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Re: Destination Cycles

Posted: Mon Nov 25, 2013 8:34 pm
by CanuckHoss
Shriner wrote:Two reasons for my statement.

1. Barry did in fact promote his business on the other site and he did have his business name in his signature. He continued doing this, knowing full well it was against the rules of the site. He would deny promoting his business in any way shape or form on the site when asked about it.Barry clearly and knowingly violated the rules and conditions on the other site.
This did rub me the wrong way for quite some time, that he he would use the site for his financial gain and not adhere to the rules about being a sponsor.

2. I guess i never got over the fact where Barry stuck his nose in a situation that was none of his business, and he made the public statement that one of the parties involved had NO integrity. He made it perfectly clear who he was talking about. That member is well respected by myself and i am sure many others here. To hear Barry say he had NO integrity just blew my mind.
The incident involved the sale, or the lack of a sale of a V8 Chopper.

Actions such as these do have a way of pissing some people off, and it did piss me off and i guess it still does.

Does this really consititute a step backwards for this site? Probably not... but i feel better getting it out of my system.

WHEW, that is the most i have posted in years :)


Thanks for replying. I don't want to and won't create an argument...just wanted to reply quickly and let this all be in the past.

As far as the 'free" advertising on the other site I know there were a couple mentions of it BUT honestly no one ever PM'd or otherwise really said anything about it. I was not a listed Boss Hoss dealer until April 2013 and at that time I signed up for a year of advertising on that site.

With respect to that V8 Chopper incident I believe I do know which one you are referring to. More partys than I stuck our noses into that one without knowing the full story BUT if that is what I stated about another member and was wrong then I was wrong to say it and need to apologize for that. ..not sure who the other member was but the apology applies to you also if you are on this Forum.

I hope we can put this all in the past...sounds like it might take a while but hopefully not.


Re: Destination Cycles

Posted: Tue Nov 26, 2013 10:31 am
by GordonBH
CanuckHoss wrote:
GordonBH wrote:
Thanks Gordon...I believe Campbell in Scotland is really close to getting his that I sold him...waiting anxiously to hear
Hi Barry,

I'll PM him offline and get an update. And he moans that you don't read your emails, LOL.


Re: Destination Cycles

Posted: Tue Nov 26, 2013 11:26 am
by CanuckHoss
GordonBH wrote:
CanuckHoss wrote:
GordonBH wrote:
Thanks Gordon...I believe Campbell in Scotland is really close to getting his that I sold him...waiting anxiously to hear
Hi Barry,

I'll PM him offline and get an update. And he moans that you don't read your emails, LOL.


He forgets sometimes that we are 9 hours or so in time difference... Dealing with him has been great. We have had about 15 emails back and forth in the past 2 days getting the customs charges finalized..he is close!

Re: Destination Cycles

Posted: Tue Nov 26, 2013 6:38 pm
by Shriner
Thanks for your response Barry. As far as i am concerned, this deal is behind us and now we can move on and watch this site grow and prosper.

I guess this proves the theory that we can work this kind of stuff out, if the thread is not deleted before it is given a chance.


Re: Destination Cycles

Posted: Tue Nov 26, 2013 6:43 pm
by CanuckHoss
Shriner wrote:Thanks for your response Barry. As far as i am concerned, this deal is behind us and now we can move on and watch this site grow and prosper.

I guess this proves the theory that we can work this kind of stuff out, if the thread is not deleted before it is given a chance.

Thanks Gil.... :canada:

Re: Destination Cycles

Posted: Tue Nov 26, 2013 6:57 pm
by Iron Maiden
I guess this proves the theory that we can work this kind of stuff out, if the thread is not deleted before it is given a chance.


