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Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2016 6:50 am
by hogv8
What up with Monte being back in charge ???

Re: Monte

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2016 7:33 am
by GordonBH
Monte back? Has 2016 not ended it's list of strange events?

Re: Monte

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2016 8:17 am
by petitemoose
IF he is ... That is the end of BH

Re: Monte

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2016 10:46 am
by craig haymaker
Where was that info found ?

Re: Monte

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2016 11:46 am
by hogv8
Somebody posted it on Facebook ??

Re: Monte

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2016 3:17 pm
by TXscooterguy
Do we know if Monte financed the recent sale to Rick and friends? If sales were less than expected and payments were missed, I could understand how the operation would be reverting back to Monte. If that happened though, I think a statement from BH to its customer based would be appropriate.

Re: Monte

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2016 6:51 pm
by BossHossAZ
Sales didn't support moving forward for all involved so Monty has it back.

Re: Monte

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2016 7:00 pm
by Elvis

Re: Monte

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2016 7:53 pm
by randy burkey
"IF" this is true, I believe this could be a good thing.. If Monte and Rick can work together we can gain from the new energy and ideas that Rick has introduced along with the " financial stability?" that Monte offers..Hopefully sales will increase with the new ideas being implemented to make it worthwhile for Monte to stay involved in the production ...Let's us all hope for the best!

Re: Monte

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2016 7:57 pm
by randy burkey
But just remember folks...As the great Abraham Lincoln said, You cannot believe everything you read on the internet..

Re: Monte

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2016 9:24 pm
by arizona outlaw
Well Well Well, looks like the swamp geniuses threw the towel in and walked away. I thought they were going to set the BH world on fire with all their half baked ideas. LMFAO. I am surprized they lasted that long. Hey Boys, Sales is the answer to run a business and also build something the public will purchase instead of what Ricky wanted the public to purchase. I guess they pissed off enough dealers and the public with their charming personalities that the sales never got off the ground. I was sitting back over the last several months and wondering what everyone was so intrigued about when they took it over. They never brought anything to the table of any value, lots of BS trying to get people excited. BS doesn't pay bills or run businesses.

On a happier note if Monte took it over again I hope he didn't get hurt to bad taking this over again. I hope he finds someone that knows what their doing next time if he plans on selling it again. All the best to Monte and I hope this product recovers with improvements. Good Luck!!

Re: Monte

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2016 10:09 pm
by V8Norm
I heard a roomer that Rick is gone.

Re: Monte

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2016 11:44 pm
by Geezer
I sure hope Bill Banks is still in the game. I think he would be a asset for the future.

Re: Monte

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2016 8:35 am
by Grand Canard
arizona outlaw wrote:Well Well Well, looks like the swamp geniuses threw the towel in and walked away. I thought they were going to set the BH world on fire with all their half baked ideas. LMFAO. I am surprized they lasted that long. Hey Boys, Sales is the answer to run a business and also build something the public will purchase instead of what Ricky wanted the public to purchase. I guess they pissed off enough dealers and the public with their charming personalities that the sales never got off the ground. I was sitting back over the last several months and wondering what everyone was so intrigued about when they took it over. They never brought anything to the table of any value, lots of BS trying to get people excited. BS doesn't pay bills or run businesses.

On a happier note if Monte took it over again I hope he didn't get hurt to bad taking this over again. I hope he finds someone that knows what their doing next time if he plans on selling it again. All the best to Monte and I hope this product recovers with improvements. Good Luck!!
Arizona Outlaw = Richard Zukierski = Dick:
I promised "The Dick" certain things on this forum back in March; I'm a man of my word, I will not show "The Dick" even the slightest mercy should we ever meet again.

Re: Monte

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2016 10:32 am
by 502wingman
I just received the fall edition of the Boss Hoss Country magazine. So impressed with all the improvements for the 2017 bikes. fantastic, beautiful great bikes.

If Monte really is coming back it would be a shame. He probably has a hard time falling a sleep at night for laughing his guts out that he found somebody doing all the work and improvements in a short time that he should have done five years ago.

So come on Rick: Forget about "DICK" and give us an update on the rumor.

Re: Monte

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2016 11:22 am
by 2crzy
Ricky AKA Grand Canard
I get a disturbing text this morning from a friend of mine that was on forum. WTF are you doing accusing me of being Arizona Outlaw??? I had no idea that you were not involved in BH anymore, nor do I give a Fuck!!!
I'm not sure what your talking about what you promised who back in March, and its no concern of mine. Leave my name out of any Shit that you have with anyone on here or anywhere else.
This is Richard Zukierski, Not Arizona Fucking Outlaw!!!

Re: Monte

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2016 2:09 pm
by craig haymaker
Here are my thoughts on this matter:
Ricky, just like everyone else here, was and is passionate about "our" brand ! So much so that he was willing to risk it all, to try and carry Boss Hoss forward to the next level ! I don't remember hearing of anyone else on this form willing to take on such a huge and costly challenge !
Just look at all the cool innovative changes and added accessories Ricky and crew has brought to Boss Hoss, including Brian Macey ! I'm not going to list all of them, cause you already know of these. Sure these changes and options cost the consumer, and the consumer ain't buying at this point in time. I feel that we need both Ricky and Monte !
Ricky unarguably has the ability to bring us the "innovations", but we need Monty for the marketing and business side of Boss Hoss.
There, at least I feel better now, LOL ! Craig H.

