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Hello from East TN

Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2015 9:39 am
by FordBluBlood
Hi to all, I am a army vet and a MC rider vet of 20 years but have been grounded for the last 10 and I am miserable. My heart breaks when I hear a Harley going through the gears late at night. I smashed my beloved custom 106" shovelhead when it somehow got a hinge in the middle of the frame then the bike bucked me off like a mad rodeo horse. All this happened while going around a curve at triple digit speed, yeah I was being stupid racing, trying to make an cast lug frame HD go around a off camber curve at speed. The accident crushed my left leg and snapped the femur in the other. I had bones sticking out everywhere. Making this long story shorter, that wreck was a little over ten years ago and I have been fighting to save my leg for all that time, lost it in January this year in an above the knee amputation. I have decided since the leg is gone to build or buy a V8 three wheeler. Funds are always a problem, especially on a fixed income, but if there is a will there is a way, so I joined this forum for fellowship and for advice for on building a V8 trike or feedback on used three wheelers. If the 3 wheeler is successful I'm want to try two wheels again, modified of course, and if I dont die of old age first! Thanks to the owner staff and members for this fine forum.

Re: Hello from East TN

Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2015 10:41 am
by petitemoose
Thank You for your service and welcome to the Insanity that we call "Normal"

Re: Hello from East TN

Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2015 11:31 am
by V-MAN
Ford Blu Blood - I like you already, you are vet, a Ford guy, you like fast motorcycles, you live in eastern TN (AWESOME ROADS TO RIDE) and you don't know the word quit!!!

I also injured my leg and I have other health issues that caused me to buy a trike. I still have a couple two wheelers but some days they just "don't work". I hope you get on a trike now just to get in the wind. The way prosthetics are today I believe a two wheel machine is in your future. Get a V8 Trike and then find a lighter two wheeler ...

Anyway, welcome aboard this is a great site.


PS I think you will find that wind in your face is the best medicine no matter what ails you ... is for me anyway! A shitty day is always better when I'm on a bike riding. I just finished an Iron Butt from FL to PA on an F800 (buzzy as hell at highway speed) over 1,000 miles and no matter the pain or the annoying buzz from the bike I felt good!!!

Re: Hello from East TN

Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2015 5:38 pm
by Iron Maiden
Welcome to the V8 family. Keep an eye in the classified forum, there are several great deals. There is even a member (Petite Moose) that has a kit to change a 2 wheeler into a trike. This might be your answer. Buy a 2 wheeler with the kit and when you are ready for a 2 wheeler - voila! Remove the kit!!! Keep us posted!

Re: Hello from East TN

Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2015 7:38 pm
by Harris
You seem to have a good attitude in the face of adversity. Best of luck dude! :yourock: You have the right idea going to a v-8 of some sort. Im sure you'll have your ride!!

Re: Hello from East TN

Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2015 9:26 pm
by CanuckHoss
Iron Maiden wrote:Welcome to the V8 family. Keep an eye in the classified Forum, there are several great deals. There is even a member -Petite Moose- that has a kit to change a 2 wheeler into a trike. This might be your answer. Buy a 2 wheeler with the kit and when you are ready for a 2 wheeler - voila! Remove the kit!!! Keep us posted!
Well Susan aren't you just the thinker these days...hell of an idea as long as Moose still has it...

Welcome aboard!!

Re: Hello from East TN

Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2015 10:06 pm
by petitemoose
Yeppers ... Still in the shed :)

Re: Hello from East TN

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2015 6:52 pm
by tjy
Fordblublood, Welcome to the board! I too thank you for your service. There are a lot of cool folks on here. I will watch to see watch what direction you go. You will succeed!! Tom

Re: Hello from East TN

Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2019 9:36 am
by FordBluBlood
Im bacccck, to use a worn out phrase! Not long after I posted my intro, I got a free stay at the VA hospital at Mountain Home VA Med center for almost a month.! No reason to elaborate to the cause, I'm just damn happy to be out in a non=toes first way!! Also, I am notifying so you all' wouldn't think I left for any reason except for (lack of) health reasons. On our favorite subject I am still learning about V8 three wheeler design and saving my pennies until I can begin construction on a self designed trike, a V-8 hopefully! Or depending on my finances I might have to buy a used trike. Right now I am in the creative finance mode, lol! And am still trying too get back in circulation, meaning making new friendships and renewing old ones in the biker world, which I regretfully quit more or less. It was a forced 'quit' though that happened after I totaled my shovel I described in my intro. Did I say totaled? Hmm' that descriptive verbiage is weak! My accident was more like a B-52 crash landing in Manhattan! Man, thanks to the grace of the almighty I am still breathing and that is a gift that I am still grateful for. C'ya' all in the forum!