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Posted: Tue Nov 12, 2013 1:48 am
by Carl La Fong
I noticed that Clint resigned as a moderator on the other board. I think it may be disintegrating, bit by bit. He was the voice of reason and the one who's moderation was ............ moderate. They are left with the heavy handed Adrian. Many, besides me are fed up. I have received PMs from a few of them. They just need a bit more prodding to make the transition.
I'm sorry to see him go. With his departure, I now know I am never going back. Just gonna shake the dust from my feet and move on. It's like a house that someone died in. Too many bad memories, so just keep moving and don't look back.

Re: Clint

Posted: Tue Nov 12, 2013 7:34 am
by Buck
I spoke w/ Clint for quite a while last night and got the full story which I will not discuss here, it is his story and he must be the one to tell it. IMO some of the posts on the other site did get out of hand and should have been handled via a PM since they were of a very personal nature. He did a good job and remember that you can't please all the people all of the time.

Re: Clint

Posted: Tue Nov 12, 2013 9:53 am
by V8Bikers
With his departure, I now know I am never going back
Reminds me of this song: :toofunny:

phpBB [video]

Re: Clint

Posted: Tue Nov 12, 2013 10:07 am
by Carl La Fong
Since I was involved in the incidents that may have led to Clint's departure, so I feel a bit culpable. I will say that it all started off with a simple post that went sideways in a hurry. I will also speculate that the final straw was when the Grand Poobah inserted himself into the thread and made an incredibly stupid, slanderous and off topic comment. He should have been given the boot by the site owner at once but, of course, he lingers on. I'm sure the owner feels he is the lynchpin that holds the site together when, in fact, he is Captain Queeg at the helm of a floundering ship

Re: Clint

Posted: Tue Nov 12, 2013 3:52 pm
by SQ4MN
Clint was a good moderator, he was not like a site cop. They lost Clint who had common sense and they still have Adrian. Adrian will be fine for the majority as they mostly never rock the boat. I'll still post over there from time to time mainly so that those that hate me won't have the satisfaction of running me off.

Re: Clint

Posted: Tue Nov 12, 2013 11:46 pm
by Carl La Fong
I suppose the clowns over there are dancing a jig and giving themselves credit for running me off. In a sense, they did. Instead of coercion or getting me kicked off or even humiliating me into a cowardly retreat, I left because they are all such insufferable assholes. Well, not all of them really, just a small minority. It's a little like sitting in an out house. It might be comfy and it might be warm, but the stench is too hard to stomach. When the honey wagon comes and sucks out all of the turds, maybe I'll return

Re: Clint

Posted: Wed Nov 13, 2013 2:14 pm
by Clint44
I appreciate the kind comments,guys,but site support over there finally got so bad,I just felt like I was beating my head against a wall. The last straw was when the site started going to shit again the other day and when I tried to warn them,all they did was throw me under the bus publicly for not following protocols to the letter. So,I told them to take the job and shove it. Dealing with Adrian and all the other crap wasn't no picnic,either.

Carl,please don't think you were responsible for me pulling the plug. If anything,the way you were jumped on made me realize that being a member there just wasn't much fun,anymore. When that happens,it's time to go.

Hopefully,I can be welcome here and make a difference.

Re: Clint

Posted: Wed Nov 13, 2013 2:24 pm
by Carl La Fong
As the World's Foremost Trike Hater™, I will, begrudgingly welcome you here.
Wifey will be by, later this evening, with a tuna casserole and some oatmeal cookies.

BTW, thanks for not blaming me and for seeing through all the BS. I don't know if the site owner/admin is that guy, Phillip, but I tried to tell him about some of the stuff that was going on and he, basically, told me to shove it. So, Philly Boy, I shoved it, right back at ya. I will do whatever I can to steal members away from you. I also put my, updated, Adrian rant back up on my blog. Don't like it........sue me.

Re: Clint

Posted: Wed Nov 13, 2013 3:08 pm
by V-MAN
Clint44 wrote:I appreciate the kind comments,guys,but site support over there finally got so bad,I just felt like I was beating my head against a wall. The last straw was when the site started going to shit again the other day and when I tried to warn them,all they did was throw me under the bus publicly for not following protocols to the letter. So,I told them to take the job and shove it. Dealing with Adrian and all the other crap wasn't no picnic,either.

Carl,please don't think you were responsible for me pulling the plug. If anything,the way you were jumped on made me realize that being a member there just wasn't much fun,anymore. When that happens,it's time to go.

Hopefully,I can be welcome here and make a difference.
Welcome aboard Clint, good to see you post here. It's really sad to see the other site go down the way it has ... lot of good guys and a lot of great info over there, thanks for hanging in as long as you did knowing the BS you had to swalllow. I think you'll be comfortable hanging out here and sharing all the trike info you have with others.

Re: Clint

Posted: Wed Nov 13, 2013 7:20 pm
by Shriner
Good to see ya Clint.

Re: Clint

Posted: Wed Nov 13, 2013 7:52 pm
by V8Bikers
Welcome back Clint! Looking forward to your participation.

Re: Clint

Posted: Wed Nov 13, 2013 11:47 pm
by SQ4MN
Clint, I bet you'll enjoy just being a member and not a moderator on a site where everything and anything is just fine. You won't have to deal with self righteous Adrian either. I hope we even get more V8 guys from the other site over here too. In any event I'm glad to see that you're here. I feel like I was part of your headache, at least that won't be the case anymore.