Re: Monte

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2016 3:11 pm
by GordonBH
Although I'm not in the market for a new BH (and they'll need to sell new models to keep afloat) but the parts market will generate revenue as long as we owners keep to original parts.

I believe there must be a market for kits, LS3 based, not wimpy ones - I'd be willing to build them for any UK biker wanting the top predator on 2 wheels.

Also there are guys out there who want to get back into biking, and where better than at the top, they have the bucks to spare and just need to be accessed so marketing is key. I laugh at the "largest production engine" that Triumph bangs on about, because when the Rocket 111 owners work out what I ride their eyes bulge at my SB.

I try to be an ambassador in the UK and whenever any biker chats to me I reassure them I'm normal height and weight and I've hauled it over 10,000 miles and enjoyed every minute unlike any Harley or sports bike I've owned.

My 2c, back to lurk mode

Re: Monte

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2016 4:49 pm
by Oldun
FWIW - I agree with the above 'brand ambassador' Gordon. That's what we (the people I know) want to be: truthful brand ambassadors.

We want to keep our existing rides - whether bikes or trikes - going long and strong.

We want to invite and make welcome new people (owners / riders) into the V8 bike fraternity / sorority.

This will work if we have good new models, good after-sales support, and we encourage brand loyalty.

Whoever can (help to) make that happen do we will completely support.

Re: Monte

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2016 7:00 pm
by V8Norm
I think the upgrades that have been done in a very short time are awesome. A great job and was really needed.
I finely got me a Mountain bike this year, love it. but I could be talked into trading my bike and trike on a new one. But I'm sure they need cash not trade-ins
Good job Ricky. sorry things didn't work out as you had planed

Re: Monte

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2016 8:44 pm
by Grand Canard
For what its worth, I did my best, but my best wasn't good enough.
I'm one of Boss Hoss's biggest fans, I put my heart into the company, incorporated numerous upgrades.
I brought my friend Brian Macy who is a EFI expert and one of the best tuners in the USA to deliver the best EFI system available which he did, god bless him.
I owe a lot to others aside from Macy who were equally passionate and helped deliver the new 1000w fairing, Saldana Racing,.... the list is long.
In the end, low sales was my down-fall; I failed to deliver new dealers despite all of my efforts.
I'm heartbroken about my failure, also broke; I'm done.
I wish you all the best, hope to see you'll around at the rallies, especially Arizona Outlaw (Richard "The DICK" Zukierski) who's "gonna get it'" if we ever cross paths.
Give Monte your support, please, Boss Hoss needs you, each and every one of you.
Thanks for all of the compliments, it means a lot.

Re: Monte

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2016 9:54 pm
by petitemoose
Nobody can say that you did not give it your ALL. The improvements you brought forth in just a few months were staggering. The bikes today compared to what you walked in to are night and day. You had one helluva deficit to overcome and you smashed it in every regard. It just plain Sucks that sales did not support the product.

Thank You for everything that you did and everything that you tried to accomplish. My thanks and appreciation are not enough to compensate you for the blood sweat and tears you poured into the brand but hopefully it helps you by knowing that guys like me recognize what you tried to do and are extremely grateful.

Re: Monte

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2016 10:58 pm
by barbarianv8
you did a great job improving the bike
not many have the balls and commitment to step up and attempt what you did

all the best

Re: Monte

Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2016 4:27 am
by Elvis
Sorry to hear that Ricky, all the best to ya.

Re: Monte

Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2016 4:31 am
by ventury
Grand Canard wrote:For what its worth, I did my best, but my best wasn't good enough.
I'm one of Boss Hoss's biggest fans, I put my heart into the company, incorporated numerous upgrades.
I brought my friend Brian Macy who is a EFI expert and one of the best tuners in the USA to deliver the best EFI system available which he did, god bless him.
I owe a lot to others aside from Macy who were equally passionate and helped deliver the new 1000w fairing, Saldana Racing,.... the list is long.
In the end, low sales was my down-fall; I failed to deliver new dealers despite all of my efforts.
I'm heartbroken about my failure, also broke; I'm done.
I wish you all the best, hope to see you'll around at the rallies, especially Arizona Outlaw who's "gonna get it'" if we ever cross paths.
Give Monte your support, please, Boss Hoss needs you, each and every one of you.
Thanks for all of the compliments, it means a lot.


Unlike most you stepped up to the plate,,,unlike many who shoot the breeze you reached ,,,and tried,putting your money,time and effort in
Things happen for a reason ,,,,sometimes the reason doesn't become apparent for some time.So many sit and whine whats wrong ,,,you tried to fix
I have promoted BH for many years.but you actually got up and did something,,,well done that man

Rick,,,I fucking salute you
John and Laura