Re: Destination Cycles

Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2013 7:58 am
Barry, Thank you for the support! I've never known you to be other than a great asset to the other site, But I was absent for a long time. 8-) Brother Shriner! Glad to see you posting here. Thank you again for your over the top hospitality when I was having my Beast issues. Looking forward to getting together with you again over some cold beverages!!! :tequila:

Re: Destination Cycles

Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2013 4:02 pm
by petitemoose
:poke: I have heard that Destination cycles has a storefront that sells things such as T-shirts and Pull-overs etc. I have never actually SEEN one but i hear they are kinda cool ... :poke:

Re: Destination Cycles

Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2013 8:42 pm
by CanuckHoss
petitemoose wrote::poke: I have heard that Destination cycles has a storefront that sells things such as T-shirts and Pull-overs etc. I have never actually SEEN one but i hear they are kinda cool ... :poke:
Ladies and gentlemen...JAY LENO!!!! :canada:

Seriously though...see if I can rectify that this March Dennis as Bike week is in my sites again...although it is $1,200 shipping or so each way... :banghead:

Re: Destination Cycles

Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2013 9:17 pm
by petitemoose
OUCH! Hopefully you will find a buyer for one of your scoots somewhere between here and there that wants it delivered :)

Re: Destination Cycles

Posted: Wed Dec 04, 2013 6:39 am
by Gila
Hey Barry ,,, Congratulations on acquiring the BH dealership and thanks for sponsering the site ,,, Hope to see you guys before your end ,,,

I am flying to Alberta from overseas on Dec 28th ,,, will see if Ric will do a road trip with me to come have a beer with you before I head to Kelowna in the newyear ,,, need to discuss a couple things ,,,

Take Care

Re: Destination Cycles

Posted: Wed Dec 04, 2013 6:39 pm
by CanuckHoss
Gila wrote:Hey Barry ,,, Congratulations on acquiring the BH dealership and thanks for sponsering the site ,,, Hope to see you guys before your end ,,,

I am flying to Alberta from overseas on Dec 28th ,,, will see if Ric will do a road trip with me to come have a beer with you before I head to Kelowna in the newyear ,,, need to discuss a couple things ,,,

Take Care
Thanks Mike...give me a headsup before coming this way...

Re: Destination Cycles

Posted: Sat Dec 14, 2013 12:16 pm
by hellboy
Now that I'm posting again...I will say what's on my mind. Barry is an opportunist and did used the other site for business purposes for a number of years before to become a sponsor. While it may not be intentional but the consequences are the same. When my trike got damaged during transport, at the same time I lost a true Christian Brother to lung cancer - some of the member decided to attack me and say some very negative things about me. Barry was the one to send me a PM saying I didn't belong there. FYI, I've never bashed anyone but defended myself. As I've said before, it's easy for a member to talk trash behind a keyboard - they're called "keyboard Warrior".
So do I think Barry belong here...YES. No matter how hard you try to get me to hate - it's just not possible - it's not in my nature to hate, I'm a lover not a hater. Everyone and anyone who knows me will tell you that. Some of us could be having a bad day and sometimes forget to think before to act. I know because I'm guilty as well but I'm man enough to admit my wrongs. and when I do see Barry - I will give him one of my famous big hug. Peace and love, Robin

Re: Destination Cycles

Posted: Sat Dec 14, 2013 1:49 pm
by CanuckHoss
hellboy wrote:Now that I'm posting again...I will say what's on my mind. Barry is an opportunist and did used the other site for business purposes for a number of years before to become a sponsor. While it may not be intentional but the consequences are the same. When my trike got damaged during transport, at the same time I lost a true Christian Brother to lung cancer - some of the member decided to attack me and say some very negative things about me. Barry was the one to send me a PM saying I didn't belong there. FYI, I've never bashed anyone but defended myself. As I've said before, it's easy for a member to talk trash behind a keyboard - they're called "keyboard Warrior".
So do I think Barry belong here...YES. No matter how hard you try to get me to hate - it's just not possible - it's not in my nature to hate, I'm a lover not a hater. Everyone and anyone who knows me will tell you that. Some of us could be having a bad day and sometimes forget to think before to act. I know because I'm guilty as well but I'm man enough to admit my wrongs. and when I do see Barry - I will give him one of my famous big hug. Peace and love, Robin
I will reply to this but not before I cool down....

