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Advice for Truk Lite 7 Headlight Users!

Posted: Wed Apr 19, 2017 3:48 pm
by IowaV8
I installed a Truk Lite 7 LED headlight a couple years ago and the headlight mount has loosened a couple times, so tightened it. Last night out for a ride, hit a pothole and the whole assembly fell off the triple tree and hit my front fender, damaging the paint a bit. Hanging by the wires I managed to limp home. The holes in the triple tree were now stripped out and I discovered the chrome beveled bolts holding the mount were only into the tree by 1/4 inch! The assembly is quite heavy and ended up being too much for those short bolts to hold. Looking into the holes, I discovered they're threaded much deeper, so I ran a 5/16 tap in them to clean things up. I have a hardware store near me that has every nut and bolt ever invented and found some 1in. chrome beveled bolts and bolted things back up. They are identical to the short ones, but being longer it should eliminate the problem happening again, so the advice is if you have a Truk Lite or anything similar that is heavy, find some longer bolts and replace the "way too short" ones the factory provided. They were $4.49 apiece, but well worth it. Hopefully you have access to a hardware store that carries the longer version. I'd hate to see this happen to anyone else!

Re: Advice for Truk Lite 7 Headlight Users!

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2017 11:54 am
by hogv8
I don't have a TruK lite Tim but that's good advise for those that do . Thanks


Re: Advice for Truk Lite 7 Headlight Users!

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2017 1:39 pm
by rocketsteve
Just checked mine and it looks like the one you mention, 8" o/d flat-line LED.

I'll have a closer look at the mount tomorrow and make sure it's fitted with a longer bolt - if it's not been done already.



Re: Advice for Truk Lite 7 Headlight Users!

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2017 3:16 pm
by IowaV8
Biggest issue on mine is I have a Headwinds housing that is pretty long and with the weight of that headlamp along with the long housing probably put more leverage on the bolts then those that sit close. Still a good idea to put in longer bolts if you can just to be sure. I've had this setup for a couple years, but one too many bumps finally made it fail.

Re: Advice for Truk Lite 7 Headlight Users!

Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2017 1:38 am
by rocketsteve
It's also a White Knuckle Ride over here with our roads, I've lost paint, nuts, bolts and gold fillings over the last few weeks.

Checked the mount and it looks like a different set-up, a square chrome block on top of the lower T.Tree and fixed with a single Allen bolt up through from underneath the T.Tree.
Feels solid enough but will keep a close eye on it...

Re: Advice for Truk Lite 7 Headlight Users!

Posted: Tue Apr 25, 2017 6:58 pm
by randy burkey
Thanks for the tip... I just installed the trucklite on my bike and make a note to check bolts..Thank you again you may have saved me some money .Its in a headwinds too!

Re: Advice for Truk Lite 7 Headlight Users!

Posted: Wed Apr 26, 2017 7:25 pm
by Puff
I recently installed an LED headlamp bulb in my bike.
I never realized how much light my headlight was
NOT producing !
I got this new LED bulb from
I wish I would have done this a LONG tine ago !