Re: Clint

Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2013 4:02 pm
by Butkicker
Glad your here I just moved here as well looking forward to discussions

Re: Clint

Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2013 5:32 pm
by V8Bikers
Butkicker, welcome aboard! Please tell us about yourself, current rides etc.

Re: Clint

Posted: Fri Nov 15, 2013 2:03 pm
by GordonBH
Hi Clint,

Glad to see you here too, I thought I'd lost your wisdom fro good. I use both sites to build my technical knowledge as I'm not well known and have no axes to grind Also my first V8 let alone V8 bike. I just like the idea of V8ers helping each other out - some of us are a long ways from a dealer (I'm 3 countries away) and need all the tips we can get.

You've been a great help to me (just a newbie) and with a health scare like yours you don't need to take no shit.

Chill out amongst a bunch of relaxed V8 bikers/trikers - it should be about camaraderie and sharing knowledge. This lot seem to be a free thinking lot - I mean who would get away with a titty Friday topic these days!

Re: Clint

Posted: Fri Nov 15, 2013 3:02 pm
by Carl La Fong
Free thinkers?!?!? If you want my thoughts, yer gonna pay. Here's how it works;
Answers: Free
Answers requiring thought; A buck
Correct Answers: 5 bucks
No refunds. Not responsible for inaccuracies

Re: Clint

Posted: Fri Nov 15, 2013 6:48 pm
by Clint44
SQ4MN wrote:Clint, I bet you'll enjoy just being a member and not a moderator on a site where everything and anything is just fine. You won't have to deal with self righteous Adrian either. I hope we even get more V8 guys from the other site over here too. In any event I'm glad to see that you're here. I feel like I was part of your headache, at least that won't be the case anymore.
Yeah it does,Dave. I'm looking forward to just hanging out here,not being concerned about the other site,and just having fun again.
This site has everything one needs and it has the one thing you have to have,enthusiastic owners who give a damn. All we need to do here is spread the word to increase site traffic. I'm going to talk to some of my friends over there and ask them to register here.

Re: Clint

Posted: Sat Nov 16, 2013 9:15 pm
by Ric
Hey, I just got back on this site quite by accident. I was using a buddies lap top and forgot the other site's official name… and the one site that was logged in my failing memory bank was this one. I saw W1ldman's signature and knew I stumbled my way back 'home'! I thought the V8bike site was no longer, so I never reattempted to find it. Glad I'm wrong.

You are one of the familiars to me Clint. I was pleased that you took the helm as a moderator, because all of what you offered in the past was lent itself to the validity of you making that change. The other site has it's own unique qualities, but too many of you cool cats bailed (I thought you all maybe sold your computers and went back to watching TV or some foolish behaviour like that. It's a relief to see this site is still sailing, and very well by the looks of things!

I all but stopped posting those stupid cartoons of mine on the other site, because my brand of humour may not align itself with the ideals of the other site. I'd often draw up a cartoon in response to some comments (in Jest, of course)… and always second guessed whether it would be 'appropriate' over there. So I often gave that sheet of paper 'the thousand folds' with one hand and hook shot it into the round file.

I certainly will still visit the other site, because there are too many cool cats that have not migrated over here. I understand many don't agree with the current moderator over there - I have never had issue with him, in fact, he's helped me through a lot of technical bizz - But that's ok… I forgive me. :)

Re: Clint

Posted: Sun Nov 17, 2013 9:33 am
by V8Bikers
I'd often draw up a cartoon in response to some comments (in Jest, of course)… and always second guessed whether it would be 'appropriate' over there. So I often gave that sheet of paper 'the thousand folds' with one hand and hook shot it into the round file.
Ric, stop filling your trash can! Please feel free to post any and all cartoons.

Re: Clint

Posted: Sun Nov 17, 2013 12:46 pm
by GordonBH

I've chuckled at a few of your cartoons myself, get back into it mate and forget origami, what's wrong with a laugh and cutting wit and you can get away with it under the right to represent the public interest.


Re: Clint

Posted: Sun Nov 17, 2013 4:31 pm
by Clint44
Glad to see you posting over here,Ric. Sure would like to see you posting your cartoons over here. Kinda rare to see anyone getting all butt-hurt about something on this site.

I haven't abandoned the other site but am just taking a sabbatical for awhile.
Life goes on,my friend.

Re: Clint

Posted: Sun Nov 17, 2013 7:54 pm
by SQ4MN
I really appreciate that you can say whatever you want here. If someone don't like it they can either tell you so or shut up or whatever but nobody takes a side and deletes it. There are GENUINELY knowledgeable guys over here to give technical advice and thats what most of us deem important, the rest is just banter.

Re: Clint

Posted: Mon Nov 18, 2013 10:10 am
by Harold Blocker
Welcome Clint. I love this site and always have. I personally feel that adults can police themselves and that the fewer the rules the better. We have no problems here. If something doesn't suit you....just speak up. Seems way more relaxed and enjoyable here.

Re: Clint

Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2013 3:32 pm
by Clint44
I logged onto the other site and can't access any of the forums now. Was going to update and bump our classified ad. :shakehead:

Re: Clint

Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2013 3:43 pm
by Carl La Fong
It must be an error of some sort. I, briefly, logged in yesterday to tell someone, via PM, to come over here.
If they'll still let me on, they'll let anyone on.
I did go into my profile and deleted all of it. I also deleted them from my bookmarks. I still have to check in once a week, or so. Maybe I need to attend a 12 step program.