Re: Destination Cycles

Posted: Sat Dec 14, 2013 4:50 pm
by CanuckHoss
hellboy wrote:Now that I'm posting again...I will say what's on my mind. Barry is an opportunist and did used the other site for business purposes for a number of years before to become a sponsor. While it may not be intentional but the consequences are the same. When my trike got damaged during transport, at the same time I lost a true Christian Brother to lung cancer - some of the member decided to attack me and say some very negative things about me. Barry was the one to send me a PM saying I didn't belong there. FYI, I've never bashed anyone but defended myself. As I've said before, it's easy for a member to talk trash behind a keyboard - they're called "keyboard Warrior".
So do I think Barry belong here...YES. No matter how hard you try to get me to hate - it's just not possible - it's not in my nature to hate, I'm a lover not a hater. Everyone and anyone who knows me will tell you that. Some of us could be having a bad day and sometimes forget to think before to act. I know because I'm guilty as well but I'm man enough to admit my wrongs. and when I do see Barry - I will give him one of my famous big hug. Peace and love, Robin
a person who exploits circumstances to gain immediate advantage rather than being guided by consistent principles or plans.


Hold grudges much?? jeeeppers!!! I will keep this civil and respectable. As I stated with Shriner a few weeks back I won't get into an argument..state my side once and I am done.

Unfortunately you are way off on your analysis of me....actually WRONG would be stronger words according to the definition above. I have already explained my position over the years about not advertising on the other site when Shriner and I chatted on here. Not good enough for you? I fail too see where even bringing this up again now on this site, that I am helping pay the expenses for, is relevant at all. Please Re-Read my answer to Shriner
You were a member of the other site for a short time when you came down on a well respected member / dealer and and my friend. I stood up for him then, as did others and I still stand up for him apologies for that at all. You claim I asked you to leave the site...I don't remember doing that and to make an unsupported statement like that here also has no value..."if" it was done and done in a pm then it was between you and me..I still doubt I asked you. Unfortunately I asked Clint to delete a Visitors Message from you awhile ago that I kept for quite a while...finally figured it was just collecting dust with bad vibes...could have been dusted it off and used it here..oh well.

An Opportunist? I guess I did take the opportunity this summer at Sturgis to pass up one of my 3 days there and a great a day of riding with a bunch of V8 friends when I decided instead to drive a couple hours one way with my truck and help a stranded V8 friend. I was not expecting anything for it.

An Opportunist? I guess I did take the opportunity to help Ric get his Kewl Metal front end free from that Forum and throw in about $800 in labour.

An Opportunist? I guess I did take the opportunity over the years of free advertising and buy some of the members bikes from them so they could move forward with their next dream bike or dream trike.

My ads on the other site started this year when I became a dealer and are $1,200 per year...was not feasible to advertise there until this year. Probably honestly is still not as most of the members are US members who really don't need to buy anything big from me. Most of my dealing on that forum has and will be a Southward flow of regrets!! I wish I could have helped more members.

I could go on but unfortunately you may still not understand is hard to change anyone's mind on have the right to be wrong and I give you that right..

Anybody else want to tell me what an opportunist I was on the other site feel free to sling away! Wide shoulders and a positive attitude because after all "ALL IS WELL"!!!!

Re: Destination Cycles

Posted: Sat Dec 14, 2013 6:10 pm
by Carl La Fong
I don't want to get into this subject again, but there were some posts, on the Nancy Boy site, regarding Robin and the issues that he had with his trike, that were mean spirited and completely out of line. People jumping to conclusions, though they had no first hand knowledge of what happened. People demanding pictures of the damage, so they could make their expert forensic analysis of what happened. People just getting shitty with him, rather than trying to help in a very unfortunate situation where he shelled out a big wad of money for a banged up trike. I recall some of the messages and their senders. They can bite me. That thread, along with another attack by another member, whom I will call, The King of the Assholes (not Adrian), is why I left the first time.
I think we need to wipe the slate clean here and start over.

