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Posted: Sun Nov 10, 2013 11:51 am
by V8Bikers
I would like to revive the thread about the Sabertooth funding that was deleted on the other site. I think it is absolute bullshit that the thread was deleted. :evil: It is a public forum where members have the right to express their opinions without fear of reprisal :whack: I do realize, however, that there are rules over there about personal attacks but why not just remove that statement, not the entire post :anvil: People make mention about going to this site on occasion but no one shows up. :dunno:

There are many threads that have been deleted that I would have liked to read. You don't have to worry about that over here. It would have be real bad for me to even consider altering it let alone delete.

Please ask any V8 owners you know to come over to this site to join the discussions. If some members have issues with each other and chose to go at it on this forum - go for it. These threads run their coarse and die at some point anyway and are great reading! :popcorn: Besides, we have Friday titty pics :showyourtits: :maninlove:

Here is the link for the Sabertooth Chase bank funding: ... ail/127810

I personally think they make a well engineered bike. Have seen one up close and heard them run at the display at Bike week one year. I hope they soon become successful.

Re: Sabertooth

Posted: Sun Nov 10, 2013 4:48 pm
by Carl La Fong
Good for you. The moderation, over there, is as bad as any that I have ever seen. It has been that way since I first joined, prior to getting my bike. The bias, towards certain members, is blatant and obvious. The heavy handed use of the delete button is asinine, childish and reflects poorly on the ability of The Grand Poohbah to make decisions based on fact, rather than his own hurt pride and massive ego. I will freely admit that I am being obnoxious over there. All I want is an admission of guilt. I don't need or want an apology from someone that I have no respect for, just two words, "I lied" I suspect that I will never see them.
It would be so easy for people who are sick of it all to transition over here so I, like you, wonder why. Any mention of this site will get you a warning note from the owner. He seems to feel that two sites cannot exist at the same time.
I hope Sabertooth gets their act together but, after so many years, I am very skeptical. A bike a year isn't a very good track record, but as long as the $$$ ain't comin' out of La Fong's shallow pockets, he don't much care

Re: Sabertooth

Posted: Sun Nov 10, 2013 8:11 pm
by petitemoose
It is a shame that I cannot clear the air, or at least bury the topic from the other board ON the other board. Luckily, we can do it here :)

In the thread that SQ4mn and i butted heads I made a list of things I have done and still do. Not to appear pompous or to pump myself up ( In retrospect it really Did come across that way ) but to show that I am not pulling info out of my ass or taking others word for it. My opinions are based on the facts that i have either lived first hand or from watching others experiences. When not possible to do those things, i read from trusted sources. I do not have opinions for the sake of having opinions. Stupid Shit like that gets people like Obama elected to what once was a respected office.

I admit to my wrong doing, I did make a personal attack on Sq4mn, albeit in a humorous fashion. Mostly to entertain myself. In retrospect, that was probably not the nicest thing to do but I was just fed up with the BS flowing from his side of the fence. It is 100% ok for him to dislike me for saying what i did. I will lose no sleep over it just as he will lose no sleep over me not liking him. I can and will still respect his knowledge and should the need ever arise that he needs assistance and I am nearby, I will not refuse it. We will probably never sit down and have a drink together. Nothing wrong with that. My opinion of him will not change as I am sure he is locked in with his of me. Life moves on.

As for the comment I made about changing the Diff cover ( also In Norm's engine swap saga ) not altering the factory warranty when you said I was wrong ... I regret ( not really ) to inform you that I was indeed correct. That was not a fictional tale, it was an excerpt from my life. My gears were swapped out under warranty in spite of the cover change. No matter how many years you worked at a dealership and no matter how much knowledge you have on how things work, it will not change the fact that what I said actually happened. That experience of my own is what i based my opinion on and I still maintain that a cover swap should not be grounds for warranty denial. At least not by anybody reputable. Put that along with the report from the Engine builder and to me it is painfully obvious he was screwed with a capital F.

In the end, NONE of us have any say in how Stan and Norm Deal with one another. Personally, I would not have made the second purchase after the first experience he had with them.

That being said, Thank You i feel better now, It really sucks that it could not be said over there. I am a noob to this v8 game and i have a lot to learn. It is nice to have a resource to go to to check my assumptions or become educated on a topic. Truth be known, the best thing the other site did for me was get the V8 Bible on my hard drive! I enjoy the light conversation and I enjoy not having battle royale's daily but at the same time, when they do happen they need to run their course to allow those involved to move on. Deleting them is anti-productive IMO

Carl, As for your drama with Adrian, I have no opinion so I won't jump in it. Your history with him predates me by years. I do hope that the two of you can come to an agreement but from the outside looking in, it doesn't look good. I guess the best thing to do is if we ever all get together, I will sit at the table with Adrian and you can take my seat by Sq4mn ... Dinner will go a lot smoother that way!

