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Post by okie »

How did you come to get started on this train of thought,and what can the average Joe do even if half this were real? It's like the tax thing for me,but boy you are fighting a real uphill,lonesome struggle trying to fight it.
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Re: Mike

Post by carburetormike »

Hello Okie, So here is a little of what it was that brought me to this awareness.
Now back on June 24 2006. My family and some Friends were enjoying a beautiful clear and sunny Saturday afternoon. At a picnic in Erie, Pa. A little after 5PM I looked up at the sky to enjoy the beauty of how blue it was. When I saw something strange. After watching it for a few seconds I said to everyone. Hey,--What is that? (pointing up to the sky) They all looked and said, Ahhh that just an airplane. I said look again, Where are the wings? Because there wasn't any. There was no contrail either. Then they said it's a blimp. I replied, Have you ever seen a blimp moving THAT fast? Then we all realized what it wasn't and were bewildered as to what it or should I say they could be. After watching these craft for a few minutes someone went to get a video camera. This whole event of these craft flying back and forth lasted about 45 minutes. And of coarse we did get some shaky video of them. But the closet video I've found on Youtube is this one. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9I4s7QxyYuk This video is exactly what most of the craft looked like, that the 15 of us saw. With the exception of 2 single white spheres that pasted by only once. None of us made a report to any of the authorities. I guess the brain washing of being labeled as a crazy for admitting to seeing a UFO, prevented us from doing so. At this point I have no idea what the origin of these craft were. And have come to the conclusion that it really doesn't matter. Since then I've openly talked about it with other family members and Friends. And now with you all on this web site.
This whole event, At least for me, was an Epiphany. I thought I knew all that I needed to know. I wasn't looking for anything. But I am now. And I am Thankful for that. I've been surfing the Internet almost daily in a quest to get some answers to my question's. In the 22 months I've been searching this UFO phenomenon. I've found some truly amazing information. And of coarse along with it, a lot of stuff you could use in a farm spreader. And from this, I have come to realize that every bit of information I read must be regarded as speculative first until I find no other conflicting issues. Then it becomes fact for me. So being a skeptic is my rule of thumb. But some things just seem to stick out more than others. Again this is what brought me to this point.

Now I truly hope that all of this is just Bullbutter. But what if it isn't ? ? ? ? I keep finding evidence over and over that it is true. I'm at the point now where I could care less what others think. I'm just looking for the truth. Sometimes the truth is hard to take. I'm aware and alive. And I wish to stay that way. I'm free, Because I'm no longer a follower of the programing of the Media and the Dogma. I have broken that hypnotic spell.

As for it being "MY" lonely fight. The truth is, -- It's "Everybody's" fight. You just don't know it yet. I'm just the guy who is announcing to my buddies that we can do something about this. Or we can just let it happen. But most importantly we all need to be aware of what is going on. And the Media isn't telling the truth. But in the end, If these thing do happen. It is for a reason. Maybe in our next lifetimes our Spirits will remember the lesson from this one. And it won't happen again.

Enjoy "NOW", Carb. Mike
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Re: Mike

Post by okie »

My brother was in the Air Force stationed out in Victorville after the war.One night he also saw what he thought was a ufo but never told anyone but me about it.He wasn't sure of what he had seen because he was in El Mirage,a place out in the desert known for weird things going on in the sky.
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Re: Mike

Post by carburetormike »

Hi Okie, That is what most people do. If it doesn't comply with the conventional main stream way of thinking, The fear of being singled out as a non-conformist takes over. People steer clear of it. Because if you say something that differs from the main stream, you are labeled as a non-conformist. A crazy person, or a "Conspiracy Theorist", or worse yet a Homegrown Domestic Terrorist. I am non of these things. I'm just an announcer. Whether it is true or not is up to you to figure out. I now know what the truth is. But you should not believe a word I say.

That is what is going on right now. There are many scientist that are saying the the Twin Towers could not have fallen as the Media and Government say they did. I can't prove any of it. But after watching the videos, I've come to the conclusion that something really stinks about it. The family members of those killed there, want to reopen the case. But that will never happen. Google video 911 there are hundreds of videos about it. If they would just answer the questions then everyone will go away. But they can't, or wont. ??? WHY ??? Something Stinks ! ! !

Once you start looking around. You will find many things, That are not as we have been lead to believe. I was in a state of shock, when I learned about those Money Masters, And how our Country is being take over by them. When I looked into the origins of all the Religions, Everything I believed in was shattered. When I found out about this Billy Meier and his alleged visitors. I looked. I'm not an idiot. After thinking about all the information I've read. I feel I need to share it with others. Whether they like it or not. I've come to a better understanding of what LIFE is about. We here on Earth need to WAKE UP. Because if we don't. The sheet is going to hit the fan. Sure it's a lonely fight. But what's right is right. And I don't plan on dieing regretting that I didn't tell anyone.

Carb. Mike
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Re: Mike

Post by carburetormike »

It looks like 911 is never going away. This is a trailer to yet another full length Movie that is coming out soon. Watch it, and then ask yourself why they down played the bombs going of? Like I said before something stinks. And if we don't start to clean it up. It's only going to get worse.


Carb. Mike
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Re: Mike

Post by carburetormike »

If you can handle watching this, do so. After you do, Think about the evidence. Did they make it up? Or does it fit together link a puzzle. Something doesn't smell right. If 350 million Americans see this. And can smell it to. We'd be cleaning house in Washington.

http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid ... rgLL56DiDg
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