats. Of course, the scores will not be kept, lest someone's self esteem is damaged. The games will be played via email or text message.
Rah Rah, Go Team!! Do an adequate job!! But only if you want!!!!

Re: Anything Goes...

Posted: Sun Nov 17, 2013 10:12 pm
by Ravinsomniac
I always thought some catchy team names could be, the New York Negros or how about the Minnesota Mexicans. In College Football, American Indian Tribes tried to stop the thousands of Florida Seminoles fans to stop using the Tomahawk Chop with their hands in a chopping motion while they were in the stands. Fair is fair, just rename the Seattle Pro Team, the Seattle Spearchuckers and the fans could use a spear chucking motion. You can bet the NAACP would be howling like a pack of dogs after just the first game !

Re: Anything Goes...

Posted: Sun Nov 17, 2013 10:50 pm
by SQ4MN
Ravinsomniac wrote:I always thought some catchy team names could be, the New York Negros or how about the Minnesota Mexicans. In College Football, American Indian Tribes tried to stop the thousands of Florida Seminoles fans to stop using the Tomahawk Chop with their hands in a chopping motion while they were in the stands. Fair is fair, just rename the Seattle Pro Team, the Seattle Spearchuckers and the fans could use a spear chucking motion. You can bet the NAACP would be howling like a pack of dogs after just the first game !
I love it. Maybe these gestures would start a movement, almost like flipping the finger. Anything not politicly correct is perfect. Its gotten so bad even some Indians now have become sensitive liberal cry babies. White people started all this touchy feely stuff, its fucking sickening.

Re: Anything Goes...

Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2013 9:49 pm
by Ravinsomniac
America can not repay its $17 Trillion debt..
China forecloses on all US citizens in just a few days !
If you own your home outright, you can stay.
If not, you must pay what you owe on your home immediately, because all the American Banks are now bankrupt.
If you do not own your home outright, you will be forced to leave, or be terminated.
The Chinese Government will relocate over one half billion Chinese Frontier People into the "New Country" to take over your existing homes.
Please don't beg or whine, because this is exactly what your European ancestors did to the Native American Indians over 400 years ago when they slaughtered close to a half million Native American humans while they were living in their homes.
Blacks can go back to Africa, and whites can go back to Europe. Problem solved.

(damn I love this site, am I pushing the limit yet?)

Re: Anything Goes...

Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2013 1:01 am
by petitemoose
Ravinsomniac wrote:NEWS FLASH !!
America can not repay its $17 Trillion debt..
China forecloses on all US citizens in just a few days !
If you own your home outright, you can stay.
If not, you must pay what you owe on your home immediately, because all the American Banks are now bankrupt.
If you do not own your home outright, you will be forced to leave, or be terminated.
The Chinese Government will relocate over one half billion Chinese Frontier People into the "New Country" to take over your existing homes.
Please don't beg or whine, because this is exactly what your European ancestors did to the Native American Indians over 400 years ago when they slaughtered close to a half million Native American humans while they were living in their homes.
Blacks can go back to Africa, and whites can go back to Europe. Problem solved.

(damn I love this site, am I pushing the limit yet?)
Sad thing is ... its not unrealistic