Re: Destination Cycles

Posted: Sat Dec 14, 2013 6:13 pm
by hellboy
Brother Barry, First, thanks for your response. Perhaps the word Opportunist was the wrong choice of words but I do feel that you used the other site a bit to promote your business long before you became a sponsor.
If the friend you're referring to is the owner of the 606 in Canada. Then you're absolutely correct. But understand what happened before to jump the gun. When I got bashed by several of the members for absolutely no reasons whatsoever especially when my dream trike got trashed during transport and I was lost a true brother to lung cancer - I was; quite frankly very hurt. You friend stepped in to help but I was so blinded with anger that I thought he was attacking me. I did apologized shortly afterwards via PM. I explained to him what happened and he being a honorable man - accepted my apology ( I still have the message if you don't believe me). But then you went on to start bashing me for calling everyone "Brother". This I don't forget. FYI, I happened to be a proud member of one of the world's largest and respectable Motorcycle club that has Chapters all over the world including Finland, South Africa and Japan. We always refer to one another as "Brother". I apologize if I offended anyone but it's a habit hard to break. As for the PM saying "I should leave because I don't fit" - I still have it in my PM box and will be more than happy to forward it back to you. Perhaps you were blinded with anger because I wrongly attacked your friend. Moving on - I'm truly glad to hear your heartfelt story about helping a Brother in need - we need more Brothers like you. Don't get me wrong - I don't hold a grudge but I do get even...especially to the member that started the bashing when a Brother was down. That member is NOT you and I don't hold a grudge against you but feel that you could be a tad bit more understanding toward a Brother when he's down before to bash him. BTW, I've been a member of the other site since 2007. And Brother Barry - I DO understand you. I stand firm on my BIG hug. Peace and love, Robin

This is a copy of the PM from you.

[QUOTE=HELLBOY][QUOTE=CanuckHoss]Take a good look in the mirror before you start pointing fingers.

I was still trying to sooth thngs over this morning and you would have no part of it.

Your true colors ...which are pretty ugly ....came out in the last post to Stu who was also trying to help you and calm things down. I have it for reference in an email and will use it on the Forum if need be.

You don't get it at all.

Best thing you could do is just take your membership and leave because it is obvious you don't fit and will cause .... no matter what.[/QUOTE]

Re: Destination Cycles

Posted: Sat Dec 14, 2013 6:53 pm
by CanuckHoss
hellboy wrote:Brother Barry, First, thanks for your response. Perhaps the word Opportunist was the wrong choice of words but I do feel that you used the other site a bit to promote your business long before you became a sponsor.
If the friend you're referring to is the owner of the 606 in Canada. Then you're absolutely correct. But understand what happened before to jump the gun. When I got bashed by several of the members for absolutely no reasons whatsoever especially when my dream trike got trashed during transport and I was lost a true brother to lung cancer - I was; quite frankly very hurt. You friend stepped in to help but I was so blinded with anger that I thought he was attacking me. I did apologized shortly afterwards via PM. I explained to him what happened and he being a honorable man - accepted my apology ( I still have the message if you don't believe me). But then you went on to start bashing me for calling everyone "Brother". This I don't forget. FYI, I happened to be a proud member of one of the world's largest and respectable Motorcycle club that has Chapters all over the world including Finland, South Africa and Japan. We always refer to one another as "Brother". I apologize if I offended anyone but it's a habit hard to break. As for the PM saying "I should leave because I don't fit" - I still have it in my PM box and will be more than happy to forward it back to you. Perhaps you were blinded with anger because I wrongly attacked your friend. Moving on - I'm truly glad to hear your heartfelt story about helping a Brother in need - we need more Brothers like you. Don't get me wrong - I don't hold a grudge but I do get even...especially to the member that started the bashing when a Brother was down. That member is NOT you and I don't hold a grudge against you but feel that you could be a tad bit more understanding toward a Brother when he's down before to bash him. BTW, I've been a member of the other site since 2007. And Brother Barry - I DO understand you. I stand firm on my BIG hug. Peace and love, Robin

This is a copy of the PM from you.
HELLBOY wrote:
CanuckHoss wrote:Take a good look in the mirror before you start pointing fingers.

