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Hmmmmm...United States of America? I am beginning to wonder?

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2009 7:21 am
by Butterfly

Re: Hmmmmm...United States of America? I am beginning to wonder?

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2009 12:39 pm
by Carl La Fong
I will try to do this gently and with respect so feathers aren't ruffled.
Is this the United States of America? ABSOLUTELY!! Nowhere in this website do I see reference to jihad, suicide bombers, Bin Laden, the Taliban or any other extremist Muslim groups or beliefs. One of the things this country was founded on was religious freedom. All faiths have a right, guaranteed under the Constitution, to worship, to gather peacefully and to speak as long as it doesn't violate the freedom or safety of others. I do not agree with the beliefs of Islam, the Mormons, the Jehovah's Witnesses and a number of other faiths and cults, but I am proud to live in a country that allows them to exist freely, unlike so many other nations. Suppress these people and we are no better than the Mideast, China and the rest of the repressive governments on earth. If these American citizens, and I assume many if not most of them are, wish to gather and pray to their god for this country, then I applaud them for their patriotism. Patriotism is many things. Taking full advantage of your Constitutional rights is being patriotic. You may be wrong as wrong can be, but you have a right to your opinion. I didn't like what the Dixie Chicks said, I hated what Jane Fonda said and did, but at least they stood up and voiced their opinion while many others else sat on their butts. Of course, I could be wrong here and I welcome any opposing viewpoints. It is the right of all Americans to disagree.

"I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." Evelyn Beatrice Hall

Re: Hmmmmm...United States of America? I am beginning to wonder?

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 11:43 am
by Butterfly
YAWN You make me tired!

Re: Hmmmmm...United States of America? I am beginning to wonder?

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 8:01 pm
by Carl La Fong
I knew I shouldn't post, but I felt that there was a possibility that you had an IQ higher than that of a turnip. I was wrong and I made a mistake in posting. I make you tired? You make me want to puke. By the way, where is the research that you promised, a while back, proving that OB is going to side with the Muslims in the final days? If you ever decide to grow a brain, I will be happy to debate you as an adult.
Enough sweet talk, how about addressing the comments that I made. What's the matter? Make too much sense? After we shut up the Muslims, who do we go after next? The Jews? The Catholics? The mentally deficient? Gee, who does this sound like? If you are going to post controversial subjects, then you need to have the chops to deal with opposing viewpoints. Why don't you just go on the Jerry Springer show where the only answers you need are "Whatever" and "You don't know me".
Many of the posts that I read seem to be about what a fine, patriotic, military family you are. Good for you. We need more people like that. What exactly do you think your husband, your kids, I and other vets fought for? It's the Constitution of The United States of America. That piece of paper that gives Americans the right to gather and voice their opinion.
I said I was done with you last time, but I got a bit soft in the head. Once burned, twice learned should have been enough, but I guess I'm a glutton for punishment. No more. I would sooner debate a chimp. Enjoy festering in your own ignorance. And BTW, this has nothing to do with Native Americans, so don't pull out that card as you usually do. ... lislam.asp

Re: Hmmmmm...United States of America? I am beginning to wonder?

Posted: Sun Sep 20, 2009 9:02 pm
by carburetormike
Not that I want to get into this debate. I think in general most Americans suffer from this.

Re: Hmmmmm...United States of America? I am beginning to wonder?

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2009 10:57 am
by Butterfly
I think whats makes me so angry is that so many come from other countries to here and then want this country to be like their homeland. It's not and will never be. Just learn to speak "American" instead of the Americans learning to speak your homeland language. Come to this country legally and be welcomed with open arms. All that are here illegally are taking the Government funds from American children and the elders. I don't care what religion a person is or is not, it makes no difference. Americans are just that..Americans from all different cultures....but the ones who are not an American and want to change this country need to go home and take care of their Country.

Carl.. everyone has the right to their own option ..even you.....Maybe you should be thanking someone for this right? I do....everyday. As for what I think about your option..well you seem to have a "Beef" with me and that's okay... I guess you have to have someone to take your anger out on... :?

Re: Hmmmmm...United States of America? I am beginning to wonder?

