Electric Bike

topics about v8 bikes and their owners
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Electric Bike

Post by Ravinsomniac »

Many years ago, oil companies killed the electric car, but recently, a millionaire fought back and brought the World, the Tesla electric car. Tesla's stock has been going through roof in the past year. I just got done reading an article that BMW and Mercedes are now making an electric car to compete. I've also read articles about hydrogen powered, fuel cell cars that are now being used in California. They run on high pressurized hydrogen that can be purchased at certain stations in that area. I was wondering (Carl Lafong) why you can't combine the two. While you are sitting charging your electric car, use an electric powered fuel splitter to fill up your fuel cell using plain old water as a source. In fact you could also give up a small space in your trunk to have an on board water splitter to make the needed hydrogen. Instead of owning one of the Hybrid cars that run on electric and gasoline, make a Hybrid that runs on electric and hydrogen (water).
Here's a link to the old water powered car that was made decades ago. Why not make a hydrogen powered, V8 motorcycle ?? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CGIhvlesWhg
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Re: Electric Bike

Post by CanuckHoss »

I saw a show years ago..20 or 25 years ago about vehicles running on hydrogen. In there they said that they were threatened by the oil companys and folded. The emmissions were just water..that was it..H20..nothing else.

Also..a friends wife is looking at a Tesla in California..$70,000 and it is paid for in 4 years by California subsidies , grants or whatever you want to call them to the buyer of the car...wowsers!!

Barry Radu, President Destination Cycles

ImageAirdrie, Alberta Canada

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