I was still trying to sooth thngs over this morning and you would have no part of it.

Your true colors ...which are pretty ugly ....came out in the last post to Stu who was also trying to help you and calm things down. I have it for reference in an email and will use it on the Forum if need be.

You don't get it at all.

Best thing you could do is just take your membership and leave because it is obvious you don't fit and will cause .... no matter what.

Nice...real Nice...I stand by what I said in the PM to you based on what trranspired before...we can disagree on that.

BUT you are wrong again on 2 counts...not the friend I was referring to AND....I was NOT the one who attacked you for calling us all was someone else so unfortunately your memory is not as good as you thought.

You posted here first what you thought about my situation and I responded to it nicely I beleive and it could have been left at that.

You are attacking me about other things now...posting my PM and it is obvious you have an agenda that I will not buy into...sorry

I can now see why a big dealer and major sponsor of the other site pulled his advertising there..

Re: Destination Cycles

Posted: Sat Dec 14, 2013 7:18 pm
by hellboy
Barry I have a copy of the exact post where you bashed me for using the word "Brother"...Do I need to print it here also?
In regards to posting the PM, you made it almost as if I was lying - that I won't stand for - that's why I printed it here.
As the other dealer pulling out...let me refresh your memory...I said nothing but the truth and some of the other respected members including a mod started to attack this dealer. That's why I deleted the thread altogether. Please get your facts straight. This is another direct attack from you. I have no other agenda but to speak the truth.

Re: Destination Cycles

Posted: Sat Dec 14, 2013 7:22 pm
by CanuckHoss
:banghead: :frustrated: :banghead: :frustrated:

I am done....

Re: Destination Cycles

Posted: Sat Dec 14, 2013 9:54 pm
by Clint44
What a bunch of horseshit! Are we going to re-hash that thread on the other site,Again? For what purpose?

Re: Destination Cycles

Posted: Sat Dec 14, 2013 10:05 pm
by V8 Perv
OMG such language!

Doesn't it feel good Clint to be able to speak you mind?
Sometimes G rated language just doesn't make it.

By the way I totally agree with your post.

Re: Destination Cycles

Posted: Sat Dec 14, 2013 10:28 pm
by Carl La Fong

Re: Destination Cycles

Posted: Sat Dec 14, 2013 11:15 pm
by Gila
Clint ,,, I am thinking three hail Mary's are in order ,,, LOL ,, I love this site ,,, never knew about it until a week ago ,,, came upon it by accident ,,, Can't believe Clint lost it ,,, LOL

Re: Destination Cycles

Posted: Sat Dec 14, 2013 11:17 pm
by hellboy
I guess I'm trying to reach closure. Last year a lot of painful shit was thrown at me for no fucking good reason not to mention I was also blamed for a sponsor removing his support. The only way I could deal with it at the time was to disappear and try to deal with my trike situation but that shit stayed within me, sort of made me very very FUCKING angry inside - when Barry joined this site as a sponsor I was reminded of this hatred and as result I spoke my mind (maybe too much of it). Tried to make peace but an old wound opened up and that's what happened. Maybe to some I'm beating a dead horse but I'm really trying to deal with the anger that bottled up while I took a leave...not a easy thing to do especially for a retired kick-boxer. It's not like I can destroy a 200 pound punching bag like I've done prior to my physical disability. I also agree with Clint, Ron and John but I don't know how else to get rid of this anger. I'm told that talking about it helps and I guess that's what I'm trying to do.