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2009 2:54 pm
by Carl La Fong
You have effectively made my point for me. Nowhere do I see these, particular, Muslims asking us to change our culture, learn their language, accept their religious beliefs or change our lives to suit theirs. They are gathering to pray for the country that they love. I applaud them and encourage them. This IS what America is all about. They are not illegals looking for a handout or benefits that they did not earn. I suspect many of them were born here.
I do have a right to my opinion, as do all of us. I am thankful for my rights. I thank everyone that fought for those rights. Someone, in my direct lineage, has fought in every major conflict since the Revolution. I am a Son of the American Revolution and proud of what my ancestors and I did to secure these freedoms. I am also thankful, daily, to the God of the universe who created me in His image.
I have no beef with you or Eagle. Each time I have posted an opposing viewpoint, both of you have retaliated with anger rather than mature debate. This is why I will no longer post my views regarding any future statements that either of you make. It's like teaching a pig to play the piano. It is a waste of time and it pisses the pig off. I do wish you well and hold no animosity towards you or yours.

Re: Hmmmmm...United States of America? I am beginning to wonder?

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 12:58 pm
by Butterfly
Thank you!

Re: Hmmmmm...United States of America? I am beginning to wonder?

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2009 12:58 am
by Steve Taylor
Butterfly wrote:I think whats makes me so angry is that so many come from other countries to here and then want this country to be like their homeland. It's not and will never be. Just learn to speak "American" instead of the Americans learning to speak your homeland language. Come to this country legally and be welcomed with open arms. All that are here illegally are taking the Government funds from American children and the elders. I don't care what religion a person is or is not, it makes no difference. Americans are just that..Americans from all different cultures....but the ones who are not an American and want to change this country need to go home and take care of their Country.

Carl.. everyone has the right to their own option ..even you.....Maybe you should be thanking someone for this right? I do....everyday. As for what I think about your option..well you seem to have a "Beef" with me and that's okay... I guess you have to have someone to take your anger out on... :?
Correct me if I'm wrong, no malice meant and I may be opening a can of worms here, but didn't this happen to the Native Americans?

Re: Hmmmmm...United States of America? I am beginning to wonder?

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2009 7:34 am
by Butterfly
Steve Taylor wrote:
Butterfly wrote:I think whats makes me so angry is that so many come from other countries to here and then want this country to be like their homeland. It's not and will never be. Just learn to speak "American" instead of the Americans learning to speak your homeland language. Come to this country legally and be welcomed with open arms. All that are here illegally are taking the Government funds from American children and the elders. I don't care what religion a person is or is not, it makes no difference. Americans are just that..Americans from all different cultures....but the ones who are not an American and want to change this country need to go home and take care of their Country.

Carl.. everyone has the right to their own option ..even you.....Maybe you should be thanking someone for this right? I do....everyday. As for what I think about your option..well you seem to have a "Beef" with me and that's okay... I guess you have to have someone to take your anger out on... :?
Correct me if I'm wrong, no malice meant and I may be opening a can of worms here, but didn't this happen to the Native Americans?
Steve ...You are absolutely Correct!!!!!! And being a Native American, I am seeing what happened to my ancestors for myself. Only this time it's just not the Native Americans but ALL Americans! It seems that once again History is repeating itself! :shock:

Re: Hmmmmm...United States of America? I am beginning to wonder?

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2009 8:43 am
Gv Gi Yo He Kamama Adonowa Aghia! May the light come on for America before it's too late. In the mean time, our chickens and canned goods are well secured! May Grandfather help this country survive itself and the current administration!!!


Re: Hmmmmm...United States of America? I am beginning to wonder?

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2009 7:50 pm
by carburetormike
Hi All, You think things are bad now, Just have a listen to what's going to happen next. Sure everyone laughs and called/calls me chicken little. With my presentations of the information I have so easily found. I've heard it said, That the Truth can sometimes be Stranger than Fiction. And for the most part, People don't want to deal with the Truth. Because it's easier just to follow. RE = Sheeple

Well folks, Either you just sit there and let this happen. Or you get up and do what our AMERICAN Forefathers did. (( I guess this will be the beginning of another Revolution. )) The Prophesies predict the USA will spit up into 4 or 5 Territories by 2070 because of it. )) But what do I know I'm just a Wild and Carby kind of Guy.

PS Welcome to the " New World Order "

Respectfully Yours, Michael A. Levesque
AKA " Carburetor Mike "
President Boss Hoss Riders Association