Re: Sabertooth

Posted: Sun Nov 10, 2013 10:12 pm
by Carl La Fong
Your knowledge of what happened to Norm is based on what you have heard on the board. I got the story directly from Stan as we sat across from each other at breakfast. Stan is as honest and down to earth guy as I have ever met. He is quiet unassuming and is really a people pleaser. He told me a story that was very similar to what is being spewed out on the Nancy Boy site, but with several, very different, bits of information that has been conveniently left out of the story we're hearing. It is not my place to elaborate and I will not test Stan's friendship by shooting off my mouth. I will say that Stan bent over backwards to try to help Norm.
As far as your gear cover story, I do not doubt that it happened but, trust me on this one, it is not industry standard and I personally witnessed warranty work being denied when it was found that unauthorized work was done by unauthorized individuals. You were lucky.
As far as Adrian is concerned, he really blew it when he told a vicious and filthy lie, on the board that he moderates, that attacked my character. He is a liar with no spine. He was caught in his lie, by me, and refuses to admit he lied. I have no more use for him than a boil on my taint
You are correct about Obummer, though 100% correct

Re: Sabertooth

Posted: Mon Nov 11, 2013 7:18 pm
by V-MAN
Don't even know where to start with this ... might as well just dive in. I didn't post on the other site because I've had my post deleted in the past and I'm sure this would be the same.

First off even though it's just a "vote" and no money out of my pocket I still can't agree with Sabertooth getting funds ... I've been around the V8 scene for a long time and I know most if not all the major players. I have met Ben (the money behind Sabertooth) on multiple occasions from New Hampshire, Massachusetts all the way to Florida. I've seen his creations and I'm not all that impressed with either ... JMHO. The dealings that went on between Ben and Tom B :catfight: :catfight: I would not own a Sabertooth even if the chance ever becomes a reality which I doubt it ever will!!!!

Secondly the issues Norm has had with his V8 Chopper purchases ... only ONE side has ever been aired on the other site. It's neither my business or my place to post the "other side". It's also very closed minded and ignorant for anybody to make a post slamming Stan, his business or his customer service when you only know what you read on a forum by people you've never even met! Stan is a good guy and I've seen him go far beyond what would be acceptable, I've known him long before V8 Choppers was a business ... nothing has changed, he cares about his product and listen to both customers and even future possible customers. I'm also not slamming Norm as a person but taking his personal problems (created by himself) and airing them in public knowing Stan is not going to get into a pissing match online was wrong.

Everything I have written and expressed here is what I know as fact from personal experience. Everybody I meet starts at ZERO and goes up or down from there ... when you get so far on the negative side then I "cut off the rot" because I don't need negative BS in my life.

John, as far as your posts go, I wish I had the command of the English language like you do! We think a lot alike but but you make the points better then I can/could ... THANKS. I'm also sorry that you seem to get the most BS over there. You have a lot of good info to offer, sorry to see you get discouraged regarding making post but I understand why you don't! Problem is everybody looses because of one guy ...

Guess that's it for now ...


Bill - thanks for giving us all a place to air the crap out :doh:

Re: Sabertooth

Posted: Tue Nov 12, 2013 1:15 am
by Carl La Fong
As I said on another post, I sat across from Stan, at breakfast, last week and heard the entire Norm story. It is basically the same story that we heard over there, but with several key points left out that change the entire tone of the story. I will also not elaborate as it is not my place.
I have also heard the stories about Ben Daniels from two of his ex employees.

Re: Sabertooth

Posted: Tue Nov 12, 2013 4:52 am
by Ravinsomniac
Years ago when Jack Phillips was one of the Moderators on the other site, he would delete one of my jokes or comments from a thread and then send me a PM saying to tone it down a little. I knew I was pushing the limits, but I wanted to see how far I could go. Lately though, the new Moderators are turning into little old church ladies. I miss Jack. We would email some very funny, nasty political jokes back and forth, that would never had been allowed on the other V8 site.

Re: Sabertooth

Posted: Tue Nov 12, 2013 10:11 am
by Carl La Fong
Yeah, I got some of Jack's little warnings. Also some of his jokes and some off topic phone calls. He was the best

Re: Sabertooth

Posted: Tue Nov 12, 2013 4:30 pm
by SQ4MN
Petite Moose,I dont know your name but you can't possibly be the asshole I thought you were if you hate Obama. I'm a close friend of Stan, often I say he's like my little brother. He is one of the few people in this world that I look up to and not because he builds bitchen bikes. He has morals and a genuine big heart and he won't screw over anybody even Norm. If somebody starts to badmouth him with one side of a story that isn't complete I get pissed. If you know Stan he isn't the kind to get in a pissing match on a forum but he has feelings just like you and me and since I know the whole story I had to do whatever I could to not let him be the badguy, he isnt. I'm not going to go into the whole thing again here on the board but if you want to have a personal conversation my phone is 702 592 78052 or you can wait till we have dinner some night. One other thing is Norms engine builder claimed the crank was soft, actually it was right where it was supposed to be and thus Dart didn't pay either.

Re: Sabertooth

Posted: Tue Nov 12, 2013 5:00 pm
by petitemoose
The wife and Jr. are going off tonight to welcome home some Veterans from an Honor Flight tonight, If my evening goes as planned, I will be happy to give you a call and we will put this BS behind us.

As a matter of fact, I apologize for my insults aimed at you. If I Insult you in public, then I need to apologize in public as well.

Before I call you though, I will need to know which digit is the extra one in the number listed above. If you do not want your number available to all those who peruse this site, PM me with it.

Re: Sabertooth

Posted: Tue Nov 12, 2013 6:42 pm
by SQ4MN
The seven isn't supposed to be there.